Guarding the OCEANS
Usha Albuquerque
THE Indian Coast Guard has been much in the news ever since the horrific attack of 26/11. Various newspaper reports now indicate that the Coast Guard Station at Jakhau off the Bhuj coast had received an alert specifying the location of the suspected Lashkar ship and had informed the authorities. Unfortunately, due cognisance was not taken of this vital intelligence information.

On the right track
There’s no substitute for hard work, but there are a host of skills needed to pave the path to success, writes R.C. Sharma. Read on…
THOSE who work hard and pursue their goals with devotion and dedication reach great heights and success waits impatiently to bless them. To begin with, understand the psychology of words — it is very persuasive. Words are mental manipulators. English scientist John Tyndale had this interesting anecdote to tell on the effect of words.

India’s first PG diploma in Islamic banking
IN what is being touted as a first of its kind in the country, Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) will launch a one-year postgraduate diploma course in Islamic Banking and Finance based on tenets of Shariah. “The basic principle of Islamic banking based on Shariah, Islamic rules of transaction, is prohibition of Riba (interest) and is known as interest-free banking system.

Raising smart kids
WONDERING how to make your kids smarter? Well, giving them fish once a week and feeding them with bread and cereals four times a day can make a lot of difference, claims a Kiwi study. The study by University of Otago research fellow Dr Reremoana Theodore suggests that eating certain types of food may boost or significantly lower kids’ IQ. Alarmingly, eating margarine daily has shown strong links with significantly lower IQ scores.

Sandeep Joshi

Should we have been more specific when we asked for skilled applicants?

Chalk talk
As blackboard-chalk teaching gets passé, the chalk industry is in trouble
S.C. Dhall
FIRST it was replaced by pens and pencils and now by the IT revolution. As more and more modern schools switch to various methods of teaching using acrylic boards, markers and smartboards, the demand for chalk has come down drastically in the recent years.

Recession-hit Singapore still needs foreigners
SINGAPORE, which relies heavily on foreign workers, will still need overseas labour despite a recession. With Singapore in recession, the inflow of foreign workers will slow, acting minister for Manpower Gan Kim Yong said in a written response to an MP’s question in parliament.

Pervin Malhotra

  • A world of opportunity

  • Doctoring a future in the US

  • Seeds of change

  • Consider a M.Phil first

  • How about political governance?

