Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Put your best foot forward
With the footwear sector growing by leaps and bounds, this is the right time to step into the shoes of a footwear designer, writes Usha Albuquerque
IT is said clothes maketh a man. And with the shirt and tie, or suit, go the shoes. At one time interviewers usually judged a candidate by the shoes he wore. Today, with the variety of footwear available that may be difficult, but nevertheless, footwear is an important part of one’s total look.

Sandeep Joshi

The management wanted the best head-hunter for this job.

Four ‘Cs’ of writing a good CV
I.M. Soni
HAT are the hallmarks of an impressive as well as expressive resume? These can be summed up as the four ‘Cs’ — competence, clarity confidence and courtesy. An impressive job application holds a mirror to your personality. Clarity of thought is important.

No interview is a hit without rehearsal
Mary Ellen Slayter
ugustin Cherng, 26, isn’t like most young job-seekers. For one, he actually enjoys interviews. Strange, I know. And it’s not that all of his interviews have been easy. "I’ve had some tough interviews, but going in feeling prepared and knowing somewhat what to expect really helped," he says.

Dealing with deadweight workers
Amy Joyce
O you work with a Costanza? George Costanza was the uncomfortable, unfortunate character in the TV sitcom "Seinfeld" who, although often unemployed, was almost as often finding ways not to work at work. He was the king of sleeping under his desk and passing projects on to others.

Geriatric course beckons the young
Vishal Gulati
OR persons interested in taking up the field of social work, particularly those keen on extending a helping hand to the aged, the Lions Club Chandigarh Central is conducting an eight-week live-in geriatric caregiver practical certificate course at the Lions Old-Age Home, Sector 15-D.

Career Hotline
Be a shooting star
Q I am interested in fashion photography and dream of photographing some of the top models someday. What are the prospects? — Parvesh
A Fashion photographers breathe life into pictures by brilliantly orchestrating the elements of light, juxtaposition of objects, colour, composition and a beautiful subject.

Fortnightly Quiz-244