Bottlenecks in N-energy
Prof. Paul Singh

With enormous momentum behind the nuclear deal, it is now probably unstoppable in US as huge business is linked with it. So far, India has sailed the deal through troubled waters meticulously but the real task starts at home, where plans to implement massive nuclear power programme may face some daunting obstacles.

Roads from plastic waste
Dr G.S. Dhillon

At present the plastic waste form a considerable proportion of our municipal solid wastes (MSW) and the analysis of the MSW collected at Chandigarh shows that it contains about 10.91 per cent of recyclable material, mostly plastic material. This material is at present collected from bins of different households by the rag-pickers and sold for being recycled into plastic bags.
Prof Yash Pal
Prof Yash Pal


I have heard that most fundamental forces between particles are understood as exchange forces. What is exchanged and what does it mean?
A charged particle like a proton has an electric field around it. This field represents its sphere of influence. The electric field extends to infinity though its intensity decreases inversely as square of the distance.



Bottlenecks in N-energy
Prof. Paul Singh

With enormous momentum behind the nuclear deal, it is now probably unstoppable in US as huge business is linked with it. So far, India has sailed the deal through troubled waters meticulously but the real task starts at home, where plans to implement massive nuclear power programme may face some daunting obstacles.

India requires two types of technology for its nuclear energy programme i) natural uranium for its Pressurised Heavy Water Reactor (PHWR) programme, and ii) import of Light Water Reactors (LWR) and fuel for these imported reactors. The Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd. (NPCIL) deals with nuclear power generation in India. During three years of negotiation on the nuclear deal, the NPCIL has got clearance for 4 massive nuclear parks, which are going to generate 45,000 MW of power, equal to one-third of our total installed capacity. The sites selected for these parks are at Patisonapur in Orissa, Haripur in West Bengal, Kowadi in Andhra Pradesh and Mithirvirdi in Gujarat. These sites have been given clearance for soil quality, flood risk, seismic activities and all other geo-morphological features essential for a nuclear power plant.

The nuclear energy programme may face the following hurdles in future: i) the acquisition of the land for the proposed nuclear power plants. ii) The need of water source for the cooling purpose of the plant iii).Safe disposal of the waste to the satisfaction of the nearby inhabitants.

We daily listen to the news of dharnas and agitations being organised by the farmers and villagers under the banners of various political parties.

Our government will have to come out with a legal framework under which it can acquire land for public purpose, giving commensurate compensation to the displaced people and assurance of jobs.

Most of the nuclear power plants need water for cooling in two ways i ) to transfer heat from the reactor core to the steam turbines, and ii) to remove and dump the surplus heat from this steam circuit. The amount of cooling required in any steam-cycle power plant of a given size depends upon its thermal efficiency. It does matter whether it is fuelled by coal, gas or uranium. However, currently operating nuclear plants often do have lower thermal efficiency than coal counterparts of similar age, therefore, require more water for cooling. When the availability of cooling water is limited, cooling does not need to be a constraint on new generating capacity as other alternative cooling options are available at slightly higher cost.

The bigger the temperature difference between the internal heat source and the external environment, the more efficient is the process in achieving mechanical work. Hence, the desirability is to a high temperature internally and a low temperature environmentally. In a coal-fired or conventionally gas-fired plant it is possible to run the internal boilers at higher temperatures than those with finely-engineered nuclear fuel assemblies as it may cause damage to the core. This reduces the thermal efficiency of the nuclear power plants and leads to increase in consumption of water. This consideration gives rise to desirably installing the power plants alongside very cold water.

Fresh water, the elixir of life, is a valuable resource in most parts of the world. At places, where it is scarce, then, water for drinking and irrigation purposes will have to be diverted for cooling of the reactor core. This act is going to invite the anger of public of the region where the plant is installed. Such incidents have already been witnessed in some cases. Two Russian nuclear power plants each of 1000 MW are under installation at Koodankulam in Tamil Nadu. These plants were initially proposed to get water for cooling of the reactor from the nearby Pechiparai dam but because of vociferous protests from the villagers not to allow a single drop of water, the NPCIL is weighing the options of using sea water. The sea water requires desalination prior its use as coolant in the plant. This process will enhance the production cost of electricity.

Lastly, the nuclear power plants are linked with risk of radiation leakage from the nuclear wastes. The wastes from the nuclear power plant are categorised as high, medium or low-level wastes by the amount of radiation that they emit. These wastes come from a number of sources which include:

i) Low-level waste (LLW): It comprises paper, rags, tools, and clothing, filters etc. having small amounts of mostly short-lived radioactivity. It is not dangerous to handle, but must be disposed of more carefully than normal garbage. During the lifetime of a nuclear power plant, 90 per cent of the total volume of radioactive waste generated is low-level wastes and it contains only about 1 per cent of the total radioactivity

ii) Intermediate-level waste (ILW): It contains higher radioactivity levels then LLW, and need shielding during handling. These wastes arise from dismantled internal structures of the reactor core, which become radioactive after prolonged operation. A small part of this waste remains radioactive for years, so short -lived intermediate - level waste can often be disposed of with LLW. Disposal of ILW is underground, in specially constructed repositories not necessarily very deep.

iii) High-level waste (HLW): There are two types of high level waste (HLW) i.e. fission products and transuranics separated from the spent fuel and the spent fuel elements. Both types of HLW must be treated prior to disposal. After reprocessing, it is incorporated into solid blocks of borosilicate glass. This process is known as vitrification.

