Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Teachers at work in a Kochi centre that conducts e-tutoring for students in the USACoaching from Kochi
With many US students taking online lessons from teachers in India, especially Kerala, tuition outsourcing is offering lucrative opportunities to these professionals, writes A. Saj Mathews
When the rest of the city sleeps, many postgraduate teachers in Kochi sit wide awake before their PCs, giving interactive online tuitions to children seated before similar computer modules, continents apart in the USA. Yes, outsourcing is entering new areas with US school kids increasingly taking tuitions from teachers in Kerala, throwing open lucrative work options for these professionals.

Teachers at work in a Kochi centre that conducts e-tutoring for students in the USA. — Photo by the writer

Professionals prefer online studies
Basant Kumar Mohanty
From Gurukul to online mode, education has become an ever-changing sector now breaching geographical boundaries to reach out to people across the globe. Now the focus is on imparting education through the Internet, doing away with teaching in classrooms. Scores of online agencies have come up during the past half-decade offering ample scope for students to get degrees and diplomas sitting at home.

Smart Skills
Bag a job in accessory designing
Usha Albuquerque
Where would the latest designer collection be without those funky bangles? What makes the little black dress stand out is the silver broach. Fashion is nothing without accessories. Jewellery, watches, bags, shoes, scarves, belts and broaches have become necessities today.

Too many temporary jobs can spoil resume
Mary Ellen Slayter
Temping can be a great way to get your foot in the door, test out multiple companies to find a good fit, or pay bills while you’re looking for a more permanent gig. It can also make a mess of your resume. If you temp for more than a few months, you can run into a little problem: how to account for all those little jobs.

Career Hotline
Yoga a field fit to work in
Pervin Malhotra
Q. I want to be a yoga instructor. Can you tell me where I can get professional training? I have heard of Kaivalyadham. Is it a good institute? A. With yoga gaining popularity across the world there is a great dearth of trained yoga instructors.

Fortnightly Quiz-246