How to reduce the risk of having gallstones
Dr Pankaj Garg

The gallbladder stone is one of the most common diseases in our region affecting all ages and strata of people. Here is some basic information.
What is gallbladder?
The gallbladder is a small organ located high on the right side of the abdomen (tummy) under the liver. In adults, it measures approximately 8 cm in length and 4 cm in diameter when fully distended.

Eyes: get rid of wrinkles

Dr Mahipal Sachdev

Advertisements may claim that a good eye cream can help banish dark circles and wrinkles around the eyes, but the only things known to work are a nutritive diet, adequate sleep and surgical procedures. Our skin ages because it loses three essential constituents: elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid which are normally responsible for the fresh, taut appearance of the skin.

Children, a bundle of joy?
LONDON: New research purports to show that starting a family doesn't make parents any happier than their childless counterparts. It is the one maternal feeling no mother wants to experience, the ultimate in parenting taboos: admitting (whisper it) that life might have been better before you had children. Now new research purports to show that starting a family doesn't make parents any happier than their childless counterparts.

Health Notes
Olive leaves could help  fight obesity

Sydney: A new research has revealed that a cup of coffee prepared with olive leaf extract may help in combating obesity. The study involved feeding rats a high carbohydrate, high fat diet for eight weeks until they developed signs of metabolic syndrome.



How to reduce the risk of having gallstones
Dr Pankaj Garg

The gallbladder stone is one of the most common diseases in our region affecting all ages and strata of people. Here is some basic information.

What is gallbladder?

The gallbladder is a small organ located high on the right side of the abdomen (tummy) under the liver. In adults, it measures approximately 8 cm in length and 4 cm in diameter when fully distended.

What is the gallbladder’s function?

The adult human gallbladder stores about 50-75 millilitres of bile which is released into the small intestine when food containing fat enters it from the stomach. This bile along with the bile released directly from the liver helps in the digestion of the fat present in the food.

What are gallbladder stones or gallstones? How are they formed?

Gallstones are small, hard substances which can sometimes develop in the gallbladder . There are two types of gallstones: cholesterol stones and pigment stones. Eighty per cent of gallstones are cholesterol stones. The stones can be multiple or single, and can vary in size from a salt’s grain to a golf-ball size.

What are the risk factors for developing gallstones?

Female sex, obesity, pregnancy, fatty foods and a few diseases like Crohn’s disease and thalassemia are all associated with an increased risk for developing gallstones. Only first-degree relatives of patients with gallstones and obesity have been identified as strong risk factors for the symptomatic gallstone disease.

What are the symptoms of gallstones?

To begin with, most gallstones do not cause symptoms. However, when gallstones become larger, or when they begin obstructing the neck of the gallbladder, symptoms or “attacks” begin to occur. Attacks of gallstones typically occur after a fatty meal and at night. The common symptoms are pain in the right upper part of the tummy, nausea and/or vomiting, abdominal bloating, intolerance of fatty foods, belching or gas, and indigestion. Uncomplicated gallstones usually don’t cause jaundice, fever or longer lasting pain (more than 24 hours). These symptoms appear only after complications of gallstones set in.

What are the complications associated with gallstones?

Complications generally result from infection or when the stone moves into the main duct-CBD. They are acute cholecystitis, pancreatitis, jaundice, fever, intestinal obstruction, gallbladder cancer, etc. Therefore, the importance of timely treatment is paramount.

What is the treatment of gallbladder stones?

The standard treatment is the removal of the gallbladder surgically.

Is there any effect of gallbladder removal on the body?

The gallbladder removal doesn’t affect any functioning in the body. The liver produces the same amount of bile as it used to produce before the gallbladder removal, and the common duct draining bile (CBD) dilates to accommodate the extra flow of bile. So, the gallbladder removal doesn’t have any negative effect on the body

Can gallbladder stones be totally “silent” (not causing any symptoms)? Do they need to be removed?

Yes, in the case of some patients the gallstones can be totally silent, causing no symptoms at all. In these patients, the stones in the gallbladder are accidentally detected when an Ultrasound is done for some other reason. Silent stones should be removed when they are associated with diabetes, if these are of the stone size more than 2 cm, in the case of polyp in the gallbladder, porcelain(calcified) gallbladder and the regions where gallbladder cancer is very common like the northern region of India.

