Focus on practical learning
Sumangal Roy
HE much-acclaimed Yashpal Committee Report points out that our undergraduate and postgraduate programmes are too theoretical, the implication being that they are devoid of practical experiences. The report rightly draws our attention to the chasm that exists between theory and practice, which fragments knowledge and leads to confusion in our education system. The observation is pertinent. The trend of skewed emphasis on theory can be somehow justified in case of disciplines with a solid theoretical history and background, but it is entirely unexplainable when we find this lopsided approach in a subject like fine arts.

Studying abroad: The Malaysian experience
Mannat Kaur
OU will be treated like an adult here, so you have to understand their expectations and your responsibilities,” said the Student Assistant assigned to me on my first day of studying at Monash, an Australian University, which has a campus in Malaysia, where I study.

Texting could be used as a teaching tool
HILE debate is going on as to how text messaging and its distant cousin ‘tweeting’ is degrading formal writing among teens, a media literacy expert at the University of Illinois has said that these new forms of communication have a far bigger role to play in education and research. Carol L. Tilley, a professor of library and information science at Illinois, has said that schools and libraries should consider embracing texting and tweeting as a means of engagement rather than simply outlawing it.

Campus Notes
CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar
New heads for six departments
HE Board of Management of Haryana Agricultural University has appointed new heads for six teaching departments of the university. They are: Sucheta Khokhar, R. P. Gupta, Ajit Singh, A.S. Dindwal, Asha Kawatra and A. K. Bhatnagar. They will head the departments of entomology, veterinary pathology, veterinary mircrobiology, agronomy, foods & nutrition and languages and Haryanvi culture, respectively.

n Director of research awarded
n Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology, Hisar
Software gifted


Focus on practical learning
Sumangal Roy

THE much-acclaimed Yashpal Committee Report points out that our undergraduate and postgraduate programmes are too theoretical, the implication being that they are devoid of practical experiences. The report rightly draws our attention to the chasm that exists between theory and practice, which fragments knowledge and leads to confusion in our education system. The observation is pertinent. The trend of skewed emphasis on theory can be somehow justified in case of disciplines with a solid theoretical history and background, but it is entirely unexplainable when we find this lopsided approach in a subject like fine arts.

Fine arts is in fact less of a discipline and more of a way of life where hands-on, practical, innovative, subjective, personal insights and experiences have greater value than uniformity of thoughts, fitting into a pre-set mould or plain theorising. It is unfortunate that due to lack of vision and understanding about specific requirements of the discipline, teaching of fine arts in higher education is fast tilting towards more of theorising and less of practical. This harmful trend needs to be checked at the curriculum-framing level and the faculty recruitment level while fixing eligibility conditions and in breaking the invisible walls which exist nowhere but in our minds as fixed and rigid notions.

In some of the pioneering universities of India such as MS University, Baroda, and Visva Bharati University, Santiniketan, both diploma and degree courses are run simultaneously. Whereas a degree course has a greater emphasis on theory, with a minor component of practical, diploma deals largely with the technical aspect with a small component of theory. Students are encouraged to take up either of the two courses depending on their temperament and competence. There is no discrimination between the two because of this difference. Both are considered equivalent for all purposes, including faculty recruitment and eligibility, resulting in a balanced mix of experts in theory as well as practical. Students get the best of the two dimensions. Unfortunately, the scenario like this is not consistently found in other institutes of the country.

Presently, the discipline of fine arts has been placed under the regulatory body of the All-India Council of Technical Education (AICTE). However, this has not helped at all because desired emphasis has not been put on practical competencies and appreciation of technical capabilities, which is reflected in curriculum, teaching, evaluation, or as a mandatory requirement for recruitment. The rules and regulations are so framed which put high premium on degrees earned by theoretical traditions such as Doctor of Philosophy, but scoffs at the five-year diploma in fine arts which the student has earned through rigorous practice of technology. Diplomas are often seen as ranking below degrees in the provisions of higher education. In fine arts institutions today, syllabi hardly train the students on practical aspects, while teachers teach theories only, and examinations evaluate what the students can mug.

The challenge in fine arts higher education today is to prepare students with a deep understanding of theory and an equally sound dexterity in techniques of fine arts, which is difficult looking at the faulty strategies we are adopting. With a vast repository of knowledge and time needed to gain a reasonable level of competence in the techniques, we need urgently to knock down invisible walls which we have built up due to our narrow-minded perspectives.


Studying abroad: The Malaysian experience
Mannat Kaur

YOU will be treated like an adult here, so you have to understand their expectations and your responsibilities,” said the Student Assistant assigned to me on my first day of studying at Monash, an Australian University, which has a campus in Malaysia, where I study.

