Fighting obesity through lifestyle
Neeraj Dhingra
One can stay fabulously fit the easy way. Here are certain guidelines:
Know your ideal body weight
There are standard "height and weight" charts available for different age groups for various populations drawn up by health experts.

Suppressing worries can cause nightmares
Trying to dismiss your worries and anxieties before getting into bed each night may not be such a good idea after all, for a new study has found that ignoring disturbing thoughts actually leads to having more dreams or nightmares about them.

Sleeping-pill users face kitchen chaos
The problems of overweight Americans are usually ascribed to poor diet and a lack of exercise. But new research suggests another possible culprit: the country’s addiction to sleeping pills, the most popular of which may cause some people to binge eat in their sleep.

Droopy eyelids in children
Dr Mahipal S. Sachdev
Anjali was very worried about her son’s eyes. She thought that one of the eyes was smaller than the other and felt that it was because of something she had done wrong during her pregnancy.

Ayurveda & you
Constipation a major worry for elders
by Dr R. Vatsyayan

Constipation depicts a slow and leisurely digestive process which many times assumes problematic dimensions in the case of old people. Given below is a
three-pronged strategy which, if properly implemented, can help control many of its manifestations.




Fighting obesity through lifestyle
Neeraj Dhingra

One can stay fabulously fit the easy way. Here are certain guidelines:

Tribune photo by Parvesh Chauhan
Tribune photo by Parvesh Chauhan

Know your ideal body weight

There are standard "height and weight" charts available for different age groups for various populations drawn up by health experts.

Understand body mass index (BML)

This is a reliable indicator of one’s obesity. It is measured as weight in kg divided by the square of your height in meters.

For both men and women a BMI figure of between 20 and 25 is healthy. If it is over 30 you seriously need to work towards shedding a few kilos.

The principle behind shaping up and losing weight

Your calorie output should be more than your intake or else surplus food will be converted into fat, leading to weight gain.

A little planning can keep you in top condition.

Choosing a diet

This will help you lose weight and not feel deprived. The basic purpose is to recommend a diet of abundance which will not allow hunger pangs to bother you, and appeals to the palate. It need not be chocolates, cream cakes or fried food. A study conducted at the University of Sydney ranked boiled potatoes at the top followed by cooked fish, oatmeal, orange, apples and beans.

Know your average daily calorie requirement

Calorie intake for weight maintenance should be 30 cal/kg ideal body weight. A decrease of 1000 cals daily is required to lose about 1 kg a week and a reduction of 500 cals daily brings about a weight loss of nearly `BD kg a week. A drastic reduction of energy will only lead to hunger pangs, nervous exhaustion, weakness and inadequacy of essential nutrients.

Know your foods and the calories they contain

For example — 1 cup of milk has 170 cals but 1 cup skimmed milk has only 70 cals.

One egg or 40 gms meat has 70 cals.

One katorie of dal provides 100 cals.

One chapati or one slice of bread has 70 cals, one serving rice (adult) 220 cals

100 gms of green leafy veggies have negligible calories but the others provide 40 cals.

Fruits — one serving-average 40cals, but a banana provides 100 cals, an apple 80 cals and an orange 40 cals.

The list is endless.

The wonder of fiber and water

Both increase satiety and decrease hunger. The bulk of fiber makes one eat less. Water has no calories and improves metabolism.

Go for healthier low calorie sources — Sea food and pulses like peas, beans, lentils and sprouts. Soybean deserves special attention because of its health promoting properties. Anytime you choose a soy product you are going in for a high protein, low calorie food.

Counting carbohydrate — These provide half of your energy needs.

Fats — Go slow on fats but do not completely ignore them as they create a feeling of fullness and you want your brain, nerves and body to work.

Salt and weight loss — Most dieters feel concerned about their salt intake. It has no role to play when it comes to losing fat. It has no calories. In fact, it flavours low calorie food. The only drawback is that excess salt tends to make you retain water — so you might gain a couple of kilos temporarily. If you eat a low salt diet, you may lose fluid but not fat.

Small meals but more frequent — "Eat till you burst" is a wrong strategy. Always get up from the table feeling slightly hungry. Do not skip meals. People find it easiest to skip breakfast which should otherwise be the best meal of the day.

Skipping meals results in wide fluctuations in blood sugar levels that trigger hunger and overeating.

Other tips — Remember the key principle of variety, balance and moderation. Forget the habit of munching in-between meals.

  • Never "gulp" but "chew".

  • Do not get yourself too hungry.

  • Dinner should be light and early.

  • Prefer grilled food to fried or baked.

The exercise factor in weight control — The picture perfect weight reduction programme cannot be complete without physical activity as it helps you lose fat and build muscle and also increases your B.M.R. Bring variety in exercise or boredom will make you avoid it. Walking is ideal. One hour’s walk at moderate speed makes you expend 200 calories.

