Beyond brain drain
We should “train, retain and sustain” our talent, say C. S. Gautam, Meesha Verma and Munish Ashat
HE ultimate aim of any civilisation is to serve humanity. These words, though spoken centuries ago, still hold relevance in today’s world, better known as a global village. Talking of the much-debated brain drain, it is one such topic which has been definitely much more criticised than understood. In today’s era, when globalisation has made world a smaller place to live in and when one ought to keep pace with the times, criticising brain drain or perhaps saying that “staying back is a better option” is perhaps a logical impossibility.

Reservation alright, but where is skilled labour
Lalit Mohan
HE Himachal Pradesh government is mulling 70 per cent reservation for Himachalis in up to 5 MW power projects. Already much hue and cry is being raised by political leaders regarding the non-implementation of 80 per cent reservation in the state industry.

Campus Notes
Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak

  • Dialogue with litterateurs

  • Induction programme

  • Extension lecture-cum-workshop

  • Last date extended




Beyond brain drain
We should “train, retain and sustain” our talent, say C. S. Gautam, Meesha Verma and Munish Ashat

THE ultimate aim of any civilisation is to serve humanity. These words, though spoken centuries ago, still hold relevance in today’s world, better known as a global village. Talking of the much-debated brain drain, it is one such topic which has been definitely much more criticised than understood. In today’s era, when globalisation has made world a smaller place to live in and when one ought to keep pace with the times, criticising brain drain or perhaps saying that “staying back is a better option” is perhaps a logical impossibility.

How can we remain static in a dynamic society? How can we remain unchanged, when change is the law of nature? How can we conclude that those who live abroad don’t serve their motherland? Perhaps all these questions have a common answer, which is indeed the truth that brain drain plays a pivotal role in any kind of development.

If we talk at the individual level for a moment, the reason for brain drain is striving for a better platform, where individuals can prove their mettle. Talking of the so-called best brains, the Silicon Valley boasts of over 25,000 IIT alumni. The IITians, doctors, software engineers, etc., who leave the country, will always be recognised as Indians only. The developed nations will always look back at us for professionals. When a student goes abroad to study and does not return for a long time, it does not mean that the country has lost him; but then the country is just waiting for him to return well equipped with knowledge and skill to serve his motherland in a better way.

Talking on political grounds, the large population of Indians abroad has helped create a niche for India in the world political map. A recent example of US Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama condoling the death of General Sam Manik Shaw can be viewed as a political move to win the hearts of a large number of Indians who will be one of the major deciding factors in the elections to come.

The economic front too needs to be discussed. The recent comment by the World Bank that “human capital flight increases global economic income” is in itself explanatory. The benefits of foreign exchange have enormously generated direct investments from $3 billion in 1980 to $22 billion in 2005, which is indeed a giant leap. Remittances and foreign exchange contributed by NRIs definitely give a boon to India’s economy.

Citing an example in favour of brain drain, we talk of Dr Hargobind Khurana. Had he stayed back in India, he would have attained the post of a Professor at maximum, but then he got worldwide recognition as an “Indian scientist” once he moved out. And his discovery did not specifically benefit a particular part of the world but the whole world.

The example of Kalpana Chawla needs a special mention. She not only got recognised as an astronaut but specifically brought back laurels for her country also, and the list is endless. But then the nationalistic ideas held by some of us can’t be ruled out.

Another view, which is strongly supported by a part of population, is that brain drain is perhaps a hindrance to the nation’s progress. Definitely, we can’t be myopic in vision and choose to prioritise our personal interests but have to shoulder the responsibility towards the society we belong to. The most commonly used expression by the Gen-Next is that “My country is a useless piece of barren land, where trees of opportunities can never grow”.

Is it fair to call it a barren land when pioneers like Rabindra Nath Tagore, Mahatma Gandhi, Baba Amte, K. K. Birla have worked and flourished on this soil?

In this the way, the youth should return the turn and turmoil of family, college, school, society and the whole nation that helped in carving their skills to the maximum. Is this the way to respect the social, moral and economic expectations that the country has from us? The answer is an emphatic ‘No’.

