Familial bonds
Roopinder Singh
In Search of Roots: Guru Amar Das and Bhallas
By A. S. Bhalla.
Pages 336. Rs 595.

ALEX Haley, the author of the bestselling book Roots, put it succinctly when he said: "In all of us there is a hunger, marrow-deep, to know our heritage, to know who we are and where we came from." In India, we too have a long history of an oral tradition that has captured the glories, often rose tainted, of family histories of people with means.

Books received: PUNJABI

Sahir — the magic lives on
Dr Naresh Raj
AHIR LUDHIANVI was not merely a romantic poet but true to his pen name, he was a magician of words. He employed romanticism in a subtle manner to bring out the agony of the distressed vividly.

Must-know facts about pandemic
Nonika Singh
Swine Flu: Pandemic Strikes — The New H1NI Threat
By Sunaina Chaturvedi.
Pentagon Press.
Pages 210. Rs 495.
A book on the deadly swine flu that has in recent times evoked both interest and curiosity as well triggered panic ever since the WHO declared it a pandemic ought to have been on the cards. That, an Indian, Sunaiana Chaturvedi, has penned it, however, comes as a surprise.

Harsh realities of life
Manmeet Sodhi
Like a Diamond in the Sky
By Shazia Omar.
Penguin Zubaan.
Pages 252. Rs 295.
SHAZIA OMAR’s debut novel Like a Diamond in the Sky is a riveting tale of love, loss, crime, spirituality and longing for a mouthful of sky. Set in modern Dhaka where morality takes on a new definition with all its squalor, its noisy streets, despair, hopes and aspirations. She draws the reader into contemporary Bangladesh and its peculiar yet universal problems.

Story of new India
Guy Mannes-Abbott
Lanterns on their Horns 
By Radhika Jha.
Beautiful Books.
Pages 416. £13.49.

RADHIKA JHA’s second novel is about transformations in the heart and body of India. This new India will impact on us all, despite the lack of interest we showed in its national election this year. Jha bridges this chasm with a highly affecting and finely crafted story.

HINDi review
Relieving pain and suffering
Harbans Singh
By Bittu Sandhu.
Rajkamal Prakashan.
Pages 103. Rs 195.

  • Balramji Das Tandon: Ek Prerak Charitra
    By Sanjay Tandon.
    Competent Foundation.
    Pages 277. Rs 250.

Back of the book
The Third Bomb
By Gregory Berglund.
Jnanada Prakashan.
Page 385. Rs 250.
A creative effort to break free from the confines of conventional strategic discourse by facing the propensity for hatred and violence which generates conflict and war.

Snapshots of class and immigration
Madhusree Chatterjee
igerian novelist Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, who won the Orange Broadband Prize for Fiction in 2007 for her book Half of a Yellow Sun, paints snapshots of the roller-coaster called America in her new book, The Thing Around Your Neck.

Google to open digital books archive to rival retailers
Alex Pham
N an effort to quell its critics, Google Inc. said it would open up its vast digital books archive to rival retailers who can access the books and sell them online.