Spicing up Supper
Wondered why even the humble ghia & tori look so luscious & fabulous on the pages of a glossy food magazine? Well, it’s because a person has styled the veggies! Food styling is an artistic, fun & happening career, writes Usha Albuquerque
ARE you a creative person but looking for new and different design options? Do you love cooking but can’t see yourself becoming a chef? Do you like working with your hands? If you have answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, you may like to think about food styling – a fairly new and fascinating career for anyone who is creative and interested in food. 

Career Hotline
Pervin Malhotra

This column appears weekly. Please send in your queries, preferably on a postcard, along with your full name, complete address and academic qualifications to:
Editor, Jobs and Careers, The Tribune, Sector 29, Chandigarh-160030, or at careers 

Sandeep Joshi

This was my longest stint recently. I lasted six weeks, twenty eight hours, ten minutes and twelve seconds in this organisation.

n Difference in character
Key to success

n PMT not for NRIs
Mastering finance

Destination pharma
Sectors like consulting and banking, financial services and insurance topped the agenda of highly talented job seekers till the recent US slowdown. The change in the US is also affecting preferences of job seekers. One sector that is climbing the popularity lists is the pharma industry, relatively bettered shielded from any adverse impact. Consequently, the cream of talent is considering the pharmaceutical sector as a safe venue to park themselves in the current turmoil.

Now, choose your exam date 
IT’S a revolution: Nearly two million students pursuing education in the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) across India and abroad will soon be able to choose their examination date.

Enhancing employability
GLOBALISATION and market forces are creating job opportunities across countries on a scale never seen before. However, there is also a widening skills gap. India is poised to reap the benefits of the ‘demographic dividend’ but this begets the question, how can a country with a billion people be facing such a severe talent crunch? 

  • Collective efforts

To succeed, learn from the boss
NOW that you have landed your dream job after a fair amount of struggle, do not think that the mission is over. Little consideration is given to the fact that besides getting acquainted with the work culture of an organisation, it is important to get along with the boss for a professionally-charged environment that helps you give your best and not just because your promotion depends on it! Among other things, a close working relationship based on respect, sincerity, trust, and dependability is a must.

Found: Key to innovativeness

IF you are among those who try experimenting with new things — whether it’s food, places or even your job — then there are chances that your neural connection between ventral striatum and hippocampus is particularly well developed, say Bonn scientists. Both, ventral striatum and hippocampus are centres in the brain and perform different functions. While the reward system that governs how to take action is located in the striatum, the hippocampus is responsible for specific memory functions.

Keep stress & cancer at bay
Stress-free lifestyle can help fight cancer, say Ohio State University researchers. The results of the study were based on a research that included a small number of women recovering from breast cancersurgery. The patients took part in a psychological “intervention” designed to reduce stress and promote a healthy lifestyle, and the analysis revealed that the women survived longer and were less likely to relapse than those who did not, according to the study.