She went further by telling me that no information regarding my study program would be conveyed to me personally. I would have to make an effort myself and find out what I was supposed to be doing and when. Managing work independently and learning to work without direct supervision are the fundamentals of my educational experience at Monash.

I woke up to the differences in my first two weeks, when I started to work on my very first assignment. After seeing the marks, I realised that my overall grade was based more on my daily work, and the exams at the end of the semester carried less weight in the grading process. Thus, throughout the semester students are engaged in management of weekly reading tasks, preparation for tutorials, and timely completion of assignments rather than just the study involved near the exam periods, like I had done in India.

Besides this, the assignments involve critical use of wide range of library and IT facilities for research purpose. The use of credible source materials mainly books over the Internet is heavily inculcated. Referencing and citations of every word or sentence written by someone else used as evidence in one’s work must be carried out. This enables markers to identify and evaluate your work from someone else’s work. Therefore, by doing this we gain the ability to formulate, investigate and present an independent research project with a developed capacity for critical thinking.

The education received in universities like this is highly interactive and based on practical skills, unlike in India wherein the focus is mainly theoretical bookish knowledge. Herein participation in online discussion groups, collaborative presentations and projects and the experience of working constructively with others in group situations are carried out very often. In order to maintain an active relationship between the lecturers and the students, also to nurture a respect for opinions of others, discussions are held wherein ideas, knowledge and thoughts are exchanged.

Foreign universities in comparison to their Indian counterparts aim to provide a learning environment in which the lecturers make lectures more like a dialogue or a discussion rather than a boring monologue. Hence, it is more enjoyable for both the students and the lecturers. The students especially enjoy being given the opportunity to participate and express their views in class. Teaching methods are made inspiring and engaging by showing videos and films during the lecturers. As William Arthur Ward says, “The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires”.

The “edge” these global universities have over our Indian tertiary institutions is that they believe education is not what is made to be assumed but information given across to students for them to apply their analytical mind and give feedback to enhance learning.

Studying in Monash has really “messed with my head”, but in a good way. I like a teacher who gives you something to take home to think about besides homework!


Texting could be used as a teaching tool

WHILE debate is going on as to how text messaging and its distant cousin ‘tweeting’ is degrading formal writing among teens, a media literacy expert at the University of Illinois has said that these new forms of communication have a far bigger role to play in education and research. Carol L. Tilley, a professor of library and information science at Illinois, has said that schools and libraries should consider embracing texting and tweeting as a means of engagement rather than simply outlawing it.

“I think if you’re an educator or librarian looking for new ways of to reach out to teens and tweens, then texting is one possibility. Over 70 percent of teens have a cell phone, so I think it’s a viable alternate means of engaging with that age group,” said Tilley.

When used as a tool for ubiquitous learning, text messaging and tweeting wouldn’t be tools of distraction, but a means of engagement for this generation of gadget-obsessed teens.

“Teachers could send reminders about assignments, links to study guides or updates on their progress grading major projects by text or by tweet. If they’re away at a conference or need to use a sub for a day, they could use Twitter to stay in contact with their class without having to physically be there,” said Tilley.

Texting and tweeting could be seen as continuing the tradition of play and economy in language, which Tilley argues is good preparation for more formal writing assignments - provided that the use of emoticons and text-speak don’t spill over into their final drafts.

“Young people learn about the importance not only of argumentation but also how to deliver a certain message to an audience, especially given the limitations of the medium itself. From an educational standpoint, that helps students become more in tune with language,” she said. — ANI


Campus Notes
CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar
New heads for six departments

THE Board of Management of Haryana Agricultural University has appointed new heads for six teaching departments of the university. They are: Sucheta Khokhar, R. P. Gupta, Ajit Singh, A.S. Dindwal, Asha Kawatra and A. K. Bhatnagar. They will head the departments of entomology, veterinary pathology, veterinary mircrobiology, agronomy, foods & nutrition and languages and Haryanvi culture, respectively.

The board has also appointed the Dean of College of Veterinary Sciences, Dr S. K. Nagpal, and the Dean of College of Agriculture, Dr S.S. Pahuja, as technical advisors to the board. The term of a non-official member of board, Kushal Pal Sirohi, has been extended for another two years. It has also decided that experience of eight years as professor will be essential qualification for the posts of dean, director and registrar in the university.

Director of research awarded

The Fertiliser Association of India (FAI) has awarded the Golden Jubilee Award for Excellence to Dr R.P. Narwal, director of research, and his team of researchers. The award carries a gold medal, a cash prize and a citation. The award was given by M.K. Alagiri, Union Minister for Chemicals and Fertilisers, at a ceremony recently. Dr Narwal has 33 years of work experience and has published 99 research papers in the field of nutrient management. The team includes R.S. Antil, A.P. Gupta, J.P. Singh, K.S. Sekhon and D.S. Mehla.

Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology, Hisar
Software gifted

The Print Media Academy, Heidelberg, Germany, has gifted a software, 'Prinact', worth Rs 80 lakh to the Department of Printing Technology of the university. The software package was handed over recently by Professor Rajender Kumar, Print Media Academy, to the Dean, Dr Dharminder Kumar, and Ambrish Pandey of the Department of Printing Technology. The department is the second in the country to get this software.

— Contributed by Raman Mohan



Admission Deadline

Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidhyalaya, Krishak Nagar, Raipur- 492006, (Chattisgarh)

PhD Prog
1 Faculty of Agriculture (II semester)
(Agronomy / Plant Breeding & Genetics / Soil Science / Entomology / Plant Pathology / Agricultural Economics / Forestry / Biotechnology / Agricultural Extension / Horticulture)
2) Faculty of Veterinary Science (I semester)
Animal (Reproduction, Gynaecology and Obsterics / Breeding & Genetics / Nutrition) / Livestock Production & Mgmt / Veterinary (Parasitology / Pathology / Physiology / Surgery & Radiology / Medicine / Microbiology)
3) Faculty of Dairy Technology (II semester)
4) Faculty of Agricultural Engg (II semester)
Farm Machinery & Power / Soil & Water Engg
5) Masters in Veterinary Science (MVSc)
(Animal Breeding & Genetics / Animal Nutrition / Livestock Production & Management / Veterinary Pathology / Veterinary Medicine / Veterinary Physiology / Animal Reproduction, Obstetrics & Gynaecology / Veterinary Pharmacology & Toxicology / Veterinary Parasitology / Veterinary Anatomy & Histology / Veterinary Surgery & Radiology / Veterinary Microbiology / Veterinary Biochemistry)

Eligibility: For 1: MSc (Agriculture / Forestry / Bio-technology for Forestry & Biotechnology) with 60% or OGPA 3.00/4.00 / 6.50/10.00
For 2: MVSc with 60% or OGPA 3.00/4.00 / 6.50/10.00
For 3: MTech (Dairy Technology / Dairy Engg / Agricultural Engg in agricultural Process Engg) / MSc/MTech Dairying (Dairy Technology/ Engg) / MSc (Food Science / Food Technology / Food Sci & Tech) / Agri (Dairy Sci) / Dairy Science / Agri (AH&D) with specialization in Dairy Sci / MVSc (Biotechnology / Animal Biotechnology with specialization in Dairy Food Processing) with 60% or OGPA 3.00/4.00 / 6.50/10.00
For 4: For Farm Machinery & Power: MTech/ME (Agriculture Engg / Mechanical Engg with specialization in Farm Machinery & Power / relevant subject with 60% or OGPA 3.00/4.00 / 6.50/10.00
For Soil & Water Engg: MTech/ME (Agricultural Engg / Civil Engg with specialization in soil Water Engg / Water Resources / Hydrology / Irrigation & Drainage with 60% or OGPA 3.00/4.00 / 6.50/10.00
For 5: BVSc & AH degree under 10+2+5 system from recognized univ with 55%
Selection: For 5: CET on 21 December 2009
For Others: CET on 29 January 2010

Application Form: Send Rs 150/- by crossed DD favouring "Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Raipur (CG)" payable at Raipur with stamped (Rs 20/-), self-addressed envelope (12cm" x 21cm") to the Registrar at the above address / Download from website

Details: Website.

Application Deadline: For 5: 14 December 2009
For Others: 23 January 2010

Armed Forces

Indian Navy, PO Bag No 476, Gol Dak Khana, GPO, New Delhi 110001

Sailor for Artificer Apprentice (AA) – 02 August 2010 Course

Eligibility: Unmarried Indian men / 10+2 with 55% in Maths / Physics with atleast Chemistry/ Biology / Computer Science as one of the subjects.
Height & Weight: 157 cms with correlated weight.
DoB: 01 Aug ‘90 - 31 Jul ’93 (Both dates inclusive)

Selection: Written Test, Interview; Medical Exam.

Application Form: Send by ordinary post in prescribed format to the above address with relevant documents and two self-addressed envelops of size 22x10 cms with Rs 10/-stamp affixed on one envelope to the above address / Download from website.

Details: Website.

