Crew members sit inside an Electric Piaggio Porter, made by The Artificial Vision and Intelligent Systems Laboratory (VisLab) of Parma University, as it is driven by a computer, in Kiev on August 4, 2010
Crew members sit inside an Electric Piaggio Porter, made by The Artificial Vision and Intelligent Systems Laboratory (VisLab) of Parma University, as it is driven by a computer, in Kiev on August 4, 2010. Two of these electric vehicles, mainly powered by solar energy, are making a 13,000-km trip from Milan to Shanghai as they demonstrate the feasibility of deploying autonomous “green” vehicles using today’s technology. Only the lead vehicle in the convoy is being driven by a person. —Reuters photo

Laser pointers may damage vision
K.S. Parthasarathy
S Dr.Timothy B L Ho, Firmley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Surrey, UK entered his house one evening, his seven year old son flashed a laser pointer on his face. The eye injury, he suffered, was not apparent immediately. Four days later, he developed an area of partial alteration of his field of vision His son found the device, a gift from a drug company, on his father’s desk.


  • Brain’s reward system helps drive placebo effect

  • Researchers find 95 genes affecting cholesterol

  • U.S. dietary supplements often contaminated

  • Could gut germs underlie Western allergies?

  • NASA girds for spacewalks to repair station

Prof Yash Pal

Prof Yash Pal

Prof Yash Pal
How is the earth’s magnetic field produced?
I think the magnetic field of the earth and other planets cannot be like that of a solid bar magnet in which magnetic domain is aligned. Planetary magnetic fields are more like electromagnets. Convecting and rotating magnetic material produce the magnetic field.


Laser pointers may damage vision
K.S. Parthasarathy

AS Dr.Timothy B L Ho, Firmley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Surrey, UK entered his house one evening, his seven year old son flashed a laser pointer on his face. The eye injury, he suffered, was not apparent immediately.

Four days later, he developed an area of partial alteration of his field of vision His son found the device, a gift from a drug company, on his father’s desk. Laser pointers which are common place now can damage vision if handled carelessly.

“My vision took several months to recover and initially I was very worried”, Dr Ho wrote in The British Medical Journal, (BMJ, 29 June 2010), when Drs Ziahosseini, Doris and Turner published in the BMJ, a laser injury case suffered by a teenager.

He bought a green diode laser pointer over the internet and shone the laser beam into his eyes while playing with it. He had no previous medical or ophthalmic problems. Tests confirmed disturbance of his retinal pigment epithelium; it took two months to improve his clearness of vision.

In yet another instance, while on the school bus, a friend attempted to determine whether a laser pointer would cause pupillary constriction (Arch Ophthalmol, Nov 1999). She made an 11 year old girl to stare at an activated laser pointer for several multi-second exposures with the right eye. The victim immediately noted decreased vision. It took many months to recover her vision; long term effects of the injury are unknown.

Retinal injuries from lasers may be caused by ablative, thermal or photochemical mechanisms. These depend on power, wavelength, exposure time and size of the pupil (BMJ, 27 May 2010). Normally, the adverse impact may be transient; they may disturb the retina and the interconnecting layers and may induce clinical conditions causing loss of sight later.

Laser pointers costing a few dollars are available in curio shops, electronic stores or office supply shops. You may buy them directly or through mail order or by placing orders with internet outlets. Children may use them as toys.

Most laser pointers used while presenting lectures operate in the visible light region of wavelengths between 600 to 670 nanometre (one-thousandth of a millionth of a metre, nm). They are low powered, battery operated, hand-held devices and are cheaper than those operating at green light of wavelength 532 nm.

The response of the eye depends on wavelength with a peak at about 550nm. It decreases as either end of the spectrum is reached. If laser pointers are compared at the wave lengths of 670 nm, 635 nm and 532 nm at the same power level, the brightness as eye perceives it will be nearly in the ratios of 1:10:30.When the laser beam is closer to the eye’s peak response, it can produce adequate visual stimulus at lower power levels.

If you want to buy a laser pointer choose only one that is labelled Class II and operates with a wavelength between 630 nm and 680 nm. Maximum output should be less than 5 milliwatts.

Before you use a laser pointer, read the caution or danger sticker carefully. Never point the laser at another person. Do not point a laser pointer at mirror-like surfaces. A reflected beam can act like a direct beam on the eye. Never look directly at the laser beam. Never view a laser beam using a binoculars or a microscope.

