Translate your career
Many great literary figures of yore would have remained confined to their geographical locations if there was no translation. It is only by virtue of translation that we can savour great literary works of the world 
Sunit Dhawan

was pleasantly surprised when I came to know that the father of one of my colleagues was translating Shakespeare's works into Punjabi. I admired the initiative taken by this elderly gentleman in undertaking this epic endeavour.

Sandeep Joshi

Sir, it was your idea to 
‘reconstruct’ the company

Course Chat

Career Hotline
Pervin Malhotra

Avenues for truck drivers abroad

Educational research & consultancy

n Open School  certificates valued

n Work experience and MBA

n Pilots in demand

n Tackling GRE

Optimism pays
I.M. Soni

K ChestErton has observed: optimism is the noble temptation to see too much in everything. Readers are all too familiar with the pessimist seeing the glass half-empty whereas the optimist seeing it half-full. The readers inclined towards literature will nod to: two men look out of the bars; one sees mud, the other stars.

You can click but you can't hide
Piracy causes big job losses

THE Indian entertainment industry annually loses over $4 billion to piracy, leading to the loss of about 800,000 jobs, according to a report by audit firm Ernst and Young India. The report, commissioned by the US-India Business Council (USIBC) and the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (Ficci), was released here recently during the Ficci-Frames 2008 global convention on the entertainment business.

Smart Skills
Usha Albuquerque

A world of opportunities  for biology lovers
DO you love biology, but wonder what you can do with it — other than medicine? As you sit for the Class XII board exams many of you are probably wondering what courses to take up in college, and what kind of careers lie in store for you. A large number of science students have fixed plans on engineering, medicine, computers and so on. But if you are one of those who don't particularly want to get into these careers, or have changed your mind or don't get into the field of choice, what next?

Bank to give 2,000 jobs in rural India
HE country's largest private sector lender in terms of branch network, HDFC Bank, is moving its BPO activity to the semi-urban area by hiring about 2,000 people in next two months.

Fortnightly Quiz-307

