P U N J A B    S T O R I E S



Dharna by doctors in front of Civil Surgeon’s office
Tribune News Service

Sangrur, December 19
Members of the local unit of the Indian Medical Association (IMA), led by Dr K.G. Singla, president of the association, today staged a protest dharna in front of the office of the Civil Surgeon here against the filing of a complaint against a Longowal-based doctor Amandeep Aggarwal in a local court under the pre natal diagnostic Techniques (PNDT) Act and demanding the withdrawal of the case filed against the doctor. The IMA also condemned the cancellation of the registration of the ultrasound centre of Dr Aggarwal by the Sangrur Civil Surgeon.

The protesters raised slogans against the health authorities for filing a complaint in the court against Dr Aggarwal. The protesters were addressed by Dr K.G. Singla, Dr Makhan Singh and Dr Parmod Kumar, president, vice-President and secretary, respectively, of the local unit of the IMA, Dr P.S. Sibia and Dr Amandeep Aggarwal, both members of the IMA. The speakers urged the state government to withdraw the case, filed against Dr Aggarwal, saying it had been filed on the basis of a TV channel report.

A deputation of the IMA also submitted a memorandum, enlisting demands, to the District Health Officer, Dr K.C. Goyal, in his office here.

Later addressing a press conference, Dr Singla, said the IMA wanted that no case against any doctor should be registered on the basis of a media report. He said the IMA demanded that government should withdraw the case, filed against Dr Amandeep Aggarwal, from the court and should hold an inquiry to bring the truth on record. He also claimed that the Civil Surgeon had told them that he had done nothing on his own as the case had been filed on the instructions of the Director, Health Services, Punjab.

Dr Singla said the local IMA unit would organise a seminar on the PNDT Act next month to suggest changes in the Act so that innocent doctors could be saved from unnecessary harassment. He said the IMA was also committed to implementing the present PNDT Act, only any body found guilty of violating it would not support by the IMA.


Ludhiana’s Merc myth busted
Delhi has the highest number of luxury cars
Shveta Pathak
Tribune News Service

Ludhiana, December 19
That Ludhiana has the highest number of Mercedes cars is not true and this myth has been shattered by none other than the seller, Mercedes itself.

Whereas income tax sleuths have been claiming that the industrial town has well over 2,400 Merc owners, the highest in the country, the company says that the figure is overstated by almost six times.

‘‘There are about 450 Mercs in Ludhiana. That the town has 2,400 such vehicles is absolutely wrong,’’ asserts Mr Manjit Singh Bala, Managing Director, Tai-Pan Traders, dealer for the German car.

According to Mr Bala, it is Delhi that tops the sales charts, followed by Mumbai and then, Punjab. ‘‘There are roughly some 1,500 Mercs in Punjab,’’ he says, adding, ‘‘in this state, yes, it is Ludhiana that tops the list and it is followed by Jalandhar, where the number is 150’’.

In terms of average annual sales, while Delhi records nearly 400 Mercs, the number ranges between 150 and 200 in the case of Punjab.

Aiming to track high networth individuals by keeping an eye on high-value transactions, the Income Tax officials in this region even conducted some surveys in the showrooms of Mercedes and other high-value products.

IT officials suspect that among the Merc owners, only around half had declared their income to be above Rs 10 lakh. It was claimed that income levels in this part of the country were rising, one of the key proofs being high sale of Mercedes cars. However, asserting that the claim is false, Mr Bala says: ‘‘We record the highest sale in Delhi as that is where you have the maximum number of high networth individuals ranging from industrialists to corporates and officials of embassies etc’’.

About Punjab, Mr Bala says the company is happy with the growing culture of car buyers upgrading to Mercedes and not any other car and having more than one Merc in a family. ‘‘It is all happening due to the rising income levels and also easy finance schemes. Besides, the price of a luxury car introduced by other companies touches the starting price range of Mercedes. Since it is a status symbol to have a car with the three-pointed star, people opt for it in comparison to some other high end car”.