Application Deadline: 05 January 2010

Indian Navy, Post Box No 11810, Delhi Cantt, New Delhi-110010

Sailors for Direct Entry Diploma Holders (3 yrs) – 02 August 2010 Course

Eligibility: 3 years Diploma with 50% in Mechanical/ Electrical/ Electronics / Telecommunication / Aeronautical / Ship Building / Instrumentation / Metallurgical Engg from a Govt recog polytechnic / Institute.
Height & Weight: 157 cms with correlated weight.
DoB: 01 Aug ‘88 - 31 Jul ’92 (Both dates inclusive)

Selection: Written Test, Physical Exam, Medical Exam.

Application Form: Send by ordinary post in prescribed format to the above address with relevant documents and two self-addressed envelops of size 22x10 cms with Rs 10/-stamp affixed on one envelope to the above address / Download from website.

Details: Website.

Application Deadline: 05 January 2010

Art & Design

Indian Institute of Crafts & Design, J-8, Jhalana Institutional Area, Jaipur 302004 (Raj)

1) UG Diploma (Craft Design / Fired Material Application / Hard Material Application / Soft Material Application) 4 years
2) PG Diploma (Craft Design / Furniture & Interior Products / Home Textiles) 2.5 years

3) PG Diploma in Craft Management & Entrepreneurship (1.5 years)
4) International Prog in Craft Research & Development (1 year)

Eligibility: For 1: 10+2
For 2: Bachelors degree
For 3: Degree/ Diploma (Fine Arts/ Design / Architecture / Clothing & Textile)
For 4: Artisans’ ward having completed 10+2 with 5 yrs experience in traditional crafts.

Application Form & Details: Website.

Application Deadline: 30 April 2010


Vel Tech Dr RR & Dr SR Technical University, # 42, Avadi Vel Tech Road, Avadi, Chennai-600062 (TN) /

BTech Progs:
(Comp Science & Engg / IT / Information & Telecommunication Engg / Electronics & Communication Engg / Electronics & Instrumentation Engg / Instrumentation & Control Engg / Marine Engg / Mechanical Engg / Aeronautical Engg / Automobile Engg / Industrial Engg / Mechatronics / Metallurgy Engg / Production Engg / Civil Engg / Biotechnology)

Eligibility: 10+2 with Maths / Physics / Chemistry
Selection: VTUEEE 2010 Engineering Exam on 2nd & 9th May 2010

Application Form: Send Rs 750/- by DD favouring "Vel Tech Dr RR & Dr SR Technical University", payable at Chennai at above address / Download from website.

Details: Website
Application Deadline
: 15 April 2010

The Gandhigram Rural Institute, Gandhigram, Dindigul (TN) (Deemed University)

BTech Civil Engg (Lateral entry 2nd year)
Eligibility: Diploma in Civil Engg / BSc with Maths with 60%

Selection: 13 December 2009

Application Form & Details: Website.

Application Deadline: 10 December 2009

Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, Department of Space, Thiruvanthapuram-695022 (K) (D/o Space, GoI)

PhD Progs:
(Aerospace / Engineering / Avionics / Chemistry / Earth & Space Science / Mathematics / Physics))

Eligibility: Masters degree in the relevant field with 60%
Age: Below 28 years as on 01 January 2010
Fellowship: IIST-PhD Research Fellowship will be Rs 35000/-pm & assist in academic activities of the Department.
Selection: Written Test, Interview in 3rd/4th week of January 2010
Application Form: Send Rs 250/- by DD favouring "The Registrar, IIST", payable at SBI, Thiruvanthapuram at above address / Download from website.

Details: Website

Application Deadline: 31 December 2009

Indian Institute of Technology, IIT-Madras, Chennai-600036 (TN)

Joint Admission Test for MSc 2010 (in Seven IITs)
(MSc / Joint MSc-PhD / MSc-PhD Dual degree / MCA / MTech (Geophysics / Geological Technology)
Selection: JAM on 02 May 2010

Application Form & Details: Website

Application Deadline: 18 January 2010


Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), Maidan Garhi, New Delhi 110068

PG Diploma in Financial Markets Practice (1 year)
(IGNOU-FTKMC Collaborative Prog)

Eligibility: Bachelors degree
Application Form & Details: Website

Application Deadline: 31 December 2009


Institute of Informatics & Communication, University of Delhi South Campus, Benito Juarez Road, New Delhi-110021 /

MSc Informatics (2 years, FT)

Eligibility: BE / BTech / BSc / BSc (Hons) / B Applied Science (Physical Sc / Chemical Sc / Electronics Sc / Mathematics Sc / Computer Sc / any two combination from among these subjects) with 50%
Selection: Written Test, Interview, & GD on 7 February 2010
Application Form & Details: Website

Application Deadline: 16January 2010

Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), 1, Shivabagh, Nalanda Building, Ameerpet, Hyderabad-500016 (AP) (D/o IT, GoI)

