A ‘devil’ who cracked the dementia code
Neuroscientist Ryuta Kawashima is the brains behind a series of zany video puzzle games that keep millions of Japanese people entertained. Could these brain puzzles also bring back lost memories?
David McNeill
RYUTA Kawashima is used to children pointing at him on the street. They often shout “Kawashima Devil!” It’s the price the neuroscientist pays for being the famous face of a lucrative series of brain puzzles that he developed for Nintendo.

Prof Yash Pal

Prof Yash Pal

This Universe
When we speak a particular language, is there any way in which the particles of air oscillate? Is the oscillation of particles different for different languages? If no, then how can we distinguish which language is being spoken?

Nobel contender sees multiple cosmic mysteries
GENEVA: Francois Englert, the Belgian physicist widely tipped to share a Nobel prize this year with Britain’s Peter Higgs, said many cosmic mysteries remain despite the discovery of the boson that gave shape to the universe.


A ‘devil’ who cracked the dementia code
Neuroscientist Ryuta Kawashima is the brains behind a series of zany video puzzle games that keep millions of Japanese people entertained. Could these brain puzzles also bring back lost memories?
David McNeill

The neuroscientist himself appears in videos as a disembodied, floating head with horns and a bright red face, asking “devilishly” hard maths and memory questions.
The neuroscientist himself appears in videos as a disembodied, floating head with horns and a bright red face, asking “devilishly” hard maths and memory questions. — Thinkstockphotos

RYUTA Kawashima is used to children pointing at him on the street. They often shout “Kawashima Devil!” It’s the price the neuroscientist pays for being the famous face of a lucrative series of brain puzzles that he developed for Nintendo.

Kawashima appears in the videos as a disembodied, floating head with horns and a bright red face, asking “devilishly” hard maths and memory questions. Millions of games have been sold, earning him royalties of over $30m. But, he says, his games are more than just a fun way to learn: they could, in fact, provide a revolutionary new way to treat dementia.

The 54-year-old refused to keep the money he made from the brain puzzle series, ploughing much of it into a research centre in Japan’s Tohoku University, attached to the Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer. Kawashima’s 40-strong team of young scientists spends their days working on ways to train our working memory and stimulate the prefrontal cortex, the area of the brain that deals with problem-solving and personality. Brain exercises have been shown to expand the cortex of healthy young people, he says, “So why not the old?”

That question animates a remarkable new documentary on Kawashima’s work. ‘In Do You Know What My Name Is?’ pensioners with severe dementia at a care home in the US state of Cleveland, Ohio, are seen recovering the use of their memories after using a six-month programme of learning therapy he designed. Some are almost literally brought back to life, transformed from depressed, hollow shells slipping inexorably toward death back into sociable, happy people.

“We neuroscientists knew that brain plasticity exists in young subjects. The new point is that we now know it exists even in the brains of dementia sufferers,” Kawashima explains. He says stimulating the frontal cortex clearly improves memory and brainpower: “We found that the best candidate for training working memory in people with dementia is reading aloud and performing simple arithmetic.”

Kawashima claims his own tests show an improvement in up to six out of 10 dementia sufferers, and he thinks that this can be bettered.

Dementia, a catch-all term for symptoms that include loss of memory and cognitive function, afflicts about 8,00,0000 people in the UK, according to the Alzheimer’s Society. The symptoms are progressive, robbing victims of memory, confidence, personality and, eventually, life as they slowly fade away. The condition costs the UK economy an estimated £23bn a year, says the Society, and there is no known cure or preventative — only the use of expensive drugs to delay the onset.

With the number of sufferers expected to treble worldwide from 36 million to 115 million by 2050, according to the World Health Organisation, scientists are increasingly turning to non-drug treatment.

A paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences says a simple, cheap prescription of vitamins B6 and B12, and folic acid can slow the decline of grey matter. Nurses at care homes around the world use approaches such as music, art therapy and card games in an attempt to keep older brains stimulated and alive.

Japan is a test case for dementia because it is the world’s fastest-ageing society, with nearly a quarter of the population aged 65 or older. For about a decade, thousands of private nursing homes across the country have been using Kawashima’s learning therapy, essentially a series of 30-minute brain exercises done every day, five days a week. The method has spread through word of mouth, after nurses and strapped local governments almost universally reported a slowing or even reversal of cognitive decline in subjects.

So far, however, Japan’s powerful Ministry of Health has so far refused to fund large-scale clinical trials, Kawashima laments. He believes he knows why: “Many doctors are not happy with our results because if they use our method they can’t sell drugs. This is a very big market in Japan and they’re losing a lot of money.”

Because his approach is marketed via a private company called Kumon Institute of Education, he insists he doesn’t, in any case, need government help. The Ministry of Health declined to comment on his method. As Kawashima’s fame has grown, so has interest in his work — along with criticism. Some scientists have branded him a charlatan who has made a lot of money selling crank theories. Others say the jury is still out.