Not only is Ludhiana nowhere near the highest number, even in terms of the purchasing pattern, it is C-class Mercedes that is more popular in the city unlike other places where E-class rules the roost.


2 industrial units create pollution with impunity
Sarbjit Dhaliwal
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, December 19
Two industrialists continue to defy the Punjab Pollution Control Board. Their units are creating pollution with impunity.

The latest report compiled by the board authorities says Punjab Meats Limited( PML), located in Behra village, near Dera Bassi (Patiala), has been discharging ‘‘trade effluent’’ partly on to land for stagnation and partly on to land for irrigation. Besides, the unit discharges trade effluent into a drain off and on at odd hours, especially during the rainy season, due to which a number of complaints have been received by the board.

During an inspection made recently, some samples of the trade effluent were collected. These indicated that the unit was not conforming to the effluent standards laid down by the board. During an earlier visit, it was observed that none of the components of the effluent treatment plant (ETP) was in operation. The effluent was just passed through these components and discharged on to land for stagnation.

The unit was served notice under Section 33-A of the Water( Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, for these violations. The closure of the unit was confirmed on May 23 this year. However, on the basis of an assurance given by the management of the unit, the supply of electricity was restored to it for two months on June 6 and again on September 1 for three months.

In spite of the six-month period given by the board, the unit has failed to upgrade the existing ETP, says the board’s report.

This unit belongs to a well-connected Chandigarh-based industrialist. It appears that because of the influential status of the industrialist, the board authorities have failed to take drastic action against the unit. While people of the area around the unit continue to face problems because of pollution, the board authorities continue to give extension after extension to the owner of this industry to upgrade his ETP and also make other arrangements to avoid pollution.

Interestingly, this unit was set up 1995. After 10 years of its existence, it has failed to meet the standards prescribed by the board to check pollution.

There is another industrial unit, Piccadily Sugar and Allied Industries, in Patiala district. It is located near Patran. The unit is owned by the family of an influential Congress leader having political roots in Punjab, Haryana and Chandigarh.

The latest inspection of the unit was made only about two weeks ago by a team of senior officials of the board. During the inspection, the team found that the ETP of the unit was not in operation and untreated effluent was merely passing through different components of the ETP. Foul smell was emanating from the effluent which indicated that the unit had not operated its ETP since the start of the current crushing season of the sugar mill.

The untreated trade effluent was being discharged on to land for stagnation. The unit has not developed or maintained land as per the specific technology for discharging its effluent on to land for plantation. Only very few trees were seen in the area where the effluent was being discharged. Moreover, the unit has not maintained any record regarding the operation and maintenance of the ETP.

The unit is collecting a huge quantity of bagasse in an open area. Fine particles of bagasse become air borne with wind and cause nuisance in the area. The board authorities have also collected samples of ambient air which have been sent for analysis. This unit is also about 10 years old.

Asked about the defiance of the board by the owners of the two industrial units, a senior officer of the board said: “We will bring the latest reports on record soon to start appropriate action against these units”. 


High-risk prisoners to be shifted to one jail
Ajay Banerjee
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, December 19
Facing a shortage of security men to guard high-risk prisoners in high-security jails, the Punjab Government last week decided that all such prisoners be shifted to one jail.

There are nearly 40 high-risk prisoners, including convicted terrorists of Punjab, 16 Pakistan nationals and four Afghanistan nationals. Besides, there are some more prisoners who can be termed as threats to the nation’s security if they escape. Some of them are detainees under TADA.

All of them are lodged in the two high-security jails at Nabha and Sangrur. Now the Punjab Government, after facing a shortage of security men, has decided that one of these jails should be done away with. A huge number of armed policemen and commandos are deployed for round-the-clock security. It was not possible to have the same security arrangements at the two jails, said sources.

The Punjab Armed Police has made it clear that it cannot spare any more men for duty at the two jails. The government’s decision to keep the prisoners in one jail would mean that additional security men would not be needed.

Though guarding the jails is not the duty of the Punjab Police, it is a legacy from the days of militancy when the jail staff were unable to handle security.