1) Diploma in Embedded Systems Design (22 weeks)
2) Diploma in System Software Development (22 weeks)
3) Diploma in Advanced Business Computing (22 weeks)

Eligibility: For 1: Engg Degree (UG/PG) in Electronics / Electrical / Electronics & Communications / Electronics & Instrumentation / Computer Science & Engg / IT / MSc (Electronics / Instrumentation) with 55%.
For 2 & 3: Engg Degree (UG/PG) in Electronics / Electrical / Electronics & Communications / Electronics & Instrumentation / Computer Science & Engg / MCA/MSc (Computers) with 55%
Selection: CET on 31 January 2010
Application Form & Details: Website

Application Deadline: 23 January 2010

Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), Advanced Computing Training School (ACTS) HQ, 5th Floor, NSG IT Park, Aundh, Pune 411007 (Mah)

1) Diploma in Advanced Computing (24 weeks)
2) PG Diploma in Wireless & Mobile Computing (24 weeks)
3) PG Diploma in Information System & Cyber Security (24 weeks)
4) PG Diploma in Advanced Computer Arts - Multimedia (24 weeks)
5) PG Diploma in VLSI Design (24 weeks)
6) PG Diploma in Geoinformatics (24 weeks)
7) PG Diploma in Language Computing (24 weeks)
8) PG Diploma in Healthcare Informatics (24 weeks)

Selection: For 1, 2, & 3: CET from 19-21 December 2009
For 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8: CET on 02 January 2010
Application Form & Details: Website

Application Deadline: For 1, 2, & 3: 15 December 2009
For 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8:
29 December 2009

DOEACC Society, Electronics Niketan, 6, CGO Complex, New Delhi 110003 (M/o Communication & IT, D/o IT, GoI) /

Certification Scheme in Information Security
Level 1): Certified System Security Analyst
Level 2): Certified System Security Professional
Level 3): Certified System Security Solution Designer / Information Systems Security Auditor / Forensic Professional
For Level 1: BE / MCA / DOEACC B Level / MSc (Computer Science / IT)
For Level 2: Level 1 / BE / MCA / DOEACC B Level / MSc (Computer Science / IT) with 2 years relevant work exp.
For Level 3: Level 2 / BE / MCA / DOEACC B Level / MSc (Computer Science / IT) with 3 years relevant work exp.

Selection: Entrance Exam on 02 May 2010
Application Form & Details: Website

Application Deadline: 26 March 2010


Delhi High Court, Sher Shah Road, New Delhi -110003

Delhi Judicial Service Exam 2010

Eligibility: Indian Law graduate / Advocate / qualified to be admitted as Advocate under the Advocates Act, 1961
Age Limit: 32 years (on 01 January 2011)

Selection: Preliminary Written Test: 31 January 2010 ;
Application Form: Send Rs 600/- by DD favouring "Registrar General, Delhi High Court, New Delhi", payable at New Delhi with a stamped (Rs 60/-) self-addressed envelope (38 cm x 25 cm) to the Joint Registrar (Vig.) at the above address.
Superscribe: "DJS Examination 2010"

Application Deadline: 21 December 2009


National Institute of Financial Management, Sector 48, Pali Road, Faridabad -121001 (Har) (Autonomous Institute of M/o Finance, GoI)

PG Executive Programme in Financial Markets (2010-11)

Eligibility: Bachelors degree from recognized univ / Group 'A' Officers of GoI / CA / CS / CWA / CFA / MBA with 3 years work exp.

Selection: Written Test: 14 February 2010 (Group ‘A’ & PSU employees are exempted)
Application Form: Send Rs 500/- by DD favouring "NIFM" payable at Faridabad / New Delhi / Download from website.
Details: Website

Application Deadline: 11 February 2010

Narsee Monjee Institute of Management & Higher Studies (NMIMS), School of Distance Learning, VL Mehta Road, Vile Parle (W), Mumbai 400056 (Mah) (Deemed University)

PG Diploma (2 years) / Diploma (1 year) Course for Working Executives
(Business Mgt / Marketing Mgt / Finance Mgt / HR Mgt / International Trade Mgt / Banking & Finance Mgt / Supply Chain Mgt)

Application Form & Details: Website

Application Deadline: 31 December 2009

Indian Institute of Materials Management, Veer Sadan, 4239-A/2, 1 Ansari Road, Darya Ganj, New Delhi-110002

Graduate Diploma in Material Mgt (Regular / Correspondence, 2 / 3 years)
Post Graduate Diploma I Material Mgt
(Correspondence 3 years)
Any Degree / Diploma in Engg with 50%
Selection: Entrance Test on 03 & 10 January 2010

Application Form & Details: Website
Application Deadline: 31 December 2009

National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirapalli 620015 (TN) (M/o HRD

MBA 2010-12 (2 years, Full Time)
Bachelors degree

Selection: CAT-2009 scores; GD; Interview.

