1000 words & much more

If you love taking pictures, have a personal vision & can see the invisible, consider photography as a profession, writes USHA ALBUQUERQUE. Specialisations are many & sky is the limit
It is rightly said that a picture can sometimes say more than a thousand words. Who can ever forget the photograph of Abdul Kasab, rucksack on his back, wielding an AK-47?

A world out of work
Sean O’Grady
WHATEVER the truth about what British Prime Minister Gordon Brown meant by his now infamous sound bite “British jobs for British workers”, the global truth is the downturn. In Britain, the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply points to job losses in the hard-pressed manufacturing sector alone of 30,000 a month for the foreseeable future. That will help to push the jobless total over the 3 million mark for the first time since the 1980s. In America, last week saw “Bloody Monday” — 72,000 jobs cut by seven different companies in 24 hours. That brings American jobs lost to the recession to 2.6 million since December 2007.

Sandeep Joshi

You downsized this also !

Career Hotline
B.A. or B.Sc
It’s all about career goals
Q. I will be taking the board exams next month. I want to do psychology honours in graduation through open or distance learning mode. Some institutes offer this course in two ways — B.A (hons) psychology and B.Sc (hons) psychology. What is the difference between these two? Please list a few known institutes.

Beep, beep, beep
Your child flunked his test today...
Receive your kid’s attendance alerts & progress reports via SMS & e-mail for Rs 150 a year!
A NEW innovative tool that keeps parents regularly updated on their ward’s academic performance and his or her attendance reports has been launched by INZ Axis, a company dealing with education solutions.

Changing with the times
ITIs to train professionals for cosmetic & hospitality sector

WITH a rise in demand for professionals in the beauty, hospitality and software sectors, the Industrial Training Institutes are reorienting their courses to churn out skilled manpower in these fields. In keeping with a government initiative to upgrade 1,396 existing ITIs through public-private partnership, more than 500 ITIs have been adopted by various industries. The new courses for skill development are introduced at the ITIs by industries adopting them. Trade associations have been already been engaged by the government to identify industries interested in adopting these ITIs.

Course chat
Accounting for all

THE Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India (ICWAI) has launched a one-year certificate course for accounting technicians to address high demand of trained hands at junior level in the country. The course would help the rural populace in getting jobs in small business sectors.

