Rise in gall bladder cancer cases
Dr S. P. Kaushik
HE most common disease of the gall bladder is the formation of stones within its lumen, resulting in an acute and/or chronic infection of the gall bladder known as cholecystitis. Less commonly, the gall bladder develops a cancer. Cancer of the gall bladder is a dreaded disease that is less commonly seen in western countries but is much more frequent in countries like Chile and India.

Conservative treatment can prevent cervical disc surgery
Dr Ravinder Chadha
AIN from the neck can be referred to the shoulder, forearm and hand. Compression of the spinal cord due to disc herniation in the lower back causes sciatica wherein the pain radiates from the lower back to the leg and the foot. Similarly, pain in the arm could be due to cervical disc herniation.

Is flossing of teeth essential?
Dr H.S.Chawla
Bacteria are present in every mouth. They live on the teeth by sticking to the surface, and are responsible for the production of dental caries as well as gum/periodontal disease. Once the bacteria reach the hidden proximal surfaces and other niches of the teeth, they live an undisturbed life, proliferating with gay abandon.

Health Notes

  • Dentists’ drill and toothbrush may become obsolete

  • Juice helps beat bladder cancer!

  • Cancer worries may affect bones


Rise in gall bladder cancer cases
Dr S. P. Kaushik

THE most common disease of the gall bladder is the formation of stones within its lumen, resulting in an acute and/or chronic infection of the gall bladder known as cholecystitis. Less commonly, the gall bladder develops a cancer.

Cancer of the gall bladder is a dreaded disease that is less commonly seen in western countries but is much more frequent in countries like Chile and India. The Indian Medical Council has registered an incidence of nearly five persons per 100,000 male population and 10 persons per 100,000 female population in North India. The highest incidence of this cancer has been seen along the Gangetic delta.

The cause and effect relationship between gall stones and cancer is not clear. As many as 70 to 90 per cent of the patients of cancer have stones in their gall bladder. The risk of developing cancer in patients having long-standing or untreated stones in their gall bladder has been worked out to be five persons in 1000 cases of gall stone disease, over a 20-year period. It is possible that the association of gall stones and gall bladder cancer may be incidental, but on the other hand there may well be a common pathway for developing an abnormality in certain individuals, which after a certain stage gets divided into two separate pathways --- in one group resulting into the development of stones and in the other group resulting into the formation of cancer, or the stones may trigger the changes which have cancer formation as an end-point.

It is therefore, advisable that persons living in high incidence cancer zones, and having gall stones should undergo early surgical removal of their gall bladder in order to avoid the possibility of eventually developing cancer of the gall bladder.

The clinical presentation -- sign and symptoms -- is more or less the same as that of gall stones: pain in the right upper abdomen associated with indigestion, particularly to fatty foods, with radiation to back and right shoulder, and often fever with or without jaundice (yellow coloration of eyes and passage of dark coloured urine). Because of this confusion with stone disease, gall bladder cancer is often not diagnosed in time in more than 50-60 per cent of the cases, and it becomes far too advanced till it is detected.

The other reasons for not making the diagnosis of cancer are lack of awareness, clinical suspicion and appropriate work up, including specific tests by doctors. If there is a lump or swelling in the right upper abdomen, lack of appetite, loss of desire to eat, weight loss in any person known to be suffering from the symptoms of gall stone disease or otherwise gall bladder cancer must be ruled out.

The general public, therefore, needs to realise that harbouring stones in the gall bladder is not without the risk of complications and development of cancer.

The best preliminary investigation to rule out cancer of the gall bladder is an ultrasound examination of the abdomen, including the liver, the gall bladder and the pancreas. If there is any abnormality in the wall of the gall bladder, swelling or mass formation within its wall or lumen, further tests must be performed.

Unfortunately, most of the cases of gall bladder cancer are diagnosed late and in an advanced stage of the disease. It is time this trend was reversed by an all-round effort. Not only should the public report to experts in time, patients should get the necessary tests done and have the required surgery performed in order to return to good health.

Timely intervention and, if need be, additional treatment -- radiotherapy and/or the use of anticancer drugs -- should be undertaken to control the disease.

The outcome of treatment of the patients of gall bladder cancer depends entirely on early diagnosis and suitable surgery which ought to be performed by experts, sooner the better. The onus of return to good health depends greatly on the patient himself or herself and his/her ability to find and get treated by a well-trained specialist.


Conservative treatment can prevent cervical disc surgery
Dr Ravinder Chadha

PAIN from the neck can be referred to the shoulder, forearm and hand. Compression of the spinal cord due to disc herniation in the lower back causes sciatica wherein the pain radiates from the lower back to the leg and the foot.

Similarly, pain in the arm could be due to cervical disc herniation. Cervical disc herniation is also known as prolapsed disc, protruded disc, ruptured disc, slipped disc, etc. A disc bulge is not necessarily an abnormal finding and could simply be due to the aging process vis-à-vis disc degeneration.

This indicates the loss of the normal fluid content in the disc which results in the loss of normal disc height. This may be associated with varied clinical problems. The disc’s normal function is to serve as a cushion and facilitate spinal movements.

Disc herniation could happen from sudden exertion as in heavy weight lifting. People having a poor posture, weak neck muscles, obesity, etc., are more prone to disc herniation. An examination reveals sensory abnormality, muscles weakness along the affected spinal nerve route. The affective diagnostic tool available is MRI.

Symptoms: In most cases, neck pain is minimal or absent but when present it radiates from the shoulder to the arm/ hand. This is severe enough to limit the use of the arm.

Location of arm pain depends on the site of the disc involved. The most common site implicated is C6 and C7.