The writer is a dietitian/nutrition consultant at the Pusa Institute of Hotel Management, Catering and Nutrition, Delhi.


Suppressing worries can cause nightmares

Sydney: Trying to dismiss your worries and anxieties before getting into bed each night may not be such a good idea after all, for a new study has found that ignoring disturbing thoughts actually leads to having more dreams or nightmares about them.

The study, led by Prof Richard Bryant, a psychologist from the University of New South Wales, Australia, was conducted at 100 psychology students at the university.

The researchers found that the volunteers who actively suppressed a persistent worry, such as money problems, just before falling of to sleep reported more dreams featuring the unwanted thought than those who did not suppress it.

Professor Bryant said that the study had shown that the best way to stop a thought from troubling a person would be by facing the subject instead of suppressing it.

Coffee useful in alcohol-induced pancreatitis

London: Scientists have known for some time that coffee can reduce the risk of alcohol-induced pancreatitis — a condition in which the pancreas becomes inflamed, causing severe abdominal pain — but have been unable to determine how.

But, a recent study, done by a team of researchers at the University of Liverpool, has now discovered “how” it happens.

According to the findings of the study, caffeine can partially close special channels within cells, reducing to some extent the damaging effects of alcohol products on the pancreas, as binge alcohol drinking is a common cause of acute pancreatitis.

Prof Ole Petersen and Prof Robert Sutton, from the University’s Physiological Laboratory and Division of Surgery, have found that cells in the pancreas can be damaged by products of alcohol and fat formed in the pancreas when oxygen levels in the organ are low.

Under these conditions, excessive amounts of calcium are released from stores within the cells of the pancreas. Special organelles, called mitochondria, also become damaged and cannot produce the energiser that normally allows calcium to be pumped out of the cells. The excess calcium then activates protein breakdown, destroying the cells in the pancreas. — ANI

Capsicum helps halt prostrate cancer spread

Washington: A new study in human cell lines grown in mice models has found that Capsaicin, a component in jalapeqos, a small hot pepper that is green or red when ripe and is used extensively in Mexican cooking, makes prostate cancer cells to kill themselves.

The study, by a team of researchers from the Samuel Oschin Comprehensive Cancer Institute at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, in collaboration with colleagues from UCLA, found that Capsaicin causes human prostate cancer cells to undergo programmed cell death or apoptosis.

Svren Lehmann, visiting scientist at the Cedars- Sinai Medical Center and the UCLA School of Medicine, said that not only had the pepper component had an anti-proliferative effect on human prostate cancer cells in culture, but it also slowed the development of prostate tumors. — ANI

Gene mutation linked to asthma and eczema

LONDON: British scientists have announced a major breakthrough in the prevention of asthma by discovering that the gene that causes most cases of eczema is linked to asthma.

The discovery will bring hope to millions of sufferers of both debilitating illnesses. Eczema is currently treated with creams and drugs that stop the skin drying out and prevent inflammation.

But now it could be possible to design drugs that tackle the root of the problems and not just the symptoms.

A University of Dundee team is working to develop new treatments. While carrying out research into dry skin, they discovered the role of a gene called FLG.

This produces a protein called filaggrin, mostly found in the outermost skin layers. It helps to form a protective layer at the skin’s surface that keeps water in and foreign bodies out.

If the protein is reduced or absent the skin barrier is impaired and the skin dries or flakes off. In people with filaggrin mutations, foreign substances easily enter the skin and are detected by the immune system. This explains how inflamed skin and eczema develop. — ANI

Sleeping-pill users face kitchen chaos

WASHINGTON: The problems of overweight Americans are usually ascribed to poor diet and a lack of exercise. But new research suggests another possible culprit: the country’s addiction to sleeping pills, the most popular of which may cause some people to binge eat in their sleep.

The drug in question is Ambien, manufactured by the French company Sanofi-Aventis, for which 26 million prescriptions were written by American doctors last year. Alas, according to two separate medical studies in Minnesota, it may have an unfortunate side-effect for a few users — causing them to indulge in bouts of nocturnal feasting without knowing a thing about it the next morning.

In one instance, a woman put on 100lb. She thought her family was responsible for the morning-after mess in the kitchen. Only when her sons and husband caught her in the act was she convinced otherwise.

Some doctors urge patients to install a chime on their bedroom door, to alert them when they are on an unconscious food foray.

But even that may not be enough. A third sufferer explained to ABC News last week how she would find food scattered over her kitchen when she got up. “I would eat things like raw eggs, uncooked rice, bags of (potato) chips, loaves of bread, candy.”