Officially, this move is termed as a routine review. The sources said the security of the jail inmates was a big issue in itself. Recently, Maoists allegedly attacked a jail in Jehanabad, Bihar, and managed to free several of their accomplices. Such activity could be ruled out in Punjab, the sources said. However, the chance of somebody trying to copy Jagtar Singh Hawara could not be ruled out. Hawara, one of the alleged assassins of former Punjab Chief Minister Beant Singh, had escaped from the high-security jail in Chandigarh in January, 2004. He was caught in May this year.

Amritsar was also a high-security jail during the days of militancy. After a review, it was removed from the list of such jails a few years ago.


Highway four-laning from February
Our Correspondent

Amritsar, December 19
The four-laning of highway, which had become a hot issue recently, finally got a nod from the
Central and state governments.

The initial phase will include the road from Verka, on the outskirts of the city, to Dhilwan beyond the Beas township.

Mr Jugal Kishore Sharma, MLA, yesterday said the length of the road to be built would be 49 km. Work would commence from four points, including one from Verka, one at Dhilwan while the point selection for two areas was underway.

A comprehensive survey of the project, including soil data had been completed. Work on the mammoth project would entail an expense of Rs 268 crore, he said.

It would be implemented by M/s IVRCL, an infrastructural and project firm with head offices in Beas, said Mr Sharma, who had a talk with the Director of firm, Mr Vijay Shrivastava.

As many as 13 bridges would also be built on the proposed highway.

The digging on the route would start by February next while the formal commencement of premix laying would start by May.

The mega road network, which has got expedited due to a vociferous demand by BJP Member Parliament Navjot Singh Sidhu, is expected to be completed in two years.

However, Mr Sharma swept aside the MP’s efforts and said the Congress was a party of concrete policies that kept its promises.

Lashing out at the BJP, he said the party in its five-year tenure had hardly made any big contributions to the state.

About the ‘second and final’ phase of the four-laning till Wagah Border, under the Sri Gobind Singh project, he said talks with the Ministry of Defence were underway for a viable solution as vitals such as Defence canal and sensitive installations were involved.


Industrial effluents playing havoc
Absence of treatment plants makes matters worse
Pradeep Sharma
Tribune News Service

Lalru, December 19
With Punjab Pollution Control Board (PPCB) authorities looking the other way, effluents discharged by certain industries of the Dera Bassi sub-division in the seasonal rivulets are allegedly playing havoc with the human and animal lives

And with hardly any effluent treatment plant (ETP) in operation in the industries, including pharmaceutical units, a paper mill, a milk plant, the underground water is the first casualty of the polluted discharge with the result that the potable water from the shallow water pumps had become “unfit” for drinking.

“Skin ailments and digestive disorders are the order of the day and the animal yield has been going down over the years. The water from the shallow water pumps is unfit for human and animal consumption,” alleges Mr Nirmail Singh Malikpur, president of the Anti-pollution Society, which is spearheading a campaign against the pollution by the industries in the Dera Bassi-Lalru industrial belt.

Despite the fact that the society had represent Ted to the PPCB several times nothing had been done so far, Mr Malikpur alleged adding that it seemed the powerful industrial lobby was in collusion with the government officials.

Though there had been no indepth study of the affects of the industrial pollution on the human and animal population, diseases are on the rise, Mr Gurmukh Singh, a resident of Lalru, added.

A visit to several villages including, Haripur Kooda, Dandrala, Miyanpur and Tiwana revealed that the colour of the water in the tributaries of the Ghaggar had turned black. An unbearable stench emanating from beds of rivulets made the passing through the area difficult.

Mr Malikpur regretted that the government officials acted only when the matter was highlighted in the media. On their part, the industrialists doled out only assurances to residents while the concrete action was missing on their part, he alleged.

Though the matter came under the jurisdiction of the PPCB, the administration had served notices on nine polluting units under Section 133 of the CrPC keeping in view the grave consequences of the pollution in public interest, Mr Narinder Sangha, Dera Bassi SDM, told Chandigarh Tribune.

“The units had already been given a personal hearing by me and action as per law would be taken against them if they were found to be discharging untreated effluents into the rivulets,” he said.