What are the ways to remove the gallbladder?

The gallbladder can traditionally be removed by two methods: open and laparoscopic (keyhole). Now single hole laparoscopic surgery (single incision laparoscopic surgery- SILS or scarless surgery) has revolutionised the way gallbladder surgery can be done.

In traditional open surgery, the gallbladder is removed through a 10-15 cm-long incision (cut) in the tummy. The cut is made just below the ribs on the right side and it goes to just below your waist.

About 20 years back, a better way to remove the gallbladder called laparoscopic cholecystectomy was started. In this surgery, a laparoscope (a small, thin tube with a camera on the tip of it that is used to see the inside of your body) is used to remove the gallbladder. Four small incisions (cuts) are made rather than one large incision

In the latest, single incision laparoscopic surgery, complete surgery is done through a single small puncture/hole/incision of about 1.5 to 2.5 cms. This small cut is made inside the navel (umbilicus) in such a way that the scar is practically invisible after the operation, making it a scarless surgery. This method has revolutionised the field of surgery as laparoscopic surgery did about 20 years back.

The advantages of scarless surgery:

1. Wonderful cosmesis— The cosmetic result is fantastic as there is no visible scar after the operation.

2. Less pain — As the number of cuts are less, there is very little pain.

3. Early recovery

4. Early return to work

5. Less chances of infection, as there is only one small cut.

Can we prevent gallstones?

There is no sure way to prevent gallstone formation. But you can reduce your risk of having gallstones that can cause symptoms by maintaining a healthy weight, eating regular and balanced meals, and exercising regularly.

The writer is a senior consultant-laparoscopic surgeon, Fortis Hospital, Mohali. E mail-



Eyes: get rid of wrinkles
Dr Mahipal Sachdev

Advertisements may claim that a good eye cream can help banish dark circles and wrinkles around the eyes, but the only things known to work are a nutritive diet, adequate sleep and surgical procedures. Our skin ages because it loses three essential constituents: elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid which are normally responsible for the fresh, taut appearance of the skin.

Age-related sagging and puffiness around the eyes add years to your face. Sagging is difficult to treat non-surgically, but there are some methods such as non-ablative radio frequency skin tightening that can treat the milder cases.

Filler gels

A popular temporary non-surgical fix includes injecting biocompatible filler gels to get rid of hollows under the eyes and smoothen the fine lines and wrinkles.

Fillers are made of hyaluronic acid, a substance similar to the lubricating fluid present in the joints. Hyaluronic acid is a non-toxic, biocompatible, biodegradable polymer found naturally in the human skin. Commercial hyaluronic acid is prepared from bio-engineered bacteria and purified and treated with a cross-linking agent, which converts it into a stable gel. The treatment costs between Rs 20, 000 and Rs 25, 000 per sitting. As the body absorbs the fillers over time, the effect lasts between nine months and one year. There are no major side-effects, but expect some lumpiness if the injection is not given properly. Very rarely though, the death of skin cells (necrosis) can occur at the injection site.

For certain folds/ wrinkles, etc, hyaluronic acid-based filler gels are the most viable option and represent a good balance of durability with safety. They may be the best option for selected candidates but need to be administered by expert and experienced hands.


Another anti-wrinkling option is botulinum toxin, popularly referred to as botox. It is a neurotoxin protein that reduces wrinkles and fine lines around the eyes by temporarily paralysing the set of muscles where it is injected. The cost depends on the number of units used, but typically one sitting costs Rs 8, 000 to Rs 12, 000.

The effect depends upon the set of muscles injected, but a follow-up sitting is usually needed in three months. Treatment by untrained hands can cause temporary side-effects such as droopy eyelids, double vision and dry eyes.

Overall, these options have given promising results and have helped improve the appearance of very many patients. They have also been used for brow-lifts, for smoothening and freshening of the frown area between the eyes and to reduce wrinkles and sagging skin around the eyes. This helps the person attain a fresh and youthful appearance and enhances the confidence of the individual.