Application Form: Download from website.

Application Deadline: 21 January 2010

Indian Retail School, A 21/12, Naraina Industrial Area, Phase II, New Delhi 110028

PG Diploma in Retail Management (1 year)
Bachelors degree

Application Form & Details: Website
Application Deadline: 09 January 2010


University of Delhi, Faculty of Medical Sciences, 6th Floor, VP Chest Institute Building, Delhi 110007

PG Medical Entrance Test (PGMET) / Master of Dental Surgery (MDS) – 2010
(Admission to various PG / Degree / Diploma Courses)

Selection: Entrance Exam on 06 February 2010
Application Form & Details: Website

Application Deadline: 07 January 2010

Sri Devraj URS Academy of Higher Education and Research, Post Box No 62, Tamaka, Kolar-563101 (Kar) (Deemed University)

Post Graduate Medical Courses (2010-11)

Eligibility: MBBS / Obtained permanent registration with the MCI or State Medical Council(s) with 50%.

Selection: All India Entrance Test on 30 January 2010
Application Form & Details: Website

Application Deadline: 02 January 2010

Himachal Pradesh University, Entrance Tests Cell, Summer Hill, Shimla 171005 (HP)
Entrance Test for Post Graduate and Diploma Courses
(In Indira Gandhi Medical College, Shimla / Dr Rajinder Prasad Govt Medical College, Kangra / HP Govt Dental College, Shimla / Himachal Dental College, Sundernagar / Bhojiya Dental College, Nalagarh)
1) MD/MS in Allopathy
2) MDS
Eligibility: For MD/MS (Allopathy): In service regular / adhoc / contractual / Rogi Kalyan Samiti’s appointees / HP Health Cadre Candidates / Grads of IGMC / RPGMC / Bonafide Himachalis passed MBBS under MCI / Children of HP Govt Employees getting admission to MBBS course through CBSE / All India Entrance Examination in MCI / GoI Recognized Dental College.
For MDS: In service regular / adhoc / contractual / Rogi Kalyan Samiti’s appointees / HP Health Cadre Candidates / Grads of Dental Colleges recognised by DCI and are bonafide Himachalis / Children of HP Govt Employees getting admission to BDS course through CBSE / All India Entrance Examination in DCI / GoI Recognized Dental College.

Application Form & Details: Send Rs 1250/- by DD favouring "Finance Officer, H.P. University, Shimla- 5" before 26 December 2009 to the Deputy Registrar (Entrance Tests) at above address.

Application Deadline: 07 January 2010

Shri Krishna Govt Ayurvedic College, Umri Road, Kurukshetra 132118 (Har)

Diploma in Pharmacy (Ayurvedic Course) 2009-10

Eligibility: 10+2 (PCB & English) with 40% / Domicile in Haryana

Age: 17 years before 31 December 2009

Selection: Merit
Application Form & Details: Application forms can be obtained from the office of Shri Krishna Govt. Ayurvedic College / Hospital, Kurukshetra on payment of Rs 250/- / or via registered post on payment of Rs 300/-

Application Deadline: 18 December 2009

Padmashree Dr. DY Patil University, Dr DY Patil Vidyanagar, Nerul, Mumbai-400706 (Mah)

All India Entrance Test in Medical & Dental Courses
1) Superspecialty (MCh in Cardio Vascular Thoracic Surgery / Pediatric Surgery / Plastic Surgery)
2) Post Graduate (Gen Surgery / Orthopedics / Radiology / Opthalmology / ENT / Medicine / Pediatrics / Anesthesisiology / Psychiatry / Skin & VD / Pathology / Pharmacology / Microbiology / TB & Resp Diseases / Obstetrics & Gynaecology / Orthodontics / Prosthetics Dentistry / Conservative Dentistry / Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery / Periodontology / Pedodontics / Oral Pathology / Oral Medicine & Radiology)
3) Diploma Course (Orthopedics / Opthalmology / Pathology / Anesthesiology / Pediatrics / Psychiatry / TB & Resp Disease / Skin & VD / ENT / DGO)

Eligibility: For 1: MS (Surgery) / Equivalent
Selection: All India Entrance Test, For 1: 02 June 2010
For 2 & 3: 22 January 2010
Application Form & Details: Website

Application Deadline: For 1: 19 May 2010
For 2 & 3: 7 January 2010

Pt B D Sharma Postgraduate University of Health Science, Rohtak (Har)

