Leaving on a jet plane
Forget Monday tests, switch off the mobile, do away with deadlines… Simply put, break free! Team Life Style turns travel guru and brings you out of the ordinary holiday options that will delight kiddo brigade, rekindle romance, watch mommies go trekking & daddies go shopping!
WE’VE craved for mountains and deep seas. Dreamt of free falling from 10,000 feet above sea level, driving a bike along rugged tracks, climbing up rocks (like Spidey) and escaping the claustrophobic office cubicle. Now, with vacations a skip and jump away, travel bug sure has bitten us. And travel agents around are keeping our travel tempo at an all-time high with the customised lucrative holiday packages. As Kapil Malhotra from Ekido-8 puts it, “The trend is of customised packages, where everything from destinations, airline, hotel partners, tour directors and value-added services is chosen as per the client’s preference.” We rejoice, and instead of listing the usual packages, capture the feel, flavour and colours of some beautiful holiday-journeys for you.

Shopping, sightseeing, eating, entertainment and adventure sports, all in Singapore.
Mixed bag: Shopping, sightseeing, eating, entertainment and adventure sports, all in Singapore.
Gamble legally & hop on to Southeast Asia’s longest cable car.
Go Genting: Gamble legally & hop on to Southeast Asia’s longest cable car.
Hold hands and enjoy a leisurely walk around the Eiffel Tower in Paris.
Fall in love again: Hold hands and enjoy a leisurely walk around the Eiffel Tower in Paris.

E-books vs traditional paperbacks: The debate rages on
FANCY reading Charles Dickens online? For the Gen Past, the feel of a copy of Arabian Nights or Great Expectations is as savoury as reading it, but for those who have grown up on Pokemon or Power-puff Girls and cannot fathom life without an iPod or a laptop, reading a book online is the way of life. So, an article in one of the leading English dailies that electronic books are likely to make traditional paperbacks as obsolete as cassette or LPs in the near future set us thinking.

Wordly Wisdom
We peeped into the books of the HR guys & compiled a reckoner to save you from damage at work
WHO hasn’t had trouble at work? The difficulty in identifying the fine line between a friendly and a flirtatious colleague. The burden of extra-responsibility versus the bonus of the peers. Balancing cut-throat competition with congeniality. Drinking to please the bosses and then staying sober till they leave. The list is long. But well, we aren’t talking of petty issues, we are talking of the trouble that stirs, courtesy the words you utter! Yes, the golden, insane, magical, wisdom, sympathetic, almost anything you say could bring you under the spotlight. We took help from a few employees in the city, from those suffering from workaholism to work anorexia, know-it-alls to good-for-nothings, real to fakes, geeks to bonkers, efficients to excuse-makers, and complied a list of the words banned at the workplace.

first day first show
All’s possible in this Jannat
Jannat : Time pass
They gave him carte blanche to go on a smooching spree in their films. He, too, thought he would kiss his way to the top. That, his endless intimate scenes with femme fatales will make him the ultimate lover boy of Bollywood. How wrong he was! His movies sank without a trace and he perilously came close to kiss his career goodbye. What he thought would be a road to paradise turned out to be a highway to hell. After languishing in narak for a long time (read 10 colossal flops), Emraan Hashmi now desperately needs Jannat.

Taping success
He is a tailor with no affinity for the needles. But then, who will after spending almost 30 years with threads and needles for company? So, Hem Raj invented a new trick, put together a garment without a single stitch. Well, it is possible, if you have the ingenuity of the master tailor. The shirt he is wearing these days, is being put together by strips of reversible tape.

Write to Renee
at or Life Style, The Tribune, Sector 29-C, Chd
I am a 25-year-old-girl with a low self-esteem. I do not have the confidence to go out and meet people. I feel people will make fun of me behind my back. Even their good intentions seem loaded with some ulterior motive to me. I think it comes from an overbearing mother and a father who was an alcoholic. I did not have a happy childhood. I would like to make friends. My only comfort is food and good movies. Is there any way I can be confident and be happy?

Little Interview
When dreams come true
FORMER Ponds Femina Miss India and 2005 Miss World Tourism, Sonal Chauhan has made her foray into the big world of cinema with Jannat. She’s beautiful, but what is making filmmakers notice is the oodles of talent she possesses. The Bhatts were so impressed by her talent and professionalism that they made a three-film contract with her! All this even before her first film hit theatres. That speaks for Sonal, who strongly believes that actions speak louder than words. The Meerut lass spoke to Life Style about the film, debuting opposite Emraan Hashmi, working with Mahesh Bhatt and more. How did Jannat come your way?

Matka Chowk
Sukhna Bachao
Chandigarh Tribune had a very passionate response to the Save Our Sukhna campaign. Residents and non-residents offered valuable suggestions, technical remedies and their views on initiatives to save the jewel of Chandigarh.