“I think he is a compelling character, and has some excellent ideas,” says Professor Clive Ballard, a researcher on dementia with University College London. “They aren’t yet well supported though by research evidence,” he adds.

The problem, Kawashima admits, is the dearth of large-scale clinical trials on his work. However, that may be changing soon. The Cleveland experiment is expected to spread elsewhere in the US and further afield too: Finland’s government is launching a bid to translate his learning therapy into the local language and culture.

“His work has a promise big enough to invest in a really big trial,” says Dr Juha Teperi, who is organising what he says will be a randomized sample of between 200 and 300 people. If Kawashima’s findings are repeated, “it would be a really big breakthrough,” Teperi believes.

The father of four boys, Kawashima is critical of modern lifestyles which, he says, may worsen dementia in years to come. Ironically, he is highly critical of video games. Playing for too long can inhibit the prefrontal cortex, he explains, because it is a passive activity, like watching TV.

“I only allowed my sons to play video games on Saturday and Sunday, for one hour each,” he says.

‘Do You Know What My Name Is?’ recently won the Audience Favourite award at the 2013 American Documentary Film Festival. The movie uses photos and family testimony to show the mental decline of accomplished, vibrant people until they eventually forget even the names of their heartbroken children.

A care worker repeatedly introduces himself to his elderly charges with the documentary’s eponymous question. By the end of the film, remarkably, some patients can recall this information.

“It’s an example of how we can make the lives of older people liveable again,” says Kawashima.

— The Independent


This Universe

When we speak a particular language, is there any way in which the particles of air oscillate? Is the oscillation of particles different for different languages? If no, then how can we distinguish which language is being spoken?

When we speak, sing or just converse in any language, we make sounds specific for our purpose. The speaking equipment given to all of us is very sophisticated and the manner in which we learn to use it is even more sophisticated. Our speaking apparatus is almost divine in character. It is perhaps the best musical instrument available to us. Only a few of us manage to truly give it the deserved godly character. Simple crude reference to sounds made by us is not adequate, it is almost rude! I will like to include in these the sounds and songs of birds, even whales.

Is it possible to make a satellite, which is orbiting around the Earth, come down by firing bullets at it?

Possible, if bullets are fired so as to slow down the satellite in appropriate direction. But it would remain a very dangerous way of deorbiting it.

Will dark matter increase its amount in future? If the universe collapses on itself, does it matter which way it collapses, as the universe has no centre?

You have turned 15 and you are full of questions. I cannot answer many of your questions. For example, I have no idea whether the amount of dark matter in the universe will increase as it expands. I am coming to an age when I should insist that instead of questions my correspondents should provide me answers and ask me about questions that might be connected with those questions. How about beginning this game?

Readers can e-mail questions to Prof Yash Pal at


Nobel contender sees multiple cosmic mysteries

Tracker Technology Co.’s new product “TBPT (The Best Pet Tracker)" is displayed on a stuffed toy dog during the 2013 Computex in Taipei on Thursday. Computex is Asia’s biggest annual IT trade fair, which opened on June 4.
Tracker Technology Co.’s new product “TBPT (The Best Pet Tracker)" is displayed on a stuffed toy dog during the 2013 Computex in Taipei on Thursday. Computex is Asia’s biggest annual IT trade fair, which opened on June 4. — AFP

GENEVA: Francois Englert, the Belgian physicist widely tipped to share a Nobel prize this year with Britain’s Peter Higgs, said many cosmic mysteries remain despite the discovery of the boson that gave shape to the universe.

And he predicted that new signs of the real makeup of the cosmos, and what might lie beyond, should emerge from 2015 when the world's most powerful research machine — the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN — goes back into operation.

Asteroid mining company wants to put your face in space

CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida: A privately owned asteroid mining firm, backed in part by Google Inc’s founders, has launched a crowd-funding project to gauge public interest in a small space telescope that could serve as a backdrop for personal photographs, officials said. Planetary Resources, based in Bellevue, Washington, plans to build and operate telescopes to hunt for asteroids orbiting near Earth and robotic spacecraft to mine them for precious metals, water and other materials.

Genomics, particle physics top scientific charts

LONDON: Genomics and particle physics — offering different perspectives on the fundamental nature of life and the cosmos — are the two hottest areas of scientific research. Eight of the 21 most closely followed scientists in 2012 studied genes and their functions, while the single most-cited paper last year covered the hunt for the long-sought Higgs boson particle, according to a Thomson Reuters survey.

China to launch manned space mission this month

BEIJING: China will launch its next manned rocket in the middle of this month, carrying three astronauts to an experimental space module (the latest stage of an ambitious plan to build a space station), state media said. The Shenzhou 10 spaceship and its rocket had already been moved to the launch area at a remote site in the Gobi desert, the official Xinhua news agency reported. — Reuters

