Wednesday, December 28, 2005

The 'N' factor
Sandeep Manudhane
Nanotechnology is the magic mantra for the millennium. This field impacts all major sectors, like solar energy, aerospace, environment, telecommunications and computing. Nanotechnology professionals have a broad framework to work in, ranging from science to entertainment.
HE flavour and fragrance industries are worth many billions of dollars and are vital to the appeal and success of many products, ranging from foods to household products to fashion. Critical to these industries is the control and delivery of scents and flavours.

Sandeep Joshi

He seems to be the ideal person to head our PR Department.
He seems to be the ideal person to head our PR Department.

Beware scams in online job hunts
Patricia Kitchen
NLINE employment scammers are getting more sophisticated. These phony employers are setting up dummy websites to make their operations look more legitimate. They’re refining their virtual interview techniques to make candidates less suspicious. The scam itself — such as getting you to agree to transfer funds in and out of your own bank account — is likely relegated to the small print in an employment contract.

Get unstuck from the office rut
Amy Joyce
stayed in my position for eight months (about seven and a half months longer than I wanted to). The work was boring, it was in a field I had no experience in or desire to learn about ... and there was a bitter and awful office manager who had the ear of the president, and used that to constantly undermine my work."

Impress at first sight
Arvind Sharma
F you are going for an interview and want to make the best first impression, keep in mind the fact that others form up to 90 per cent of their opinion about you in the first four minutes and 60 to 80 per cent of the impact that you make is non-verbal.

Career Hotline
Future in furniture
Pervin Malhotra
Q Our family has several pieces of ancestral furniture which my friends say is priceless. However, not all of it is in good condition. Besides, we don’t have space to store it. I am told there is a good market for antique furniture. What does it take to be a furniture restorer? Will it be a good idea?

  • Engineered choice

  • Home in on Home Sc

  • Testing time

  • Prospects in plants

  • Move into manufacturing

Go in for greening
thick blanket of snow covers large parts of the mountains while much of north India is shivering under extreme winter conditions. The north-east monsoon has ravaged Tamil Nadu with a severity not seen for decades. A couple of months ago, Mumbai suffered a similar fate. A devastating earthquake in the north-west mountains, and floods in the plains. Everyday we are confronted by such natural disasters, mostly man-made.