Pain worsens on bending the neck backwards or looking upwards.

The associated weakness of the muscles and parasthesias are also encountered.

Treatment: In acute cases, short-term immobilisation with cervical collar provides relief. However, collar should not be used for prolonged periods as it could weaken the neck muscles. The collar should be removed for an hour after every three hours ideally.

Anti-inflammatory medication helps relieve pain.

Cervical traction also helps.

Ultra sound, heat and massage to good to relax muscles, thereby relieving pain.

The following exercises stretch the muscles around the neck:

Shoulder shrug: While standing erect, the arms held loosely at sides, breathe deeply and lift the shoulders as high and far back as possible. Now breathe out and lower the shoulders to the starting position. Repeat 15 times thrice a day.

Strengthening exercises are done against the resistance of the hand.

  • Place the palm of the hand on the forehead, try touching the chin to the chest against the resistance of the hand for a count of 10.
  • Place both hands behind the back of the head, and tilt the head backward against the resistance of the hands.
  • Place one hand behind the ear, resisting the motion of bringing the ear to the shoulder on the same side.

The biggest dilemma faced by the patients suffering from a cervical disc problem is to choose between conservative treatment and surgical intervention. The patient should consider surgery only when there is no response to conservative treatment for around six to eight weeks, or numbness and pain are not alleviated but instead aggravates every day.


Is flossing of teeth essential?
Dr H.S.Chawla

Bacteria are present in every mouth. They live on the teeth by sticking to the surface, and are responsible for the production of dental caries as well as gum/periodontal disease. Once the bacteria reach the hidden proximal surfaces and other niches of the teeth, they live an undisturbed life, proliferating with gay abandon. Being small, they do not need a large amount of food for their survival. Whatever we eat, howsoever little, provides enough nourishment to these troublesome bacteria, which multiply to disease-producing levels in these hidden and unbrushed areas. Their metabolism leads to caries and gum disease.

Essentially, there are two time-tested means of cleaning these surfaces --- by using Interdental brush and Dental floss.

The use of an interdental brush is recommended when interdental spaces increase as we age. Dental floss is, however, needed even though you are using interdental brush, as only flossing can clean contact areas --- the surfaces of the adjacent teeth in tight contact with each other.

Dental floss: It is a thread composed of silk filaments; synthetic versions are also popular. It is available in a small box provided with a cutter to cut the floss thread to the required length. Fluoride-impregnated floss is also available, and is useful in the prevention of dental caries. Flavoured ones are also marketed, mint being quite popular. In the Indian market, floss is available as waxed and un-waxed, in lengths of generally 25 and 50 metres.

Method of using: Draw about six inches of floss. Wind this around the fingers of both hands so that about two inches of floss are left free between the fingers. This free portion is passed by short see-saw movements through the contact area of the teeth. It is important to ensure that it passes the contact area without a thud; otherwise it can injure the gum. The floss, with pressure, is moved vertically on the side of the tooth from gum upwards for the lower teeth and gum downwards for the upper teeth. Five to six strokes are essential to remove the bacteria sticking on the side surface. Likewise, the adjacent side of the other tooth is cleaned. All the surfaces of the teeth are cleaned in similar fashion.

Learning flossing may be difficult, but it becomes easy with practice. The trick is not to lose patience. Start from the front teeth and gradually proceed to the back teeth. In the beginning, if you get stuck on a particular tooth, skip it for the time being, but the next time start at the very tooth you got stuck. It is recommended to use a fresh piece of floss in each interdental space.

Other important points: Do not be deterred if interdental cleaning causes bleeding: with continued flossing, the bleeding would stop. If the bleeding continues for the fourth day, it means that you have gum/periodontal disease. You must then consult a dentist.

Always proceed from an anterior to a posterior teeth. This is because the back teeth are more likely to harbour disease-producing anaerobic bacteria. The reverse movement is more likely to transfer these bacteria to the anterior teeth.

Floss splitting each time on use is indicative of a cavity on the proximal surface.

The use of floss is recommended for children as well as adults. It is the preferred method of cleaning. For interdental cleaning in children, flossing alone is sufficient. Adults require interdental brushing as well. Without its use, sooner or later, you would develop dental caries, gum disease or both, depending upon individual immunity.


Health Notes

Dentists’ drill and toothbrush may become obsolete

LONDON: Get ready to bid adieu to the dreaded dentist’s drill and the floss-creating toothbrush, thanks to two radical new inventions by dental researchers that could change the way we take care of our teeth.

Leeds Dental Institute scientists have come up with a solution that can mimic the way the body forms new teeth, and would do away with drilling and filling by making it possible for the teeth to repair themselves.

Along with this discovery, these researchers have also formulated a mouthwash that kills the plaque causing bacteria when a light is shone into the mouth. — ANI

Juice helps beat bladder cancer!

LONDON: A daily glass of broccoli juice can protect against bladder cancer, swears a 79-year old Brit who beat the disease by downing the drink everyday. Ray Wiseman was diagnosed with bladder cancer five years ago, and survived the condition with just half a tumbler broccoli juice daily.

“If I’d had my bladder removed five years ago — as was suggested — I’d have been vulnerable to many infections and wouldn’t be here,” The Sun quoted him as saying. — ANI

Cancer worries may affect bones

LONDON: Avoiding sun over the fears of developing skin cancer might be making your bones brittle, suggests a new survey.

According to National Osteoporosis Society (NOS), lack of vitamin D might put people at an increased risk of developing brittle bone disease. It advised having lunch outside, gardening or hanging out the washing. Skin cancer rates have experienced a significant increase in recent years — ANI