1) MD (General Medicine / Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy / Respiratory Medicine / Physiology / Microbiology / Community Medicine / Pharmacology / Anatomy / Paediatrics / Radio-diagnosis / Anaesthesiology / pathology / Biochemistry / Radiotherapy / Psychiatry / Forensic Medicine / Ophthalmology / Orthopaedics)
2) MS (Gen Surgery / Orthopaedics / Ophthalmology / Obstetrics & Gynaecology / Otorhinolaryngology)
3) PG Diploma Course (Child Health / Obstetrics & Gynaecology / Anaesthesiology / Tuberculosis & Chest Disease / Medical Radio Diagnosis / Ophthalmology / Orthopaedics / Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy / Psychiatry Medicine)
4) MCh (Paediatrics Surgery / Burns & Plastic Surgery)
5) MDS (Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery / Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry / Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge / Periodontics and Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics)

Eligibility: For 1, 2, 3, & 5: MBBS / BDS (under MCI / DCI) / Bonafide residents of Haryana
For 4: MS (General Surgery under MCI / DCI)) / Bonafide residents of Haryana
Selection: Entrance Test on 7 February 2010
Application Form: Send Rs 2050/- by DD favouring "Controller of Finance, Pt BD Sharma University of Heath Sciences, Rohtak" payable at SBI, Rohtak with letter indicating "Prospectus for Entrance Examination of MD/MS/PG Diploma / MDS & MCh".
: Website

Application Deadline: 07 January 2010

Director of Medical Education & Research, Govt Dental College & Hospital Building, St George’s Hospital Compound, Mumbai-400001

Entrance Exam for MD/ MS / Diploma (PGM-CET 2010)

Selection: Entrance Test on 24 January 2010
Application Form: Send Rs 1800/- by DD favouring "Director, Medical Education and Research, Mumbai" Payable at Mumbai.

Details: Website
Application Deadline: 02 January 2010


JN Tata Endowment, Mulla House, 51 MG Road, Fort, Mumbai 400001

JN Tata Endowment Loan Scholarships (2010-11)
(Scholarships by way of loan and gifts for meritorious scholars for higher studies abroad in all disciplines)

Eligibility: Indian nationals. Bachelor’s degree with good academic record. Academics and other mid-career professionals with relevant experience, going abroad for research / specialization / training may also apply.

Selection: Interview: March / June 2010.

Application Form Send Rs 100/- by MO to JN Tata Endowment’s Administrative Office, Mulla House, 51, MG Road, Mumbai 400001 by 15 February 2010. (Write your name & address on MO).

Application Deadline: 01 March 2010

Lady TATA Memorial Trust, Bombay House, 24 Homi Mody Street, Mumbai 400001 (Mah)

Young Researcher Award-2010 (3 years)
(To recognize and reward young Indian Scientist with outstanding track record in biological sciences, with deep commitment to find innovative solutions to major problems related to human diseases and potential for high quality research. Should have publications in well recognized peer reviewed journals of repute and contributed to knowledge generation that has created significant impact in the field of translational possibilities)

Eligibility: Indian nationals / PhD in Biological Science / Masters in Medical Science / Equivalent degree in Biotechnology related areas / 4 years professional work Exp / Engaged in Research & Development in (Univ / Organization / Institute) / Currently working Abroad

Age: Below 40 years

Selection: Interview in March 2010.

Scholarship: Award will be Rs.10, 000/- pm in addition to regular salary from the host institute / contingency grant of Rs.5.00 lakhs per annum for meeting the expenses on consumables, minor equipment, international and domestic travel, manpower and other contingent expenditure to be incurred in connection with the implementation of research project under the Award.

Application Form Send Rs 500/- by MO to "Lady Tata Memorial Trust" Bombay House, 24 Homi Mody Street, Mumbai 400001 by 1 February 2010. (Write your name & address on MO).

Application Deadline: 01 February 2010

Israel Government Scholarship, Es.3 Section, , Department of Higher Education, A.1/W.3, Curzon Road Barracks, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi-110 001’ (M/o HRD)

Israel Government Scholarship – 2010-11
(Four to six Israeli Government Scholarship tenable from October 2010 to study at an Israeli University or any Institution of higher education in Israel. These scholarships are for research/specialization for 8 months, Comparative Study (With specific reference to Judaism) / Middle East Studies / Hebrew language and literature / History of the Jewish people / Economics / Agriculture / Business Management / Mass Communication / Environment Studies / Chemistry / Biology / Nano biology)

Eligibility: Masters degree with 60% on 15 December 2009 in (Agriculture / Chemistry / Biology / Environment Studies / Biology / Nano biology) Masters with 55% for other subjects / Proof of English or Hebrew language is a must / meet the academic requirements of the Israeli University.