Brain drain sounded logical in the 60s and 70s when we didn’t have much resources. However, are there seriously no good opportunities in India today? Definitely not. Today, when we have a sound education system, when many MNCs are desperately trying to open their branches in India and when the GDP is touching double figures, does the West still seem that starry?

Besides the global areas, the flight of human resource from one profession to other within the same country is also turned as or better classified as “internal brain drain.” Within the country, there is shocking news with almost 78 per cent of engineers after graduating in the fields of civil, instrumentation, electronics, mechanical and biomedical engineering leave their respective fields to join the call centers, which on short term may provide a feast of monetary benefits but on long term fizzle out. A majority of students doing MBBS finally land on administrative jobs or do management, little realising that instead of scribbling on files, they would have probably improved the infrastructure of the nation by utilising their skills in the right direction.

According to some sections of the society, brain drain, whether global or internal, is a serious blow to the economy of any developing country like India.

Talking of statistics, there are almost 60,000 Indian doctors practising in the US, which form a whooping 12 per cent of the total doctors present home. It is noteworthy that this is the condition, when more than half of the country is still being served by RMPs and substandard labs. Since this sector has the property that requires the balance of both the skill and technology to be effective, loss of any link in the chain leads to substantial and adverse ripple effects. There are almost 11,000 university graduates and 1/3rd IITians and IIMians who migrate every year. With this we are not only losing $5000/IITian by what is lost is brain and intelligentsia.

So, the slogan should be “train, retain and sustain” and instead of talking about brain in drain, one should emphasise on how to improve the drain.

Indeed, the very notion of “brain drain” may seem completely outdated or wrongly imply, that the movement of highly skilled personnel everywhere and anywhere is a bad thing. Instead, what we need are better methods to assess the net impact of migration—including but not limited to brain drain. So, enhanced policies that target problems where and when they arise should be devised. 


Reservation alright, but where is skilled labour
Lalit Mohan

THE Himachal Pradesh government is mulling 70 per cent reservation for Himachalis in up to 5 MW power projects. Already much hue and cry is being raised by political leaders regarding the non-implementation of 80 per cent reservation in the state industry.

However, what the state leaders are ignoring in their political rhetoric over reservation for Himachalis in the industry is that they do not have technically qualified labour to supply to industry. The present education system is producing maximum unskilled labour that is not of any use to the industry. As a result, the industry is forced to employ technically qualified trained professionals from other states.

An analysis of the data collected from the Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education reveals that even at the 10+2 level, just 15 per cent students opted for science subjects. This year, only 15,500 students, out of 1 lakh students, opted for science subjects in the entire state. Out of them just 11,539 students passed. Sources say that not even half of these science students go for further technical qualifications as engineering or diploma courses.

Lesser paying capacity and very few technical or professional institutions in the state are basic reasons due to which students are not opting for higher qualification.

The analysis of data reveals another startling figure. Not even one per cent students are opting for vocational subjects. The school education board is offering vacationing courses in accounting and auditing, computer technique, electronic technology, maintenance and repair of electrical appliances and food sciences subjects. This year, 795 students opted for vocational subjects and only 596 students managed to pass.

The situation is that majority of students go for basic arts subjects at the graduation level. Educationists say that in other states, the colleges offering basic courses are diversifying to professional courses. However, in Himachal, the government is opening more colleges to offer basic courses that have lost relevance in the current job market scenario.

Thus, the state needs to train its youth for jobs in industry rather than imparting just basic education. For this, more ITIs and diploma colleges are required in the state to meet the labour requirements of the industry and implement the reservation policy.

The government also needs to attract the upcoming BPO industry in the state, which is hiring youth from Himachal for its operations at Chandigarh and Delhi. Though thousands of Himachali youth are working in BPOs in other states, the state government has failed to attract even a single company.


Campus Notes
Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak
Dialogue with litterateurs

Literature provides a humane outlook to human beings. It acts as a tool for the sensitisation of society and facilitates its democratisation.

These views were expressed by eminent litterateur and Director of Haryana Police Academy, ADGP V.N.Rai, while delivering the presidential address during “A Dialogue with Litterateur” programme organised at the Department of Hindi here recently.