Lastly, you must not gift a laser pointer to a child. You may regret later. Laser pointers are not toys.

The writer is Raja Ramanna Fellow, Department of Atomic Energy


Brain’s reward system helps drive placebo effect

NEW YORK: Want to maximize the placebo effect? A good way to do this, according to a new study, is to tell someone they have a decent chance of getting the real treatment instead of a fake pill, but keep them guessing. In the study, Parkinson’s disease patients given a placebo after being told they had a 75 percent chance of receiving an active drug produced significant amounts of dopamine, a chemical key to the brain’s reward system that is scarce in the brains of patients with this disease.

Researchers find 95 genes affecting cholesterol

WASHINGTON: A scan of all the human DNA has turned up 95 genes that affect blood cholesterol, including a few affected by drugs on the market and others that might be the basis of new drugs, researchers said on Wednesday. Their findings demonstrate that regulating cholesterol levels is even more complex than many people knew but also point to some short-cuts to prevent heart disease.

U.S. dietary supplements often contaminated

WASHINGTON: Many popular dietary supplements contain ingredients that may cause cancer, heart problems, liver or kidney damage, but U.S. stores sell them anyway and Americans spend millions on them, according to Consumer Reports. The consumer magazine published a report on Tuesday highlighting the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s lack of power to regulate such supplements, and said the agency rarely uses what little power it does have.

Could gut germs underlie Western allergies?

WASHINGTON: Germs living in the gut may cause higher rates of allergies, chronic stomach upsets and even obesity among children living in rich industrialized countries, researchers reported on Monday. They compared intestinal bacteria between European Union children and young villagers in remote Burkina Faso, and found enough differences to help explain disparities in chronic disease and obesity.

NASA girds for spacewalks to repair station

CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida: One of two cooling systems serving the International Space Station’s U.S., European and Japanese laboratories broke down, setting off a wave of equipment shutdowns to cut the heat generated on board, NASA said on Sunday. The three Russian cosmonauts and three NASA astronauts aboard the station are not in any danger, NASA’s flight controllers said in a statement. The crew members, who were asleep at the time, were roused by alarms about 8 p.m. EDT Saturday and immediately set to work powering down equipment to prevent the sole remaining cooling loop from overloading. — Reuters

Prof Yash Pal

How is the earth’s magnetic field produced?

I think the magnetic field of the earth and other planets cannot be like that of a solid bar magnet in which magnetic domain is aligned. Planetary magnetic fields are more like electromagnets. Convecting and rotating magnetic material produce the magnetic field.

Why do we see cloudy vapours coming out of the surface of heating liquid like during water being boiled immediately after we stop the burner?

Steam that comes out from boiling water in a pan placed on a gas burner is not visible because steam, like air, is not visible. This steam remains steam when the hot air coming from the burner is coming up. However when the burner is switched off the vapour, and steam, rising up cools through mixing with surrounding air and condenses. The swirling cloud we begin to see is this condensed vapour and not the steam.

What will happen if honeybees disappear?

Well, according to what Einstein said, “Man will disappear four years later”. Looks surprising that such a great scientist made such an alarmist statement. But Einstein was not just a physicist. He was a very cultured person who knew the deep connections between all forms of life. However, it is a little surprising that Einstein considered honeybees so important and essential for our existence. After all there is a large number of other insects, flying and crawling, who should be equally efficient in transport of pollen for the spread and growth of life, including plants, fruits and condiments, so essential for supporting and enriching human life.

It would be wrong to accuse Einstein for partiality towards honeybees. Perhaps, like many of us, he was fond of eating hone.

Perhaps, like many of us, he was also impressed by the sophistication of bee colonies, the amazing structures of their hives, based on accurately carved hexagonal elements of these structures. Perhaps he was also intrigued by their ingenious dance form for communicating, to their family, accurate information about the distance, direction and amount of their individual discoveries of a new food source. In spite of all these possibilities, I was not convinced of the evidence for their superlative role as plant pollinators of plants. Therefore, I decided to search for the necessary information on the Internet. I was extremely impressed. In at least 85 cases out of a hundred, honeybees were primarily implicated. Some of the plant, vegetable and fruit species that would be threatened by disappearance of honeybees include items that we could not live without and others that make our diet delicious and nutritious. I would give my life to protect the existence of the honeybee.