For direct disposal, used fuel assemblies require encapsulation in containers made, for example, of stainless steel or copper. There is a cooling period of about 50 years between removal from the reactor and disposal as the level of radioactivity and heat from the used fuel fall rapidly in the first few years and then slow down to about one thousandth of the level at discharge by 40 years. Thus, long term storage facilities are required at one central place i.e. at the reactor site.

In spite of all the precautions put in order, there can be cases of leakage of radiation. The NGOs claim that the risk of nuclear radiation and contamination can spread over an area of 100 square kilometres. The villagers nearby a power plant have the apprehensions of radiation leakage. Due to these apprehensions, the government is not able to mine uranium from the mines in Andhra Pradesh and Meghalaya as the villagers are protesting against the mining in this region. So, the installation of power plants may face the hurdles discussed in the article. Hence, it becomes the duty of one and all to understand the energy needs of our country and come together to get its benefits with overcoming the obstacles.

The writer is from the Dept of Chemistry and Physics, CCS, HAU, Hisar


Roads from plastic waste
Dr G.S. Dhillon

At present the plastic waste form a considerable proportion of our municipal solid wastes (MSW) and the analysis of the MSW collected at Chandigarh shows that it contains about 10.91 per cent of recyclable material, mostly plastic material. This material is at present collected from bins of different households by the rag-pickers and sold for being recycled into plastic bags.

As plans are afoot to totally ban the use of plastic bags in Chandigarh, the rag-pickers will find that unless they get some alternative source where they can collect and sell the plastic wastes, they would be losing their source of livelihood. The plastic bag manufacturers, mostly in the small scale or unorganised sector, will also be hit hard by this ban resulting in a considerable loss of jobs. However, if this material is made use of in the road construction process, it would not only help the industry and the rag-pickers but would convert this waste into a useful resource.

Chandigarh according to the 2001 census, had a population over 8,08,515, who daily produced a waste quantity of 326 tonnes, the daily waste generation rate being 0.4 kg per capita. The composition of the MSW being compostable faction being 57.18%, recyclable fraction 10.19%, its C/N ratio of 20.52, moisture content of 64% and HCV of 1408 Kcal/kg.

The above data indicates that the amount of plastic waste for use in the road construction would be above 30 tons per day. If this material is burnt along with other wastes, the dangerous environmental pollution would occur, as on the burning of plastics dioxin gas is produced which is very harmful.

Large numbers of experimental studies carried out in Tamil Nadu have shown that, if suitably processed, plastic waste can be used as partial replacement of bitumen, and the road crust obtained has better riding characteristics. At 15 sites improved crust bitumen roads’ performance was studied. The road crust so obtained had strength nearly double the currently used roads and also the traffic load carrying capacity was much higher.

The polymer coated aggregate-bitumen crust had greater resistance towards water stagnation or formation of potholes There was less “bleeding” of roads occurring in hot-summer months in the case of these improved crust roads as compared to the conventional tar roads.

Polymer blended bitumen material showed a higher softening point, lower penetration point and better ductility and higher Marshall Value.

The other characteristics of the improved road crust showed that it had better stripping value showing that the mix obtained with polymer coating of aggregate was far better suited for road construction and resulting in better service.

The collected plastic waste is washed clean and then shredded to pass through 4.76 mm sieve and retained on 2.36 mm sieve.

The plastic waste may contain PP, PE, and PS material but PVC material needs to be avoided for getting included.

The shredded material was then added to the aggregate heated to 170 degree Centigrade in a central mix plant and suitably mixed. There after pre-heated bitumen to 160 degree Centigrade is added in the drum containing heated aggregate and shredded plastic waste material.

As the polymer obtained and the bitumen are in molten state, they get mixed with ease and suitably blend to yield a good quality crust material.


I have heard that most fundamental forces between particles are understood as exchange forces. What is exchanged and what does it mean?

A charged particle like a proton has an electric field around it. This field represents its sphere of influence. The electric field extends to infinity though its intensity decreases inversely as square of the distance. In modern physics the electric field can be considered as an assemblage of virtual photons and its effect on another charge as being mediated through exchange of these photons. Theory of electrons developed on this basis by Dirac has been exceedingly successful. This theory was based on quantum mechanics, recognising the fact that light cannot travel faster than a certain speed. One could say that in some sense the theory was based on the reality of exchange interaction.

But protons do not interact only through electromagnetic interaction. They have other interactions in addition. Strong interaction is the one that keeps atomic nuclei together. Nuclear force is much stronger and has a different character. Specifically its range is very short. It was postulated that there should exist particles of mass over 200 times the electron mass that might act as mediators of strong force through exchange reaction between strongly interacting particles. Quantum mechanical wavelength of these particles would be short. The success of this idea has been demonstrated through discovery of such particles. It is to be realised that such gluing particles might be virtual when causing the exchange interaction they can also be concretely produced when enough energy is available to create them. These glue particles are sprinkled out in abundance in interaction of particles at high energies. Incidentally, photons that are the virtual glue of electromagnetic interaction are also produced in abundance in electron interactions at high energy. This way of thinking has been successfully employed to understand another category of interactions called weak interactions. The mediating particles with right properties have been discovered as predicted. Proceeding further the nucleons (namely protons and neutrons) have been postulated to be composed of various types of quarks which are again combined with the help of gluons of right properties. Searches are on to detect these gluon particles.

Many features of the universe we live in have been understood successfully through universalising a certain way of thinking. One might say that this has resulted in a significant success in achieving the unification of three out of four forces of nature we know of. Considering that they pertain to such different regimes of strength and properties it seems amazing that this has happened. One could almost say that one has got some insight into the mind of Nature, including the tricks it likes to use. Gravity has not yet been caught in this web. No one can say that he has found the graviton. The hunt is on. If and when that happens it will be a big day for science.