Noted Hindi writers Maitryee Pushpa and Anamika were the key speakers. Addressing the gathering on the occasion, Maitryee Pushpa said she was inspired by villages and rural life in her writing. “I have tried to capture the world of rural women in my novels,” she said, adding that love was at the heart of her creative endeavour.

Well-known writer and poetess Anamika pointed out that feminist writing was echoing the concerns of women who had been subjugated by the patriarchal society thus far. “The bundle of pain and humiliation within a human being bursts out as literature,” she opined, adding that literature provides a platform for democratic space in society.

The authors interacted with the audience after the lecture session. Prof Rohini Agrawal, Head, Department of Hindi, said, “Today, literature is trying to bring out women and downtrodden from the margins to the mainstream of society.” She said literature was an effective tool to provide dignity to women.

Induction programme

A two-day induction programme for the new entrants to the MBA programme at the Institute of Management Studies and Research (IMSAR) of MDU was organised recently.

Corporate professionals Rajbir Singh and R. S. Dabas (IMSAR alumni) inaugurated the programme. They gave details to students about the requirements of corporate world. The IMSAR Director, Prof A. K. Rajan, and senior faculty member Dr H.J.Ghoshroy spoke on the occasion.

Meanwhile, a Teacher’s Day function was organised on the university campus. Dr Ramdhan Singh memorial lecture was organised to mark the occasion.

Extension lecture-cum-workshop

An extension lecture-cum-workshop was organised at the Department of Computer Science and Applications of MDU recently. Sunit Mukherjee, a lecturer in English at Government College, Dubaldhan, spoke on “Personality Development, Communication and Soft Skills” and conducted a session on “Effective Resume-Writing and Interview Skills”.

The Head of the host department, Dr Nasib Singh Gill, delivered the welcome address, while Dr Rajender Singh, Reader, proposed the vote of thanks.

Last date extended

The MDU administration has extended the last date of admission to undergraduate as well as postgraduate courses at affiliated colleges of the university with a late fee of Rs 1,000 up to September 29.

A university spokesperson said the decision had been taken in view of representations received from students and requests of principals of affiliated colleges. The late admissions against vacant seats will be made on merit basis.

— Contributed by Sunit Dhawan



Deadline Column 163 (September 20, ‘08)

Armed Forces

Integrated HQ of MOD (Army), Adjutant General’s Branch, ADG Recruiting, West Block III, RK Puram, New Delhi 900108 

10+2 Technical Entry Scheme Course-21 (July 2009)

Eligibility: Unmarried males; 10+2 (PCM).
DoB: 01 January ’90 - 01 January ’93.

Selection: SSB Interview: February / March ‘09; Medical Test.

Application Form: Send in prescribed format at C/o 56 APO to the above address. Superscribe on envelope “APPLICATION FOR 10+2 (TES) COURSE SER. No. 21, JULY 2009”.

Details: Employment News (13 - 19 September 2008) / Website

Application Deadline: 31 October 2008


Rashtriya Indian Military College (RIMC), Dehradun (Utt) 

RIMC Entrance Exam (July 2009)

Eligibility: Boys in / passed Class VII.
Age: 11½ -13 years (on 01 July ‘09)

Exam: English & Maths: 01 December ‘08; General Knowledge: 02 December ‘08; Viva Voice; Medical

Application Form: Send Rs 250/- by DD favouring “The Commandant, RIMC, Dehradun” drawn at SBI, Tel Bhawan, Dehradun (Bank Code: 01576) at the above address.

Application Deadline: 30 September 2008


The Indian Navy, PO Bag No 04, Nirman Bhawan Post Office, New Delhi 110011

SSC Officer as Pilot in the Executive Branch – July 2009 

Eligibility: Unmarried Indian men graduates (60%, with Maths & Physics in Class 12)
DoB: 02 July '86 - 01 July '90.

Selection: SSB Interview; Medical Exam.

Application Form: Send by ordinary post in the prescribed format to the above address. Superscribe “Application for SSC Pilots – July 09 Course. Qualification ………….. Percentage …%” on the envelope / Download from website.