We have patients across various age groups and cross-sections of society who have opted for this treatment and have benefited from these services. Both filler gels and Botox are effective wrinkle-treatment options that are relatively painless and take little time (usually less than an hour) to complete the procedure. However, you must ensure that the person you are consulting is a trained specialist who has the requisite knowledge and experience to treat these fine problems. Done carefully by expert hands, they can bring a remarkable improvement in the overall appearance of the person and boost your confidence. Remember, your eyes are precious and delicate and they deserve the best care possible.

The writer is Chairman & Medical Director, Centre for Sight, New Delhi. Email:


Children, a bundle of joy?

LONDON: New research purports to show that starting a family doesn't make parents any happier than their childless counterparts.

It is the one maternal feeling no mother wants to experience, the ultimate in parenting taboos: admitting (whisper it) that life might have been better before you had children. Now new research purports to show that starting a family doesn't make parents any happier than their childless counterparts.

A book out next month will cause controversy by suggesting that parents exaggerate how much better off emotionally they are with children around. Nick Powdthavee's “The Happiness Equation” paints a bleaker picture of parenthood than most parents would own up to recognising.

His findings will unsettle those parents who are convinced that their children enrich their lives. But Dr Powdthavee's views may actually chime with more mothers and fathers than a quick glance around your local park would suggest, according to the magazine Psychologies.

Far from turning their lives into one long treat, say mothers in an article for the monthly, having children left emotional scars and endless worries that turned their lives upside down. Marsha, 50, described being "locked in a daily battle" with her son, who left home at the earliest opportunity, while another, Laura, 40, said she "missed the creative output" of her former life.

Descriptions of constant struggles with children suggest that parenting has more downsides than permanent fatigue and loss of social life. "No group of parents, whether married, single, step or empty-nesters, reported significantly greater emotional wellbeing than non-parents," found Robin Simon, professor of sociology at North Carolina's Wake Forest University. "Of the three major components of adult life — employment, friendship and parenthood — raising children is the only one that doesn't promote wellbeing."

The Independent

Health Notes
Olive leaves could help fight obesity

Sydney: A new research has revealed that a cup of coffee prepared with olive leaf extract may help in combating obesity. The study involved feeding rats a high carbohydrate, high fat diet for eight weeks until they developed signs of metabolic syndrome.

The rats, given coffee fortified with olive leaf extract for a further eight weeks, showed improved cardiovascular, liver and metabolic signs compared with rats given normal coffee. Lindsay Brown of the University of Southern Queensland said the olive leaf extract led to weight loss because of its anti-inflammatory properties, reports the Sydney Morning Herald. — ANI

Health benefits associated with urban cycling

Washington: A study has found that even though there are many risks that urban cyclists face, it is still far healthier to get on a bike than to drive. The study also showed that the health of the individual cyclists may improve as they drive less and exercise more, and the resulting reduction in exhaust emissions will benefit the entire community.

“The promotion of walking and cycling is a promising way to increase physical activity across the population by integrating it into daily life,” state the study authors. However, they note that if cycling is to be promoted for health reasons, the health benefits of cycling should outweigh the risks. — ANI

Saliva could hold clue to cancer cure

London: Scientists have developed a revolutionary saliva test that could hold the clue to a cure for cancer. According to the researchers, the test could be used for widespread early screening even before symptoms show, potentially saving millions of lives.

“The ability to implement safe, cost-effective, widespread screening could be the answer to saving thousands of lives each year and that is what we are after. Our objective is to revolutionise the diagnosis and treatment of cancer in the future,” the Daily Express quoted lead author David Wong, professor of dentistry at the University of California, as saying. — ANI

Can mobile phones help smokers kick the butt?

Melbourne: Mobile phones could be the next weapon in the fight against smoking, says a scientist. According to The Mercury, Dr Stuart Ferguson, researcher at the University of Tasmania, is about to conduct a study to find out whether new technologies like text messaging could be used to help smokers in kicking the butt.

According to Ferguson, the four-week study would involve 50 smokers who would be using education and support strategies in an attempt to quit smoking. — ANI