On account of spurt in the industrial activity in the Dera Bassi-Lalru belt, the problem of the discharge of industrial effluents had become a cause of concern for the local population. A substantial number of industries allegedly do not have the ETPs. In fact, the project concerning to have dumping place for the industrial waste at Nimbuan village, near Dera Bassi, had been hanging fire for several years now.


She lost her marriage to dowry
Kanchan Vasdev
Tribune News Service

Ludhiana, December 19
An NRI, who got engaged to a daughter of a former English professor allegedly refused to solemnise the marriage as the girl’s family unable to accede to his dowry demands .

Prof K.B.S. Sodhi, father of the girl while talking to Ludhiana Tribune today said he had filed a complaint with the local police, demanding action against six persons including Canada-based NRI, Manjit Singh. But the police has not registered FIR in this regard so far.

In his complaint Mr Sodhi alleged that he had organised engagement ceremony of his daughter with Manjit Singh on April 9 at a local hotel and the marriage was fixed for November 13. But it could not be solemnised as the groom’s family started demanding a Skoda car, Rs 5 lakh, besides asking for organising the ceremony in a five-star hotel and serving foreign Scotch to guests on the eve of marriage.

‘‘Earlier they had said they did not want anything except my daughter. Later, they reversed their stand. I requested the groom’s side to be reasonable as I am a retired professor and a father of three daughters and will not be able to spend this much. But they remained adamant and threatened to walk out and arrange the marriage of their son elsewhere. Soon they got Manjit Singh engaged to another girl in Chandigarh,’’ added Mr Sodhi.

Demanding a case of dowry, fraud and damage caused to the reputation of his family, Mr Sodhi alleged that the police was not seizing the passports of the accused as they could leave the country anytime. Mr Sodhi further said the police had recorded the statements of victims and some of the accused.

He has sought registration of cases against Manjit Singh and five of his relatives.


Sonia promises job to Sarabjit’s wife
Tribune News Service

Amritsar, December 19
The family of Sarbjit Singh who is awaiting the execution of death sentence in Pakistan yesterday got a pleasant surprise from Ms Sonia Gandhi, President, Congress, and head, National Advisory Council, Government of India.

The letter promised a job to Sukhprit Kaur, wife of Sarbjit Singh in Guru Nanak Dev University while all expenses of studies of both daughters (of Sarbjit Singh), Ms Swapandip and Ms Poonam would be borne by the state government. The letter, written by Mr Dheeraj Srivastva, Special Secretary to the Advisory Council, written on behalf of Ms Sonia Gandhi, said the educational expenses would be given from the personal quota of Punjab Chief Minister.

Ms Dalbir Kaur, sister of Sarbjit Singh, while thanking the Congress President said the letter would certainly help the family that had been going through traumatic days. 


General category workers block traffic
Tribune News Service

Gurdaspur, December 19
Continuing their struggle against the implementation of the 85th amendment of the Constitution in the state, members of the General Category Employees Organisation today blocked traffic and burned the copies of the amendment.

Hundreds of general category employees gathered at Nehru Park this afternoon. They moved in procession and blocked traffic for about one hour. While addressing the protest, district president of the organisation Arun Kumar said they would intensify agitation in the coming days.

As a next step of the protest, they would now gherao ministers of the general category who have failed to protect their interests. The Congress would have to pay for implementing the 85th amendment of the Constitution in the state.

The general category employees, along with their families, would campaign against the ministers and nominees of the Congress in the state, he said.

Mr Kuldeep Saini, chief organiser said the Punjab Government was a party to the review petition filed against the amendment in the Supreme Court by the federation. The government should have waited for the Supreme Court decision before implementing the amendment. While Dalit ministers lobbied for the implementation of the amendment, the general category ministers failed to put up their case.

The implementation of the amendment had stopped all avenues of promotion for the general category employees. They would lose interest and intelligent general category officers and doctors would prefer leaving government jobs to private jobs.

The members of the general category later moved to office of the Deputy Commissioner, Gurdaspur, and burned the copies of the 85th amendment.


