Rediscovering Marx
Two of the leading thinkers of our time put forward the idea of a collective leadership that allows the rich diversity of radical and socialist traditions
From Marxism to Post-Marxism?
By Goran Therborn. 
Verso, London. Pages 194. £14.99.

How to Change the World
By Eric Hobsbawm.
Little, Brown, London. Pages 470. £25.
Reviewed by Shelley Walia

HE insistence that the egalitarian project of the Left was a product of a specific historical epoch and that it now has no place in a "post-socialist" world is a serious allegation. There are adherents to the idea of the end of history among thinkers of the Right and the Left who pin their hopes on the nation or the proletariat in different ways, and conflate the apparent collapse of a particular historical project with the collapse of history itself.

Books received: English

Insightful history
On China
By Henry Kissinger.
Allen Lane, London. 
Pages 586. Rs 899.
Reviewed by Parshotam Mehra
Henry Kissinger is a name to reckon with and not only because under the easily forgotten US President Nixon (1968-74), best remembered as "tricky Dick", he served as his country’s National Security Advisor and Secretary of State. A prolific writer, Kissinger has almost a score of books to his credit.

The magic of technique
Form and Style in Indian English Fiction
By Jagdish Batra.
Prestige Books. 
Pages 190. Rs 600.
Reviewed by Rajbir Deswal
TYLE studies in English fiction, besides the theme, do exist in the contemporary fiction analysis scenario, but only so far as the West is concerned. In case of Indian English novels, there is acute dearth of such content on the library racks and catalogues.

Repository of Sikh ethos
Turn of the Century: Sikh Concerns and Responses
By Kharak Singh.
Singh Brothers, Amritsar.
Pages 514. Rs 650.
Reviewed by Kanwalpreet

Kharak Singh had been involved in dealing with contemporary Sikh issues during his lifetime. He died on August 6, 2008, having written various articles and held seminars to highlight issues that have proved to be challenging to the Sikh community.

Anna advantage
Vishal Gulati
Anna inspires sale of books on his guiding light, Swami Vivekananda
HE man who is galvanising an entire nation against graft was himself inspired by a Hindu monk, who preached the message of Indian spirituality to the world. Books on Swami Vivekanada are flying off the shelves in Himachal Pradesh after Anna Hazare repeatedly referred to the philosopher-saint as the guiding light of his life.

Reading of renewal
Rebirth is about the resilience and beauty of the human spirit
ssam-born writer Jahnavi Barua, whose debut novel Rebirth is an intimate portrait of the passionate bond between a mother and her unborn child, sees her work as an account of resilience and beauty of the human spirit.

From the feminists
Arifa Akbar
remember going to the launch of one of Shere Hite's sex surveys which focussed on female desire, and being stunned not by what she said but by the precipitous heels. It looked like a book launch that could burst into burlesque at any moment.

Back of the book
The Storyteller of Marrakesh
By Joydeep Roy-Bhattacharya.
Pages 341. Rs 495.

  • Vengeance of Ravana
    By Ashok K. Banker.
    Pages 320. Rs 299.

  • Absolute Oneness
    By Vijay Singal.
    Wisdom Tree.
    Pages 125. Rs 95.