s t a r   p o w e r               APARSHAKTI
[ March 21 to April 20) ]
Your financial situation might get better as the week progresses, making things easier. Instead of splurging the extra cash on frivolous pursuits, invest it in shares or gold. Lucky colour: Green. 

[ April 21 to May 21 ]
Work pressure might be increase over the next couple of days. Try finishing your work before time so that it allows you to spend more time with your family. Lucky colour: Peach.
[ May 22 to June 21 ]
Lately, people have been acting indifferent. This has been bothering you. Talk to them and work things out. Work-wise, things might go as per schedule. Lucky colour: Pink.
[ June 22 to July 22 ]
Lots of ups and down this week, especially in relationships. The best way to deal with it is let the other person has his say and do not get agitated over trivial things. Lucky colour: Pastel green.
[ July 23 to Aug 23 ]
You are going to be vocal about your needs, intentions and desires. You can also expect professional changes. People planning to buy something significant might be able to do so this week. Lucky colour: Yellow.
[ Aug 24 to Sept 22 ]
Minor setbacks may confuse you in making a decision. However, things will eventually fall in place. Look within for answers that will guide you in the right direction. Lucky colour: Crimson.
[Sept 23 to Oct 23 ]
Don’t expect immediate changes. Stars give a green signal to those planning a house. Guiding principle this week is more play and less work. Give priority to travel plans. Lucky colour: Deep red.

[Oct 24 to Nov 22 ]
Be wary of people who twist and turn things to their advantage. Loved ones may extend support to your problem-solving capacity. Lucky colour: White.

[ Nov 23 to Dec 23

Things have not been going your way. And you are feeling down in the dumps. Nevertheless, the week-end will end positively giving you the energy and optimism to carry on. Lucky colour: Grey.
[Dec 24 to Jan 20]
You may have a better understanding of your business. However, there is no harm in listening to advice given with a good intent. Those in a relationship will have to make some sacrifices. Lucky colour: Fuchsia. 
[ Jan 21 to Feb 18 ]
Those in the creative field will fare well. Financial transactions will work out in your favour, but guard against people who are eyeing your money. Joint pains may bother you. Go for check-up. Lucky colour: Violet.
[Feb 19 to March 20 ]
Most of the time you will be organising and settling things at the workplace. Plan your finances to avoid stress in the future. A good time to unwind with pals. Lucky colour: Bottle Green.


November 10
The year will be average in terms of career and financial gains. Students need to devote more time to studies and crash courses. Venus sextile Moon cause love and romance in March. 

November 11
A progressive year, with several new chances to improve your financial position. Try to work in close co-operation with others. Home and family life would see ups and downs. A long pending litigation will be resolved amicably. 

November 12
A year for hard work and gradual progress. Health-wise, you still need to be careful. Educational and sports activities are under favourable stars. August is good for purchasing luxury item. 

November 13
The year will begin with best of the trends in all aspects of life. Expenses will be high for a worthy cause during March-April. Sports and cultural activities are highlighted. 

November 14
Financial matters will progress in a phased manner. Happiness at home is assured in July. Your son will continue to be source of worry. Relationship with in-laws will be cordial.

November 15
This is the year to consolidate position in job or profession. Financially, your anticipated target appears to be a dream. April-May bring harmony with beloved. 

November 16
An exalted Moon bestows extensive travel and unexpected changes. Those in the final year of their education will get through with distinction. Housewives will find the year taxing. 


November 10: Panchak starts at 9:50pm, Gopashtami
November 11: Akshay navami, Kushmandh navami
November 13: Devprobodhini ekadashi fast, Bhisham panchak starts, Tulsi vivah after 07:12pm, Chaturmasya fast starts
November 14: Tulsi vivah, Mohram Tazia
November 15: Panchak starts at 09:13am, pradosh fast, Vaikushth chaturdarshi, Gandmoola
November 16: Margshirsh sankranti
Investment: Monday/ Friday
Entertainment: Wednesday.
Meditation/ Donation: Thursday.
Love & Romance: Sunday.
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