Details: Website.

Application Deadline: 04 October 2008


The Indian Navy, Post Bag No 05, GPO, New Delhi 110001

Permanent Commissioned Officers in Naval Armament Inspection Cadre of Executive Branch - July 2009 Course

Eligibility: Unmarried Indian men; BE / BTech (Electrical / Electronics / Mechanical) / PG Degree (Electronics / Physics).
DoB: 02 July ’84 - 01 January ’90.

Selection: SSB Interview; Medical Test

Application Form: Send in prescribed format by ordinary post with all required documents and two self-addressed envelopes to the above address.
Superscribe “Application for PC NAIC – July 2009 Course. Qualification………Percentage......%” on the envelope / Download from website.

Details: Website

Application Deadline: 04 October 2008



Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Centre for Science Communication, School of Future Studies & Planning, First Floor, Central Library Building, Khandwa Road, Indore 452001 (MP)

PG Diploma in Science Communication (1 year, Distance)

Eligibility: BSc (II division)

Application Form: Download from website

Details: Employment News (13 – 19 September 2008) / Website.

Application Deadline: 30 September 2008



National Council for Promotion of Urdu Language, West Block 1, Wing No 6, RK Puram, New Delhi 110066 (M/o HRD, D/o Secondary & Higher Education, GoI) 

Diploma in Computer Application & Multi-Lingual DTP (1 year)
(in collaboration with DOEACC Centre, Chandigarh)
Diploma Course in Urdu (Distance, in English and Hindi)

Eligibility: 10+2 (Science stream preferred)
Age: 17-35 years.

Selection: Interview: 08-11 October 2008

Application Form & Details: Contact designated computer centres

Application Deadline: 07 October 2008



IIM-Bangalore, Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore 560076 (Kar)

Executive PG Programme in Mgmt (1 year)

Eligibility: Bachelors degree with at least 7 years work-ex

Selection: GMAT score; Interview

Application Form & Details: Website.

Birla Institute of Management Technology, Plot No 5, Knowledge Park II, Greater Noida 201306 (UP)

PG Diploma: (2 year, Full-Time)
Mgmt / Mgmt: International Business / Insurance Business / Retail Mgmt 

Eligibility: Bachelors degree (50%)

Selection: CAT 2008 scores, GD & Interview.

Application Form: Send Rs 1550/- by DD favouring “Birla Institute of Management Technology” with a self addressed slip (10 cm x 8 cm) payable at Greater Noida / Noida / New Delhi to above address / Download from website.

Details: Website

Application Deadline:  10 December 2008

Physically Handicapped

National Institute for the Visually Handicapped, 116, Rajpur Road, Dehradun 248001 (Utt) (M/o Social Justice & Empowerment, GoI) 

Bachelor of Mobility Science (1 year)

Eligibility: Bachelors degree
Age: 20-28 years 

Selection: Entrance Exam: 12 October 2008 

Application Form: Send Rs.350/- by DD favoring ”The Director, NIVH” payable at Dehradun at above address.

Details: Employment News (13 – 19 September 2008)

Application Deadline: 03 October 2008


Bank of Baroda, Post Box No 27673, Malad (E), Mumbai 400097 (Mah)

Recruitment of Clerical Staff (520 posts)

Eligibility: Class 12 (60%) / Diploma in Banking / Bachelors Degree (50%)
Age: 18 – 28 years (on 01 September ’08)

Selection: Written Exam: 30 November 2008; Interview.

Application Form: Download from website.

Details: Employment News (13 – 19 September 2008) / Website.

Application Deadline: 06 October 2008


National Thermal Power Corporation Ltd (NTPC),  NTPC Bhawan, SCOPE Complex, Core 7, Lodi Road, New Delhi 110003 

Scholarships for SC / ST / Physically Challenged Students pursuing degree course in Engineering (35)

Eligibility: Students in 2nd year BE / BTech (Electrical / Instrumentation / Mechanical / Electronics / Telecommunication / Computer Science). Candidates must clear first year in first attempt.

Scholarship: Rs 1500/- pm for 2 years

Application Form: Send in prescribed format to Shri A K Bhatnagar, AGM (HR & CC) with required documents through Head of your Institution to the above address.

