Y O U R  D A T E  W I T H  S T A R
December 18 to December 24
[ March 21 to April 20 ]

Be flexible at work. Despite opposition, you will continue to give your best shot at work and set a positive example of your conduct.

[ April 21 to May 20 ]
A socially active week ahead. Someone is likely to come to your aid without coming out into the open.
[ May 21 to June 21 ]
Life would not necessarily go your way. You have high hopes but you need to be self-dependent. Do not be tempted by illusions.
[ June 22 to July 22 ]
You should fight for your rights. Pursue your goals without worrying about other’s disapproval. Don’t lose your cool.
[ July 23 to Aug 22 ]
With your creative powers in top gear, you will gain enormously. You can reinforce your current position and avert mishaps if you play your cards wisely.
[ Aug 23 to Sept 22 ]
Your romantic hopes are growing. Work is likely to occupy a secondary position. Use your imagination to enrich your love-life.
[Sept 23 to Oct 22 ]
Venus, your lucky star, will lend you support from Wednesday. A celebration or a get-together could bring happiness.
[Oct 23 to Nov 22 ]
A glorious upward march for those you are emotionally attached to. Mars, your main star, will inspire you to achieve new heights of romantic imagination.

[ Nov 23 to Dec 22]

Keep your eyes fixed on your purse strings as a high-spending period lies ahead. There should be no laxity in your economy. Be careful, especially on Thursday.
[Dec 23 to Jan 20]
An ideal week for leisure and romance. You will remain responsive to every well-meaning suggestion or proposal.
[ Jan 21 to Feb 19 ]
Chances of profit through investment or the sale and purchase of stocks will be bright. Have faith in your own judgment.
[Feb 20 to March 20 ]
At work, much will depend on what your colleagues say and at home, what your near ones opine. Stand by your convictions.

Born on

December 18

The sun is opposing your sign tooth and nail. Your dream of a life of pomp and show will remain a wishful thinking. More patience and hard work will be needed to satisfy a strict and unrelenting employer. You will have to push yourself to hard work during the first quarter. All matters related to money will pose problems during the second. Partnerships, if any, may run into rough weather during the third. A surprise gain, however, will brighten up your mood during the last one.

December 19

With the dignified moon in the limelight, lucky days lie ahead. Rarely has the house of fortune shown such affluence and prosperity. You will make full use of your virtues of enthusiasm and spontaneity during March-April. A relationship that has no longer been smooth could be straightened out during June-July. You will have no regrets if your expenditure increases from September onwards.

December 20

Your social life will remain in full bloom. You will overcome your shyness and emerge as a star performer. If you are an artist, you will achieve boundless success. Luck will smile on you after March if you are in the running for a senior position. If you speculate or go in for high stakes, you will be rewarded during June-July. Excessive travelling could, however, prove harmful during the last part.

December 21

There will be a tendency to spend indiscriminately and repent later. You will face hurdles with courage. You will face a shortage of funds during the first quarter. Be wary of your friends during the second. You could become more adventurous during the third. Don’t involve yourself in more than one issue at a time during the last one.

December 22

A highly favourable period ahead. There will be an increase in your income. Life will be more meaningful and thrilling during the first quarter. Emphasis will be on love and relaxation during the second. Friends will play a key role in improving your fortunes during the third. Don’t grudge what you do for others during the last one.

December 23

The position of your planets is such that it will appear that others are trying to deceive or mislead you. You should, however, be tolerant of other’s mistakes. Widen your sphere of activity and you will realise that luck is on your side. You can ease your tension by streamlining chores and delegating some tasks to others. Be straight in all your dealings, especially when money is concerned.

December 24

You will remain very busy. There is much to be done but the time at your disposal may be insufficient. Your carefree attitude could also hamper your speed. Your adversaries could take advantage of this and may leave you behind in the race for supremacy. Friends will misunderstand your intentions during the first quarter. You may fail to balance the increasing costs during the second. There will be a lot of sense in what your friends say during the third. Recreational pursuits, however, become important during the last phase.

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