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bowling coach FIT ZONE
FIT ZONE The first step is to realise the emotion and feeling that can cause stress. Stepping back and open your mind and body to moments in your life when you felt amazing and happy ... then use the following postures to help release stress. Chaturanga dandasana From parvatasana, bring the body forward into a straight line above the floor. Firm the legs and abdominal muscles to keep the spine supported. Keep the shoulder blades moving down the back with the palms pressed down. (Chaturanga) Exhale, and lower your body down in a straight line. Keep the elbows in tight to your side. Benefits: This is a great posture to strengthen the whole body and to relieve stress. To energize the body and get the blood flowing, you can join these postures together in a flowing sequence. Bhujangasana Lie face down on your yoga mat, with your legs together and the hands on either side of the chest (fingertips in line with the top of the shoulders). Make sure to keep the elbows in tight to your side. On inhaling, lift the upper body off the floor and straighten the arms. Let the shoulders slide down the back and keep the neck long. If you are able to, lift the hips and legs off the floor (so that only the hands and the tops of the feet have floor contact). Lift through the sternum and allow the shoulders to slide down the back. Stay lifted through the abdomen to support the spine. Benefits: This amazing backward bend will help to strengthen the spine and open the heart. The deep opening through the front of the body helps to relieve stress and energise the body. Keep practising these postures and be happy! Kapotasana
Bend the right knee and swing the leg forward, bringing the right knee outside the right hand while releasing the top of the left leg to the floor. Square the hips towards the floor. Take padding under the right side of the butt as necessary to bring the hips square. Bring the torso down into a forward bend over the right leg. Let the weight of your body rest on the right leg. Continue squaring the hips and breathing into the tightness. Make sure the top of the left foot keeps pressing down into the mat. Come back up, bringing the hands in line with the hips. Bend the left knee and reach back for the left foot with your left hand. Draw the foot towards your butt, stretching the left thigh. Square your shoulders to the front of the room. Release the left foot, curl the left toes under and step back to Downward Facing Dog. Benefits: Kapotasana opens the pelvic region and releases the sacrum. This is stimulating for the first and second chakra, which rule the earth element and the water element in the body, respectively. Depending on the variation, the pigeon pose deeply stretches the hip, lower back, knee, hip flexor, and quadriceps. Natarajasana
Bend the left knee and grasp the inside of the left foot with the left hand. Start to bring the left foot and the right arm up toward the ceiling as you bring your torso forward. Hold 5-10 breaths. Repeat on the other side. Benefits: This asana will strengthen your legs. And improve your body balance and stretch the shoulders. |