Y O U R  D A T E  W I T H  S T A R
November 6 to November 12
[ March 21 to April 20 ]

You can be a little argumentative because you are eager to implement your plans and proposals. Make sure that you don’t lose your cool.

[ April 21 to May 20 ]
You’ll have to tackle some hitches before you finalise a family affair or accomplish a domestic objective. Go ahead with all the energy you can muster.
[ May 21 to June 21 ]
You will receive rich compliments for the good acts performed and the help or services rendered to people this week.
[ June 22 to July 22 ]
This is the right time to establish your supremacy, especially in your love life. Matrimonial ties could proceed. Monday will be lucky.
[ July 23 to Aug 22 ]
Cancerians wherever they are should be welcomed into your life. If you repose confidence in an Aquarian, you will repent for all times to come.
[ Aug 23 to Sept 22 ]
There is good luck in store for you and you should be able to benefit from social contacts. You may go on a long-awaited journey.
[Sept 23 to Oct 22 ]
With Venus moving at slow speed, you may feel a little low. Don’t think that people you work with are responsible for holding you back.
[Oct 23 to Nov 22 ]
A few stars are putting positive influence on your sign and this could give you the much-needed push to finish pending projects.

[ Nov 23 to Dec 22]

Look forward to a busy week ahead and go by the appointments in your diary. You may have to part with a large sum of money but look at it as an investment or a donation for a good cause.
[Dec 23 to Jan 20]
With Saturn moving at a slow pace, you should not expect any good from an evildoer. At times, you may see a deep-rooted conspiracy on his or her part.
[ Jan 21 to Feb 19 ]
The favourable stars in your solar chart are in full strength. If you bid, bargain or even speculate, you are sure to make big gains.
[Feb 20 to March 20 ]
You will be seized with the desire to spend like crazy. Your urge to shop can play disrupt your budget. Thursday appears to be the most expensive day.

Born on

November 6

A year of hope and cheer. Nobody can say that your work has not been up to the mark. You deserve more benefits than what you have been getting at the moment. It is now your turn to shine and prosper. Your stars promise luck and you are not going to lag behind from March onwards. September is the right month to sweat and toil and reap the reward that you richly deserve.

November 7

With a luminous moon in a jubilant position, you will be glad to see your dreams coming true. Whatever you do will be well received. You will be saddled with greater responsibilities and may not get the time to relax. You will, however, continue to work with a smile. The pressure at home will get reduced but the workplace will continue to buzz with activity. There are also indications that some of you may try for a seat in some elective capacity and may get busy both mentally as well as physically.

November 8

Associates and, in some cases, even friends will disagree with you but you should not over react because they are your well-wishers. Shopping outings should not be encouraged until you are absolutely convinced that you need a particular thing. A few generous gestures will add to your fame. At home someone, probably an ageing member, will need your care and sympathy as the year draws to a close. People who have neglected you in the past will realise their mistake and shall make amends for the same.

November 9

A strategic Sun-Jupiter combine spells a demanding start. It will be unrealistic to believe that everything will happen according to your plans. Unless you don’t cater for the pitfalls, you are not likely to sail smoothly. You should not rush into something without weighing the pros and cons of a situation.

November 10

A time to look at life with greater satisfaction than ever before. The planets that have been centrestage may provide you with a much-needed shot in the arm. You can impress your friends by your unique behaviour and silence your critics with your wisdom and tact. If single and fancy-free, be ready for some romance during the first quarter.

November 11

Professional ambitions shall rule your thoughts. The stars affecting your finances will be placed in a more favourable position but you will have to watch your wallet with care and caution. A wrong investment could be set right due to the good offices of a friend. Another friend whom you’ve not met for years could spring a surprise. Your emphasis may shift towards a charitable mission during the first quarter. Beware of rumours during the second one. You will be spending time away from home during the third phase.

November 12

The stars governing your economy are in a defiant mood. You can expect a blow to your financial stability. There is a need to strike a balance between income and expenditure to prevent the situation from getting bad to worse. Months of March and April will find you working hard, but only with nominal gains. Life may become stressful during June and July.

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