M A I N   N E W S

PM writes to Rajapaksa over CHOGM decision
Tribune New Service

Prime Minister Manmohan SinghNew Delhi, November 10
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has written to Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa, explaining his inability to attend the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) to be held in Colombo next week.

He has also informed Colombo that External Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid would lead the Indian delegation to the summit to be held from November 15-17. Khurshid would be assisted by Foreign Secretary Sujatha Singh and other senior officials of the External Affairs Ministry.

The PM's letter was handed over to the Lankan Foreign Ministry yesterday by the Indian High Commission in Colombo.

This followed the decision taken by the government that the PM would give a miss to the summit to register India’s disapproval of human rights violations in the island nation.

Manmohan Singh is believed to have avoided giving any particular reason for not attending the summit. The letter was more in the nature of a reply to Rajapaksa’s communication to Manmohan Singh in August, inviting him for the summit, a source said.

Khurshid today admitted that emotive sentiments in Tamil Nadu over the plight of Lankan Tamils did influence the PM’s decision to skip CHOGM. However, it would be wrong to look at any one single dimension to the decision, he added.

Khurshid did not agree with a suggestion that the PM’s decision would in any way affect India’s relations with Sri Lanka.

While the BJP was critical of the PM’s decision against attending the summit, DMK chief welcomed it, saying “Manmohan Singh has at least listened our voice.’’

Lankan Tamils’ issue

  • In his letter, Manmohan explained his inability to attend the meeting to be held in Colombo next week
  • Foreign Minister Salman Khurshid on Sunday admitted that emotive sentiments in Tamil Nadu over the plight of Lankan Tamils did influence the PM’s decision to skip CHOGM





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