NGO asks govt to set up panel on population
Tribune News Service

Sangrur, December 19
Prof Uday Partap Singh, Chairman of the Punjab Population Control Committee, an NGO, yesterday asked the Punjab Government to set up a population control commission to tackle the problem of the increasing population in the state. He was addressing a meeting of the Sangrur block of the Punjab Population Control Committee here yesterday.

Prof Uday Partap Singh further said the government should also start the registration of migrant labourers.

He also asked the state health authorities to invite representatives of NGOs on the occasion of World AIDS Day, World Population Day and other such days as about 2,800 NGOs and voluntary social organisations were contributing a lot to various health schemes.


500 Ahmadiyyas arrive from Pak
Tribune News Service

Wagah, December 19
A 500-member Ahmadiyya Muslim jatha from Pakistan arrived here yesterday to take part in the three-day annual convention of International Muslim Jamaat Ahmadiyya to be held from December 26.

The BSF and immigration authorities had deputed additional staff and set up special counters for clearing the jatha.

While welcoming the jatha at the joint check-post, the media in charge of Muslim Jamaat Ahmadiyya, said thousands of Ahmadiyyas from around the world were expected to attend this historic annual function.

He said international devotees coming for the first time would assemble at Masjit Aqsa Qadian and unfurl the flag of the Ahmadiyya samaj and would take part in a procession followed by discourses of Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih Al Khaamis — Ayyada hullaho ta’alla and various other spiritual leaders of the community. 


Shaheedi Jor mela begins, thousands pay obeisance
Tribune News Service

Chamkaur Sahib, December 19
More than 20,000 persons today paid obeisance in Katalgarh Sahib gurdwara on the first day of three-day Shaheedi Jor Mela which began here. The mela to commemorate martyrdom of Guru Gobind Singh’s two elder sons who sacrified lives fighting the Mughal army in 1705 begun with akand path in the five historical gurdwaras including Katalgarh Sahib, Garhi Sahib, Ranjit Garh Sahib, Tari Sahib and Damdama Sahib here.

The town wore a festive look as besides gurdwaras, roads were also decorated. Nihang Singhs astride horses, wearing blue dress and unique turbans of various organisations from Anandpur Sahib, Patiala, Amritsar and Bathinda arrived here carrying traditional weapons.

Nihang Singhs will exhibit their traditional war skills on the last day of the mela here. They have set up their camps at different places.

For devotees langar arrangements have been made in all gurdwaras by the SGPC, besides it, several community kitchens were also set-up at different places in the town by the voluntary bodies.

The town is divided into nine sectors. Parking arrangements for devotees were made at four places. The administration has directed the PSEB to ensure round the clock power supply in the town during the three-day mela.

A control room is also set up and doctors also available, said SDM, J.C Sabarwal, after a meeting with officials about arrangements.

For law and order more than 400 policemen, including nine inspectors and five DSPs, were deployed in the town. A large number of constables were deployed to control traffic, said SP (headquarter) Jaspal Singh.

Political parties have also set up stages at different places for conferences to be held here tomorrow.

The Akali Dal will hold its conference in the Diwan Hall of Katalgarh Sahib gurdwara, the Congress Party near Bus stand, Mr Ravi Inder Singh group on the Khalsa school campus, the BSP near the stadium, the Akali Dal (Mann) and the Rangreta Dal will hold conferences.


Tension eases in Nangal
Tribune News Service

Nangal, December 19
A large number of policemen deployed in the town was withdrawn today after the tension between traders and slum dwellers eased out.

The decision of the Beopar Mandal to end the protest came after a delegation of their members met the local MLA, Mr K.P.S. Rana who assured them to solve the dispute.

Meanwhile, the district BSP unit and the Guru Ravi Das Sabha condemned the administration and police for their inability to control the situation. The president of the district unit, Mr Charanjit Singh Ghai, said that a case should be registered against all 35 Beopar Mandal members who had attacked the slum dwellers.


Red Cross hospital to start OPD
Our Correspondent

Patiala, December 19
The Punjab Saket Red Cross Hospital will start the general Outdoor Patient Department (OPD) from January 1 to help poor and needy patients and school students.