— The Independent

Droopy eyelids in children
Dr Mahipal S. Sachdev

Anjali was very worried about her son’s eyes. She thought that one of the eyes was smaller than the other and felt that it was because of something she had done wrong during her pregnancy. She was worried that he would have sub-normal vision. Anjali’s son has a condition of a droopy eyelid called ptosis. In this condition, the eyelid droops down and so; one eye looks smaller than the other. This is a congenital condition that is by birth, and as yet no causative factors have been identified. Some of the frequently asked questions by parents regarding this condition are:

How common is congenital ptosis?

It is fairly common in our population and occasionally there may be a family history. It is usually present in one eyelid, but occasionally both eyelids maybe droopy.

Does ptosis affect the vision of the child?

If the ptosis is moderate-to-severe the droop is pronounced — the pupil may be covered which prevents light from entering the eye. In these cases the child may develop a lazy eye and so needs to treated early. There may be an associative refractive error in which case the child may need to wear glasses.

How can we make out that the child has a lazy eye?

It is not easy for parents to determine if the child has a lazy eye. They should bring the child to an ophthalmologist for an examination.

How can ptosis be corrected?

Ptosis can be corrected by surgery.

When should ptosis surgery be performed?

Ptosis surgery is usually performed when the child is at the pre-school age (four-five-year-old). At this age, accurate assessment of the child is possible and by correction the child avoids the teasing of schoolmates.

If the ptosis is severe and covering the pupil, then corrective surgery should be performed earlier.

What kind of surgery is this, major or minor?

In the procedure commonly performed, the weak muscle is strengthened. This surgery is done under general anaesthesia and takes approximately one and a half hours.

Does this surgery affect the vision?

No, the surgery is performed on the eyelids. The eyeball is not touched. If the child had a lazy eye, the vision may subsequently improve with amblyopia therapy.

Are there any other causes of droopy eyelids?

Apart from the ptosis that the child is born with (congenital), this condition may be acquired later on in life. The patient would need to be investigated for the cause and then treated accordingly. Some of these conditions are amenable to medical treatment and don’t require surgery.

The writer is Chairman and Medical Director, Centre for Sight, New Delhi.


Ayurveda & you
Constipation a major worry for elders
by Dr R. Vatsyayan

Constipation depicts a slow and leisurely digestive process which many times assumes problematic dimensions in the case of old people. Given below is a three-pronged strategy which, if properly implemented, can help control many of its manifestations.

Diet: Adoption of a light and easily digestible diet is the first step to attain perfect bowel health for elderly persons. Reasonable use of common kitchen spices and herbs in the food improves normal enzymatic flow, dispels wind and promotes proper appetite and digestion. Regular and balanced diet containing a fair amount of roughage, whole grain cereals and pulses, green vegetables and fruit pulp helps activate normal movement of the bowels. Every food item should be properly chewed.

Unless the fluid intake is restricted due to some medical reason, such patients should consume a minimum of two or three litres of water every day, and this amount may be increased in the summer season. Milk and milk products facilitate the intestinal lubrication, and dietary fibre increases the mass of the stool. White bread and other food items containing “maida” are sticky in nature and should be avoided. Whole wheat “dalia”, which may be sweetened if to be taken with milk and salty if prepared with vegetables and consumed with curd, makes a light but nutritious breakfast menu for old persons.

Lifestyle: An active lifestyle enhances normal digestion. For elderly patients depending upon their individual strength, a light morning or evening walk can be of great help. Light yogic exercises, while stimulating all physiological systems in the body, also improve digestion. Chronically ill or bed-ridden patients should be made to sit for some time after taking their meals. Getting up and sleeping at a fixed time and adhering to a proper schedule and routine is always helpful.

Late night keeping and getting up late in the morning is another cause of constipation. The urge to pass stool at regular hours should not be ignored. All old people should adopt a lively attitude towards life because depression and other ailments interfere with normal digestion. Undue irritability, a negative mindset and remaining occupied with the thought of constipation only aggravates this problem. Such patients often start taking hard laxatives which ultimately creates complications.

Treatment: Taking at bed time 1-2 teaspoonful of isapgole husk with warm milk is the easiest treatment of acute or chronic form of constipation. Elderly persons who complain of hard or incomplete stool and abdominal cramps should take half a teaspoonful of almond oil dissolved in a cup of warm milk around 5 p.m. for a few days. Laxatives should be taken only when required. Triphala churna works as a mild laxative but could be habit forming. Small “harad”, fried in desi ghee and reduced to powder, can be taken occasionally in a dose of one or two gm in a day. “Majoon injeer” also acts as a gentle laxative.

Panchsakar churna is a good classic ayurvedic medicine but should not be used for long. Old persons suffering from chronic constipation can take one or two gm of pounded powder of the formulation - ajwain 10 gm, saunf 20gm, senna 30 gm, dried pulp of amaltas 40gm, dried rose leaves 50 gm and peel of harad 60 gm once a day. To avoid rebound constipation, dietary and lifestyle modifications should be implemented.