growth, environment
by Nirmal
Economic and Environmental Sustainability
of the Asian Region
Eds Sucha Singh Gill, Lakhwinder Singh and Reena Marwah.
Pages 461. Rs 895.
book is a collection of papers read out at a three-day international
conference organised by the Centre for South West Asia Study and Punjabi
University’s Department of Economics in collaboration with the
Association of Asia Scholars, New Delhi, at Patiala from November 14 to
16, 2008.
Reviewed by Aditi Garg
Why are We Still Like this Only
By Dr Jaideep Singh Chadha.
Diamond Books.
Pages 236. Rs 150.
sit back and describe in detail all the shortcomings of someone
requires some brains, but to sit up and take stock of your own flawed
existence takes a lot of heart. It is easy being judgemental, however,
what really needs courage is to look within with not rose-tinted glasses
but through a magnifying glass.
views on Buddhism
Reviewed by Ashok Vohra
The Buddha and His Dhamma: A
Critical Edition
By B. R. Ambedkar.
Eds Aakash Singh Rathore and Ajay Verma.
Oxford University Press.
Pages. xxxiii + 325. Rs 895.
Ambedkar’s first acquaintance with Buddha’s life, teachings and
philosophy was through Dada Keluskar’s book on the life of the Buddha.
Dada Keluskar, a leading litterateur of his time, had presented the book
to Ambedkar at a public meeting held to felicitate Ambedkar on his
passing the English fourth standard examination. Ambedkar was the first
in his community to do so.
Reviewed by Kanwalpreet
By Rajendra Prasad.
Pages 602. Rs 499.
thoughts of Dr Rajendra Prasad, the first President of India, penned in
this book reflect the mood of the common people of India during the
British rule. The memoirs are revealing because they minutely trace the
growth of the nation as well of Prasad himself.
portrait of a city
Reviewed by Ram Varma
Ahmedabad: From Royal City to
By Achyut Yagnik and Suchitra Sheth.
Penguin Books.
Pages xx + 348. Rs 450.
than the great towns founded by the British, Calcutta, Bombay and
Madras, and older than Jaipur founded by Raja Jaisingh, the city of
Amdavad, as its residents call it, was founded by Sultan Ahmed Shah of
Gujarat in 1411 AD. he British brought a touch of the Oxidant, of the
Gothic and the Renaissance, to their towns.
Leader’s legacy
Humra Quraishi
Nayantara Sahgal’s book Jawaharlal Nehru — Civilizing a Savage World
highlights this leader’s major concerns
Sahgal needs no lengthy introduction. Niece of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru.
Author of several fiction and non-fiction works, her political and
literary commentaries go well beyond the set historical and academic
tome revisited
Writer Shashi Tharoor
celebrates 21 years of The Great Indian Novel
of the best contemporary retelling of an Indian classical epic, The
Great Indian Novel, a transcreation of Ved Vyasa's Mahabharata
by writer-politician Shashi Tharoor, has completed 21 years since it was
published. The writer celebrated the 21st birthday of his book by
reading from it at the Arclight Literature Festival at the Alliance
Francaise in the Capital last weekend.
and leaders
Zafri Mudasser Nofil
Politicians are a caricature of
themselves, says graphic novelist
him, Indian politicians are often caricatures of themselves but
graphic novelist Sarnath Banerjee is more keen on dealing with people
that surround him - local heroes, hustlers, monsters and gods.
"Often they (Indian are caricatures of themselves, usually just a
profile is enough, just the way the person is should do the job,"
says Banerjee.

Television host Padma Lakshmi reads a book during a kickoff event for the National Education Association (NEA) Read Across America Day in Washington DC recently
Photo: AFP
of the book
Susanna’s Seven
By Ruskin Bond.
Pages 206. Rs 250.
By Samit Basu.
Pages 337. Rs 250
Mom Says ‘Get
By Himanshu Modi.
Pages 239. Rs 100.
By Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay.
Random House.
Pages 190. Rs 299.
On Two Feet and Wings
By Abbas Kazerooni.
Pages 233. Rs 250.