Age: No Age Limit

Selection: Interview

Scholarship: The scholarship could be partial, or in rare cases full. Partial scholarship will include health insurance and tuition fees / Monthly allowance for one academic year (8 months only)
Full scholarship will include tuition fees, a monthly allowance and health insurance, accommodation, transportation and travel arrangements to and from Israel are the applicant's responsibility / Scholarships will be granted only in universities and programs approved by the Israel Government / Scholarships for Ulpan language studies will be granted in the Ulpan chosen by the Israel Government only.

Application Form & Details: Website

Application Deadline: 15 December 2009

Director of Education, Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee, 6, Kalgidhar Niwas, sector 27-B, Chandigarh (Punj) / /

Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee Cambridge Scholarships- for Mphil & PhD Studies-2010

Scholarship: Rs 25,000 Pounds pa

Application Form & Details: Website

Application Deadline: 31 December 2009

Ministry of Women and Child Development, 6th Floor, 'A' Wing, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001 (GoI),

1) National Award for Child Welfare
(3 individuals and 5 institutions who have rendered best work for the cause of children)
2) Rajiv Gandhi Manav Sewa Award
(3 Individuals in the fields of child development and child welfare who have made outstanding contribution towards service for Children)

Scholarship: For 1: Rs 1 lakh to each Individual / Rs 3 lakhs to each Institution
For 2: Rs 1 lakh to each individual

Application Form & Details: Website

Application Deadline: 31 December 2009


Bhaba Atomic Research Centre Training Schools, Department of Atomic Energy /

1) Orientation Course for Engineering Graduates & Science Post-Graduates (OCES-2010), 1-year
(leading to a PG Diploma from Homi Bhabha National Institute (Deemed University)
2) DAE Graduate Fellowship Scheme for Engineering Graduates & Post-Graduates in Physics for joining MTech at IITs (DGFS-2010) 2 years

Eligibility: For 1 & 2: BE/BTech (Mechanical / Chemical / Metallurgical / Civil / Electrical / Electronics / Computer / Instrumentation / Engineering Physics) / MSc in (Physics / Electronics / Chemistry / Geophysics / Geology / Biosciences) with 60%.
Selection: For Science Discipline: Written Test on 28 February 2010 / Valid GATE Score
For Engineering: Written Test on 23 May 2010 / Valid GATE Score
Application Form & Details: Website

Application Deadline: For Science Discipline: 15 January 2010
For Engineering: 15 April 2010

Sciences Biology

University of Pune, Bioinformatics Center, Ganeshkhind Road, Pune 411007 (Mah) (D/o Biotechnology, GoI)

Bioinformatics National Certification Exam (BINC) - 2010
Bachelors degree in (Science / Agriculture / Veterinary / Medicine / Pharmacy / Engineering / Technology) / Formal training / qualification in bioinformatics not essential.

Selection: Entrance Test on 20-21 February 2010

Application Form & Details: Website

Application Deadline: 16 January 2010

Sciences Social

School of Archival Studies, National Archives of India, Janpath, New Delhi 110001 (GoI)

Certificate Course in "Reprography" (5th April – 14th May 2010)
Graduate (2nd Div); Science subject preferred

Age: Below 30 years for private / Below 50 years fro sponsored candidates

Application Form: Send in prescribed format with required documents, Rs 100/-by IPO / Bank Draft favouring "Administrative Officer, National Archives of India, Janpath, New Delhi 110001" to the Director General of Archives, at above address.

Application Deadline: 26 February 2010


Bharathiar University, School of Distance Education, Coimbatore 641046 (TN)

BEd Progs (2 years)

Eligibility: UG / PG in (Tamil / English / History / Geography / Mathematics / Physics / Chemistry / Botany / Zoology / Computer Science / Economic & Commerce) / Teachers serving in Govt school for 2 years
Entrance Test on 28 March 2010

Application Form: Send DD for Rs 500/- favouring "The Director, school of Distance Education", Payable at Coimbatore and self addressed stamped envelope (25cm X 35 cm) to the value of Rs 50/- to the above address / Download from website

Application Deadline: 05 March 2010


Kalasalingam University, Anand Nagar, Krishnankoil 626190 (TN) /

PhD Progs January 2010 sessions
(Bio-technology / Chemistry / Civil Engg / Computer Applications / Comp Sci & Engg / Electrical & Electronics Engg / Electronics & Communications Engg / IT / Instrumentation & Control Engg / Mathematics / Physics / Mechanical Engg / English / Business Administration)

Application Form: Send DD for Rs 500/- favouring "Kalasalingam University" payable at Rajapalayam with necessary certificates to the above address / Download from website

Application Deadline: 18 December 2009

Pervin Malhotra,
Director, Career Guidance India
