Forget 9-5 office schedules & deadlines dead once met.
City’s Gen Y is addicted to work like never before
Anandita Gupta
1: It’s 2 a.m. A 20-something, bespeckled young man’s hunched over his computer, eyes glazed and heavy (with the sleep he’s deprived himself of). The phone rings and he immediately gets up, running from his room to another, where his cell’s getting charged. A brief verbal exchange (yup…ok…nope…bye) with a colleague later, he almost falls asleep. A sudden jolt wakes him, and he’s back to where he was, in front of the computer, working.  Illustration: Kuldip Dhiman

Take a Vow
His call for unity involves penning a national pledge
Parbina Rashid
campaign for a national pledge festival and a book called My Call for guidance. Behind both lies the brain and ten years of effort of a man from Orissa named Biraja Mahapatra. Why do we need a national pledge or a festival when we have already two national festivals — Independence Day and Republic Day, you may ask. But before coming to that, we wanted to know how the idea germinated. And the answer we got is a problem so many non-Hindi speaking people face, when they come to live in the North. 

Present Imperfect
This storehouse of rich memorabilia desperately needs a facelift 
Parbina Rashid
warka Dass Library at Lajpat Rai Bhawan-15 may not fit into the bill of a hip and happening library, but when it comes to its loyalists, it’s still ‘the library’ that has great respect for the past. So it came naturally to Janak Kaul to donate about 200-year-old Sanskrit manuscripts, which had been with her family for more than 100 years now. 

Photo by Pradeep Tewari

Tale of Innocence 
Parbina Rashid
E was not a writer, not even a poet to start with. But the day one 11-year-old girl looked up to him and gave him an innocent smile, Arun Syal turned into a poet and years later, a novelist. We do not know what happened about the poem he wrote on the girl he called Muskan, as for his novel Whispers from the Mountains it is for all of us to read. The lead character of course is the girl who left an impact on his life through  her smile.  Photo by Manoj Mahajan

youth speak
Peer pressure
Vineet Kapoor

PEER means one who is equal, but in today’s lingo it has come to mean those of same age group who make our primary friends. Peer pressure then is the circle of influence that they exert on our thinking and behaviour.

Big break
before books
Purva Grover
Examination virus has hit the campus. But before you bury yourself in books, do taste PU’s annual festivities W
HAT unites or divides the students on the campus? Nah, not samosas at huts, rajma chawal at Stu-C, sohni kudis or gabhru munde! It’s the annual campus festivals that bring the student fraternity together to give their best and compete with and outdo each other. 
Examination virus has hit the campus. But before you bury yourself in books, do taste PU’s annual festivities photo by Vinay Malik

Joyshri Lobo
OMEN, whose children have either flown the coop or are in boarding school, can create a financial upheaval. The bitter/ better halves went off for golf, leaving Charu and me to our own devilish devices. We first hit Expressions and bought some woolen clothes for the winter of 2009. The blurbs said “50% off” but the prices were over the top for most items. It takes suckers like us to make “Sales” succeed. Shopaholics can convince themselves of the worth of anything!

Sun & Sand

  • Labour of Love

The namesake
S Nicole Kidman eagerly awaits the arrival of her first biological child with hubby Keith Urban, punters have already started betting on the name of their kid. An Irish betting agency, Paddy Power, is a taking bets on what name will the couple give to their soon to be born baby.

Jolie collapses
Angelina Jolie collapsed after an 18-hour flight from Iraq to Los Angeles. She is also rumoured to be pregnant with twins. A fellow passenger said: “She gotnosebleeds and cramps. She fainted.” — IANS