Ambitious search for Higgs-Boson 
Dr Manjit Kaur
To unravel the mystery of our existence physicists have devised theories which account for both the large-scale and small-scale structure of the universe. One such theory, called the Standard Model has been the pillar of fundamental physics. It explains the origin of mass in the universe. According to this theory all matter in the universe is built from the tiniest, almost massless, fundamental entities called quarks and leptons. 

Large Hadron Collider
Large Hadron Collider

Prof Yash Pal

Prof Yash Pal

Prof Yash Pal

When objects having different weights fall from the same height why do they produce different volumes of sound on impact with the ground. Also, how does the kinetic energy of the object change into sound energy?


Ambitious search for Higgs-Boson 
Dr Manjit Kaur

To unravel the mystery of our existence physicists have devised theories which account for both the large-scale and small-scale structure of the universe. One such theory, called the Standard Model has been the pillar of fundamental physics. It explains the origin of mass in the universe. According to this theory all matter in the universe is built from the tiniest, almost massless, fundamental entities called quarks and leptons. Three quarks bind together to form the proton and neutron. Gluons bring about the binding of quarks.

The neutrons and protons stick together to form nuclei — the tiny, core of atoms. Another kind of particles called leptons appear in nature in two types: electrically charged and neutral (uncharged). Neutral leptons are called neutrinos. There are three known charged leptons named as electron, muon and tau, electron being the lightest of them.

Electrons which are negatively charged, are attracted to nuclei, which are positively charged, to form atoms. Atoms coalesce together to form matter making up everything in the world.

Physicists across the world are experimenting to test this theory. Results from these experiments substantiate many of its predictions. But also show some anomalies. An important anomaly among these is the discovery that even the tiniest particles have definite mass.

The Standard Model, however, assumes that they don’t!

To settle this British Physicist Peter Higgs proposed that there exists a mysterious particle called Higgs Boson, nicknamed the “God particle” by Nobel laureate Leon Lederman that pervades the entire universe and explains how everything is the way it is. It is assumed that Higgs somehow interacts with all other forms of matter to give them their mass i.e. to make them weigh something.

No one knows whether the Higgs particle exists or not. But in the ultimate leap of faith, physicists across the world are preparing to build one of the most ambitious and expensive science experiments to study the mechanism that makes the fundamental mass, one of the essentials of creation of universe and hence our existence.

Experts from Europe, Asia and the US have entered into collaborations to build a gigantic atom smashing machine called Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at the European Center for Research in Nuclear and Particle Physics (CERN) in Geneva, Switzerland. Buried underground in a circular tunnel of 27 km circumference, the collider will collide protons head-on at very high speeds. The resulting catastrophic explosion of heat, light and radiation at energies as high as 14 TeV will recreate the conditions encountered in first few billionths of a second of the creation of universe. Physicists hope and aspire that the Higgs-Boson will then show up.

A huge layered particle detector built using the cutting-edge technology involving both hardware and software is used for tracking and identifying the particles produced in collisions. Computer simulations based on the information from all the layers reconstruct the particle track and identify its momentum, energy, and speed.

On the proton-proton Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, scientists are building huge detectors to discover Higgs-Boson and to discover signatures of new physics. The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) is one of the four detectors being built by approximately 2300 members of a collaboration formed by about 160 institutions, world over, including Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) & Bhabha Atomic Research Center (BARC) Mumbai, Delhi University and Department of Physics, Panjab University, Chandigarh.

The cylindrical CMS detector will be 21 metres long and 16 metres in diameter weighing approximately 12300 tons. The Indian groups have been funded jointly by Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) and Department of Science & Technology (DST), Govt. of India to build parts of this detector. Teams of researchers from these institutions are deputed to CERN in Geneva for installing these parts on the detector

The author is Professor-in-Physics and Fellow, Panjab University


Prof Yash Pal

When objects having different weights fall from the same height why do they produce different volumes of sound on impact with the ground. Also, how does the kinetic energy of the object change into sound energy?

I could answer this question very simply. If I were to take an object that is 10 kg in weight and divide it into 10 pieces of 1 kg each, then each of these pieces has a right to make as much sound on striking the earth as any other. So the volume of the sound made by the impact of the 10-kg object has to be greater. The energy and the momentum acquired by the 10-kg object is 10 times greater than that of the 1-kg object falling from the same height.

The collision with the ground breaks up the object and things it falls on. The kinetic energy of the falling object is expended in this breakup, which produces heat by friction in addition to vibrations while tearing up material. Air pockets expand explosively. This in addition to vibrations of the breakup produces sound waves. The kinetic energy is converted into heat and sound, besides being used to overcome the cohesive forces of the material that is demolished. Making a dent or a hole in the ground also requires energy. Changing of kinetic energy into sound energy happens when it leads to any vibrations whose frequency lies in the audible region of our ears. This happens in most musical instruments, in the ringing of bells and even while speaking and singing. For the last two our breath in passing through our larynx and the oral cavity produces the vibrations.

When water is boiled it changes into oxygen and hydrogen. But if we hold a burning stick above the steam the same oxygen and hydrogen, instead of instigating fire, extinguish the burning stick. Why?

We cannot produce oxygen and hydrogen just by boiling water. Steam is just a gaseous form of water. The process of boiling does not provide enough energy to break the bond between hydrogen and oxygen atoms in a water molecule. We can, on the other hand, produce hydrogen and oxygen by passing an electric current through water. This is called the process of electrolysis.
