Class apart
Tom Alter, in the city to act in a play titled Ghalib at the Chandigarh Theatre Festival, delights with his easy wit and straight-forward approach
What is the most common question asked at press conferences when an actor comes calling? Here's a guess - As a child, did you always want to become an actor? Bull's eye! And so, the moment Tom Alter (the name is enough) took the mike, he replies, "I am still a child. Although I wanted to become a sportsman like Milkha Singh, I am satisfied with being an actor and want more." Easy wit and straight approach, Tom Alter at his best!

Photo: Vinay Malik

Notes from the West
A group of five singers from Houston, Texas, will perform at the Rock Garden on July 27
It's been four days we've been here…the city's very nice…it's much different from America, there if you drive around you don't see anybody…" Amy Aquino, Justin Jones, Jacob Walker, Alexander Lach and Gurkaran Singh, have just begun with their India experience. A group of five singers from Houston, Texas, will pull all the strings possible for their performance. Think music spanning opera to a cappella to contemporary songs.
Photo: Vinay Malik

Mind games
Celebrity guest on a television show India's Magic Star, Franz Harary, explains the permutations and combinations behind magic
Anything that doesn't fall into the permissible limits of logic is illogical, and anything illogical cannot be explained. What cannot be explained is an illusion. Uff! This might be a nerve-cracker, but for Franz Harary, a world magician, nothing is real or unreal, for there is no greater magician than the human mind! A celebrity guest on Star One's show India's Magic Star, Franz Harary codes and decodes combinations and permutations, and explains what lies behind an illusion.

Take a call
It needs more than a bundle of gathered nerves to introduce yourself and on top of it sell! Wouldn't the thought of cold calling leave you cold? Picture trying to vend an insurance product to a nagging homemaker and we're talking morning hours. With due respect to legal issues and 'Do not disturb lists' marketing calls are here to stay. While it's here to stay, here's making an effort and going beyond hearing, that is listening to the random myriad voices on the other side of the tele-marketing world. An insurance product, a credit card, a policy, a tariff plan... it isn't easy to begin with. "Some people are nice, but that's rare. Majority are rude and insensitive, and snap back at us with statements like — 'We were sleeping, you disturbed us. Don't you have any other work to do'," shares Sandeep Kaur, six months into the profession of telecaller at Bharti AXA.

Picks & piques
Bumpy plot
After a spew of flops Akshay Kumar appears to have gone right back into the arms of the director who managed to gift him his biggest hits. This time Akshay is also producing the film to ensure an overflow but this witless gamble is unlikely to pay off for the once successful director-lead actor jodi. Priyadarshan and Akshay have failed to plug the massive hole that has opened up in their joint creative pursuits. Their most recent effort Khatta Meetha, is as a matter of fact, is more painful than joyful and being the sole release this week will be of no help at the Box Office!

Snack time
Are your kids finicky about the food they eat? Do you often have 'food fights' with your kids? So, if you are looking for some tasty snacking options, which are also nourishing, breathe a sigh of relief as GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare has launched- 'Foodles' from Horlicks.