Remedies at home
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has brought out a very useful manual of home remedies for simple ailments. It spells out the many uses of the aloe plant, writes Daksha Hathi

Aloe vera is aptly called The Plant of Immortality
Aloe vera is aptly called The Plant of Immortality

Recently 18 Ayurvedic medicines made in India were tested abroad and found to contain heavy metals like lead, mercury, and/or arsenic according to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) and testing by Health Canada, the Canadian Government’s Health Department. Health Canada has warned consumers not to use some of these Indian Ayurvedic medicines.

Home remedies may be a better choice for us. The World Health Organisation had brought out a very useful manual of home remedies for simple ailments. It tells us: for healthier teeth use tender twigs of neem or banyan tree (the roots coming out of its branches) or Terminalia arjuna for brushing your teeth. Before brushing, chew these twigs sufficiently to have a soft brush.

Then brush your teeth with the powder of the bark of neem, banyan, or Terminalia arjuna.

After brushing, rub sesame oil or mustard oil over the gums.

Aloe Vera

The WHO manual called The Use of Traditional Medicine in Primary Health Care also has many interesting home remedies using the aloe vera plant: called Ghrita Kumari in Bengali, aloe and common Indian aloe in English, Ghret Kumari in Nepalese, Grha Kumari in Sanskrit and Komprika in Sinhalese.

Externally it is used for burns and sprains. Internally it is used for jaundice, constipation, loss of appetite, gas formation in the stomach and leucorrhoea (foul-smelling discharge from the genital tract).

The manual tells you how to use the aloe. In burns, the juice or the pulp of the fleshy part of the leaf is applied externally. For sprains, the pulp or the juice may be gently rubbed over the affected part two or three times.

The external skin of this plant’s leaf should be sliced off with a knife and the fleshy pulp should be made to a paste, using a pestle and mortar. It will be a little tough to take out the juice from the pulp because it is so fleshy. So you can slightly roast the whole leaf over fire. Then it is easy to take the juice out from the pulp. Just squeeze it out through a soft cloth like linen etc.

The aloe is a good friend to have when you suffer from loss of appetite, have gas, continuous constipation, stomach ulcers or leucorrhoea. For all these ailments the juice or pulp of this plant is given. You can add a pinch of salt or sugar to the juice, which is bitter. For treating children with aloe juice you can add honey, sugar, or jaggery to it. For a patient suffering from jaundice, the juice or pulp should be given by adding jaggery or sugar (salt should not be added).

The dose: both pulp and juice of the aloe should be given in a dose of one teaspoonful (5 ml) three times per day, preferably on an empty stomach.

Keep an aloe plant on your kitchen windowsill for instant use for cuts and burns while cooking, etc. It helps reduce inflammation, swelling and itching. Using it fresh is best. Just cut off a piece of the leaf, squeeze out the gel and apply it to the wound, two or three times a day. You can leave the area open or cover it with a gauze.

Aloe is good for dandruff too: Break a branch off your plant and slit it open, to scrape out the gel. Apply this soothing ointment to your scalp. Leave it on for five minutes or ten. Then wash it off with shikakai or soap or shampoo. You can even use the gel as an insect repellent.

This succulent must be grown in a soil mix of one part red earth, one part compost and one part sand. It likes bright, indirect light. Do not over water it. NASA, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, has also recommended it as a plant that helps to clean up indoor air. It releases oxygen and absorbs carbon dioxide at night, and for this reason, can even be considered for the bedroom, says NASA.

In the garden powdered aloes dusted on plants repel rabbits. Aloe gel is good to rub over a tree where you have to cut one of its limbs. The tree surface will heal fast. You can even mix the aloe juice with water to make a spray for your plants.

Because its gel is bitter, it does not attract pests and can be grown indoors and outside. Today this useful plant, which also heals sunburn, is proving to be of help to treat leukemia and diabetes. So pick it up today and have a handy kitchen doctor. It was aptly called The Plant of Immortality. History tells us that Alexander the Great learned about its healing powers when he conquered Egypt in 332 BC and he told his soldiers to close off the island of Socotra where it grew, to make it available only for his army.

Thankfully today anyone can buy this plant that costs very little and often grows on the wayside.