Movers and shakers
Fiza City Beautiful shone in televille in 2009, thanks to these contestants who created ripples regardless of whether they won or lost the show
We now understand fully why no reality show can afford to ignore Chandigarh for auditons. They just can’t. We mean look at the quality of contestants the city provides. Even if they failed to win the show, they made more headlines than those who won it. They optimally utilised the screenspace and time they got by fighting, back biting, scheming … Here is an ode to all those most talked about city’s celebrities of the year.

Name game
Xtremoz Undadawgs Shakespeare was apparently wrong when he said ‘what’s in a name’. A lot depends on a name, specially if you happen to be a DJ or a Rockstar
The Rock wouldn’t be who he is, if he were Dwayne Johnson. So, what catches your fancy, Muskan or Mistydame? And, who would you like to meet Deepanshu or Daredevil? Not even half the audience would scream The Undertaker if his ring name were what he is, Mark William Caraway. For your information, the magical crooner, Jay Sean is actually Kamaljeet Singh Jhooti. The parents might have racked their brains over something “meaningful, dignified and regal.”                                                    
Xtremoz Undadawgs

How touching!
By next year, 40 per cent of mobile phones will have touch-sensitive technology
What amazes about technology is how immediately it comes up with new inventions, and how soon it discards them, only to start with something new. Touch-screen technology is one of the many dish outs of technology, which came with a hullabaloo. Now, whether it plans to stay or rise from pedestal depends on ‘how touch sensitive we are’, given the fact that at we are a nation of hyper sensitives!

Dus ka dum
Audi to showcase 100 years of automotive innovation at the 10th Auto Expo in India
Audi, the German luxury car manufacturer, has exciting plans for the Auto Expo scheduled in Delhi in January 2010. Close on the heels of its Centennial Celebrations, Audi travels to the past, present and future via its tripartite display of a historical car, the Audi India product range and a concept car, symbolising the future at the Auto Expo.

Hot Shot
Automatic cameras are fantastic and a hot property too. We find out why
Modern cameras are made to do everything on their own. With a self-timer, a camera can decide when it’s the right moment to freeze time capturing an image. Seriously, today’s cameras are incredibly smart. There has never been a time when getting into photography was so easy, that is assuming you can figure out what all the buttons, knobs, and levers on a new auto-everything camera do.

Device divine
It is fun to reconnect with friends once again. And, social networking sites are the best medium for this, shares Pooja Gaur, Pratigya.of Starplus’s new show Pratigya. More from the gizmo girl.

On a virtual high
Shubha Mudgal From Theatre fests to literary meets, the year 2009 saw the best of all
Never before had the cultural activities and promotion of performing and visual arts achieved a new high than with UT administration, Haryana cultural affairs and three Akademies leading in organising and sponsoring programmes of merit. Though the crowning achievement remained the involvement of larger audience, which virtually accounts for transforming this pathron ke shehar to a vibrating cultural hub, the artists, art lovers and promoters must share credit. However the amateur theatre groups kept a low profile staging mostly nukkad nataks due to financial constrains.                                                                           Shubha Mudgal

Spade work
Food for plant
Do not think that now when you have completed the job of planting winter annuals and vegetables that your work is done. There are certain operations that are carried out only during this month, the most important being feeding the plants. So, get ready and do it in a systematic way following the tips given under.  Feeding the plants to its requirements is a must. Any malnutrition and you lose both, the yield and quality.

Foot note
Beautiful feet are always a sight to watch, more so because they are the most ignored part of the body and very few of us can maintain flawless feet. Perfect feet don’t just help you walk, they also say lot about you as a person.