Disclosing this, Dr J.K. Puri, Secretary, Punjab Red Cross, Chandigarh, who was on an official visit here today, said the government girls senior secondary school had been declared red cross model school.

Dr Puri added that every student of the school would be provided medical services and training in first aid, AIDS, drug de-addiction, balanced diet and prevention from diseases and fire accidents.


high court
HC summons Punjab Education Secy
High Court Correspondent

Chandigarh, December 19
The Punjab and Haryana High Court has summoned the Secretary, Education, Punjab Government, directing him to be personally present in the court on January 9 to explain why salaries of 29 teachers of Government Senior Secondary School, Rajpura, have not been paid since June.

Taking up the petition filed by Mr Surinder Nath Sharma and 28 other schoolteachers, seeking directions to the respondents to release their salaries from June onwards, the Division Bench comprising Mr Justice M.M. Kumar and Ms Justice Kiran Anand Lall came down heavily on the government for not paying salaries to its staff.

The Bench wondered why employees were forced to approach the court for redressing of such grievances.

Earlier, counsel for the petitioners stated while the government claimed to have no money to pay salaries of the schoolteachers, it was never short of funds for making expenditure on buying luxury cars for ministers and holding gala functions.

Thereafter, the Bench directed the Secretary, Education, to be present on the next date of hearing to explain why salaries had not been paid to the petitioners.

Resolutions taken on record

The high court on Monday took on record the application filed by Baba Ranjit Singh of Patti (Amritsar).

The application contained letters/resolutions passed by various gram panchayats of villages surrounding that of the petitioner’s. The resolutions asked the Punjab Government to provide free-of-cost security to the petitioner as he was not in a position to pay for it.

The petition filed by Baba Ranjit Singh, challenging the directive of the SSP, Tarn Taran, to pay for the two gunmen provided to him, is also pending in the high court.

Baba Ranjit Singh and his family had played a crucial role in the fight against terrorism in Punjab. The government had even awarded his brother twice for bravery.

However, now that the petitioner and his family were still facing threat from terrorists, the government refused to provide security.

It was only after he filed a writ, that the police provided two gunmen to him. However, later, he was asked to pay the salaries of the gunmen, which the petitioner claimed he could not.

Today, after going through his application, the Bench of Mr Justice N.K. Sud and Mr Justice Virender Singh took the resolutions on record.


Rural health commission set up
Our Correspondent

Kharar, December 19
A State Rural Health Commission has been set up in Punjab and the Chief Minister made the president of the body.

This was stated by Dr G.L. Goyal, Director, Health Services, Punjab, at a function organised at the Ambika Institute of Nursing here yesterday. Dr Goyal said ministers and MLAs were members of the health commission. Proper development of primary health centres, dispensaries and hospitals would be done under the scheme.

A grant of Rs 29 crore was sanctioned by the Central Government after the commission was set up. A sum of Rs 18 crore had already been sent to the state government.

The work of dispensaries in rural areas would be looked after by the village panchayats.


Gang of robbers busted, 4 held
Our Correspondent

Amritsar, December 19
With the arrest of four persons, the district police today claimed it had busted a gang of robbers.

The accused include Baaz Singh, Sukhwinder Singh, Sawinder Singh and Ram Singh. Their two accomplices have absconded, two others, Rachhpal Singh of Palla village and Rachhpal Singh of Sur Singh village, are in Rajasthan jails. They were arrested about five months ago for taking away a tractor in Ganganagar.

Mr R.P.S. Brar, district police chief and Mr Harmanbir Singh Gill, SP (city), at a press conference here said the police had recovered nine computers, one rifle, a .12 bore single barrelled gun and 10 live cartridges from the accused. Mr Brar said a police team laid a naka near the Naian Wala roundabout and stopped a truck. However, the accused fled leaving the truck behind. They were later arrested by the police.

During investigations the accused admitted that they had stolen 10 computers from Kuhar Singh Wala School in Ferozepore district and sold one computer in Moga and were bringing rest of the computers in the truck to sell these in Amritsar. Interestingly, the truck was also stolen from Mumbai.