Details: Employment News (13 – 19 September 2008) / Website.

Application Deadline: 20 October 2008

Rashtriya Vigyan Evam Prodyogiki Sanchar Parishad, D/o Science & Technology, Technology Bhawan, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi 110016

Nominations for Awards 2008:
1) National Award for Outstanding Effort in Science & Technology Communication
2) National Award for Outstanding Effort in Science & Technology Communication through Books & Magazines
3) National Award for Outstanding Effort in Science & Technology Popularization among Children
4) National Award for Outstanding Effort in Translation of Popular Science & Technology Literature
5) National Awards for Outstanding Effort in Science & Technology Communication in the Print Medium
6) National Award for Outstanding Effort in Science & Technology Communication in Electronic Medium

Eligibility: For 1: The individual or institution for outstanding work in communication of science & technology and / or promoting of scientific temper which had the widest impact in the country.
For 2: The individual or institution for outstanding efforts in popularization of science & technology and / or promoting of scientific temper through books, magazines, internet etc.
For 3: The individual or institution for outstanding work in popularization of science & technology and / or promoting of scientific temper among children which had the widest impact in the country
For 4: The individual journalist or institution for outstanding work in translating popular science & technology literature in and from regional languages.
For 5: The individual correspondent or institution for outstanding efforts in communication of science & technology and / or promoting of scientific temper through print media.
For 6: The individual or institution for outstanding effort in communication of science & technology and / or promoting scientific temper through radio and / or TV media.
Scholarships: For 1: Rs 2 lakh.
For 2 - 6: Rs 1 lakh.

Application Form & Details: Website

Application Deadline: 15 October 2008

DAAD, Office of The German Academic Exchange Service, IIIrd Floor, 72 Lodi Estate, New Delhi 110003

Special DAAD Fellowship (2 - 4 months)
For Disaster Prevention & Mgmt in the following fields:
(Geology / Geo-informatics / Disaster Preparedness & Prevention / Public Sector Mgmt / Medicine / Public Health / Epidemiology / Trauma Psychology / Regional Planning / Resource Mgmt & Ecology / Civil Engg / Peace & Conflict Studies)

Eligibility: Post Doctoral Scholars / Scientists / Senior Scientists to visit German University

Fellowship: 1840 Euros pm

Details: Website

Application Deadline: 15 October 2008

Inter-University Centre for Astronomy & Astrophysics (IUCAA), Pune University Campus, Post Bag 4, Ganeshkhind, Pune 411007 (Mah) /

IUCAA-NCRA Admission Test (INAT-2008) 

(Research Scholarship for PhD at IUCAA, Pune / National Centre for Radio Astrophysics of the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Pune) starting August 2009

Eligibility: MSc (Physics / Electronics / Astronomy / Applied Maths) / BE / BTech / ME / MTech. 

Selection: JEST-2009: 18 December ’08; Interview: 18 / 19 December ‘08.

Application Form & Details: Website

Application Deadline: 10 October 2008


Jiwaji University, School of Studies in Distance Education, Gwalior 474011 (MP) 

BA / BCom / BSc / BBA (RTM) / BLib ISc / BJMC
(Economics / History / Ancient History / Hindi / Sanskrit / Political Science / Sociology / Geography / Public Admin / English / Drawing & Painting / Social Work)
MLib ISc
PG Diploma in
(Psychological Counseling / Yoga Education / Computer Application / HRD)

Application Form:  Send Rs. 250/- by DD favouring “Registrar, Jiwaji University, Gwalior” with a self addressed envelope, to the Director SOS in Distance Education, Distance Education Building, University campus at the above address.

Details: Employment News (13 – 19 September 2008)

Application Deadline: 30 September 2008

Maharishi Markandeshwar, MM Institue of Distance Education, Mullana, Ambala 133203 (Punj)

Bachelors Degree Programme
Masters Degree Programme 

Diploma Courses 

Application Form & Details: Website

Application Deadline: 06 October 2008

Pervin Malhotra,

Director, Career Guidance India (CARING)

