’Art & Soul




Southern heroes rock Bollywood
Aradhika Sharma
South Indian heroines have danced their way into the hearts of audiences in the North but it has not been so easy for the heroes. Change is in the offing as heroes and directors from the South create waves
When movies like Chennai Express and Madras Café can create the excitement and generate the buzz on boxoffice, then it's time to sit up and take notice. Could it be that the Hindi film viewer has finally become global enough to accept the South on celluloid? While Mumbai filmdom has accepted heroines from the South with open arms, and, to some extent, the music directors and filmmakers, who are behind the scenes, it has not yet allowed the South to either prevail as an entity on screen; nor has the South Indian hero really been accepted.

Music zone
Kanye West — Yeezus
(Def Jam)
What makes Kanye’s sixth solo album compelling despite its throng of haunting shrieks and leftist production is that he manages to remain as entertaining as ever. On Site opens the disc with distorted synths and once the beat kicks in, Kanye raps furiously about some of his most familiar subjects. In addition to Rick Rubin as executive producer, Kanye has enlisted an elite production team to bring the album to its full potential.

Broad brush

Good health
Monsoon mélange
Anjali Mukerjee
Monsoon is the time when diseases, particularly of the digestive system, are rampant. So temper that hearty appetite with a dose of caution during this season
We need to be very careful about the food we eat and the water we drink during the monsoon as our digestion gets weakened. The dosha, which is most likely to go out of balance is vaata. Vaata aggravation leads to gas formation and indigestion, which most of us unknowingly experience during monsoon. The rains will tempt you to gorge on bhajiyas, sweets, and large helpings of steamy hot food at mealtimes.

Health Capsules
Dad's lifestyle could affect DNA of many generations
Moderate paternal exposures, like smoking, can raise the number of mutations passed on to the coming generations, a new research has suggested. Gene mutations caused by a father's lifestyle can be inherited by his children, even if those mutations occurred before conception. The findings also show that mutations in the germ-line are present in all cells of the children, including their own germ cells. This means that a father's lifestyle has the potential to affect the DNA of multiple generations and not just his immediate offspring.

Energetic kids, not trouble magnets
Aditi Garg
Children with more energy than their peers, siblings, parents or teachers should not be labelled as being attention deficit. You should slow down and look at what is driving the child's behaviour
Swati has to go for a dinner party and has already dressed her kids. As she steps out of her room, all ready for the party, she flies into a rage at the sight of her eight-year-old son. Drenched from head to toe, he wears a guilty look on his face. Her younger daughter explains how he accidentally turned on the shower in the bathroom. She is at her wits' end as to how to deal with him as accidents always seem to be attracted towards him.

Soul Talk
Women less assertive about credit
Under normal circumstances, women will willingly take full credit due to them in a team assignment. But if they have a male team member, they let go some of that credit. University of Massachusetts Lowell and NYU have conducted a study and the researchers have found that women valued their contribution less when they were with a male team member.

Spanish rhapsody
Kalpana Sunder
Sitges near Barcelona has always had the reputation for being rebellious. The town, with its bohemian outlook and tolerant attitude, is one of Europe’s most gay-friendly destinations. It is also a sun worshipper’s delight with more than 17 beaches surrounding it


Campus capers
Nirupama Dutt
College romance in Hindi films shows signs of growing up to address the problems of the youth today sugar coated by love and laughter
An ageing messenger in a newspaper office would sip his tea and tell the scribes around in a very profound manner: "There is no life without wife and no knowledge without college!" He must have had his reasons for this oft-repeated line that always drew laughter.

The rainbow actress
Shoma A. Chatterji
Vidya Balan added another feather to her cap with a comic role in her recent film Ghanchakkar. The versatile actor chats up about her career, directors and roles
Vidya Balan’s colourful career invests her with the seven colours of the rainbow in terms of her choice of films, portrayal of characters and the range of directors she has worked with. Excerpts from an interview


FOOD TALKThe tinda gets a makeover
by Pushpesh Pant

CONSUMERS BEWARE: You can demand fee refund
by Pushpa Girimaji

by H. Kishie Singh

LIFE'S LESSONS: The finest steel

FRUIT FACTSLitchi is a super fruit
Dr Chiranjit Parmar

Webside HUMOUR: The power of repetition
by Sunil Sharma

by Karuna Goswamy

weekly horoscope


Making an iconic tome handy
Reviewed by Roopinder Singh
Concise Encyclopaedia of Sikhism
Ed. Harbans Singh. Abridged. Dharam Singh
Publication Bureau, Punjabi University, Patiala.
Pages 723. Rs 1,400.

Struggle to balance two cultures
Reviewed by Ajab Boparai
Other Waters
by Eleni N. Gage
Pages 348. Rs 295

‘Despite growth in technology, we are no different from humans a thousand years ago’
Vibha Sharma
All our institutions are based on Western principles. Our economic and political systems are based on Western principles.

The fight for change
Reviewed by Balwinder Kaur
We Create History
by Charandeep Singh
Publishing. Pages 244.
Rs 180.