In another incident the police seized 65 kg of poppy husk from Sukhwinder Singh of Sarhali and Sarabjit Singh of Galalipur village. The accused during investigations disclosed that they used to bring narcotics from Gwalior and sell these in villages adjoining Amritsar.

Mr Gill said in another raid at a hotel on the GT Road, the Civil Lines police had arrested 16 persons for gambling and recovered Rs 3.45 lakh.

A case under Sections 13-A, 3, 67 of the Gambling Act and 419, 420 of the IPC has been registered.


Missing woman found dead
Tribune News Service

Muktsar, December 19
The body of a woman attendant of the petrol station, who went missing over a fortnight back, has been recovered from the Rajasthan feeder near Rawatsar town of Rajasthan.

Sources said the deceased, 21-year-old Geeta, “disappeared” on December 1 and his family lodged a missing report at City police station on December 3 after making all efforts to trace her.

The police had rounded up another petrol station attendant on suspicion.


One killed in street fight
Tribune News Service

Gurdaspur, December 19
Sardar Masseih, a resident of Haluna village, near here, was killed in a street fight last evening. Sources available here told that the deceased entered into a fight with his neighbours over some minor altercation between children of the two families.

The deceased was allegedly hit on the head by Bau Messeih and his two sons with blunt weapon, leading to his death.

The police has booked Bau Masseih and his sons on the charge of murder.


No headaway in murder case
Our Correspondent

Kharar, December 18
While the police failed to make any breakthrough in the murder case of a 22-year-old resident of Badmajra village, a board of doctors conducted a post-mortem on the body of the deceased here today.

Dr K.K. Gupta and Dr Adarsh Pal Kaur carried out the post-mortem on the body of Harjinder Singh, alias Raju. The body was recovered from bushes on the outskirts of the village.

It is learnt that the doctors have pointed out in the post-mortem report that the victim died due to a head injury. However, to ascertain the exact cause of death the viscera have been sent for a chemical examination to Patiala.

The body was handed over to the members of the family of the deceased.


Couple, daughter drown in canal

Ropar, December 19
A couple, Mangal Singh and Surinder Kaur, and their three-year-old daughter, Vennu were allegedly drowned in Nangal hydel canal near Kiratpur Sahib here today.

Police sources said locals after spotting a scooter lying near the canal carried out the bodies of Surinder and Veenu from the canal. Efforts are on to search the body of Mangal Singh. TNS


Foundation stone of polytechnic laid
Our Correspondent

Fatehgarh Sahib, December 19
Jathedar Avtar Singh, President, Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee, today laid the foundation stone of Baba Banda Singh Bahadur Polytechnic here. SGPC-managed Baba Banda Singh Bahadur Education Trust, which is already running Baba Banda Singh Engineering College, Fatehgrah Sahib, would construct the college.

After laying the foundation stone, the Jathedar appreciated the role played by the trust in running engineering college. He said that the SGPC is making efforts to make the sacred soil of Fatehgarh Sahib a hub of education. Foundation stone of World Sikh University would be laid soon.

Member secretary Kirpal Singh Libra said that four branches of diploma courses would be started in the college after taking required permission. He said that entire cost of the construction of the college would be borne by the Baba Banda Singh Bahadur Education Trust. He said college would commence working in the next academic session.

Earlier management and staff of Baba Banda Singh Bahadur Engineering (BBSBEC), Fatehgarh Sahib, extended warm welcome to the SGPC president at his first visit to the college. Dr D.S. Hira Principal, presented the progress report of the college report and highlighted the achievements in various fields.

Students presented slide show on the occasion.

Member SGPC Didar Singh Bhatti, Man Singh Garcha, Amarjeet Singh Chawala, Manohar Singh Makkar, Iqbal Singh Mukerian, Ranjit Singh Libra, Gurmohan Singh Walia, Principal Mata Gujri College, and R.S. Bajwa, Principal, BZSFS School, also welcomed the SGPC president.

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