Y O U R  D A T E  W I T H  S T A R
October 23 to October 29
[ March 21 to April 20 ]

Retrograde Mars warns you against complacency. You are likely to lose the sense of right or wrong and may be tempted to commit mistakes. You might even be trying to turn the clock back.

[ April 21 to May 20 ]
Venus your best star during this week is leaving no stone unturned to fructify your love-life. So it is no time to behave like a back-bencher.
[ May 21 to June 21 ]
It is an ideal moment for a Geminian to build his reputation. The rumour that you are being neglected is a white lie.
[ June 22 to July 22 ]
Your social skills are often underestimated. It is beyond doubt that you do not need any certificate to prove your bona fides on this score.
[ July 23 to Aug 22 ]
Irrational behaviour of fair-weather friends could attract your attention during this week. This is a time to be firm.
[ Aug 23 to Sept 22 ]
Mercury is exerting its influence over your house of finance. There should be abundant opportunity to gamble and make hay while the sun shines. The snag is that you need huge funds.
[Sept 23 to Oct 22 ]
A partner or an ally who has been defying you in the past is about to come round to your way of thinking. You should avoid criticising others.
[Oct 23 to Nov 22 ]
Ponder long and hard before taking on others as a hard-task master. You should cut away the frills and concentrate on what is truly important.

[ Nov 23 to Dec 22]

A period of hope and cheer. What once looked like a house of cards will shape up like an outstanding opportunity. You could tackle your intricate problems.
[Dec 23 to Jan 20]
With charm and dignity at your command, you should be moving into the top gear. There is little that will be beyond your grasp.
[ Jan 21 to Feb 19 ]
Nobody can match you in the art of winning the favour of a high up. Your illustrious stars urge you to get closer to the people who deserve your love.
[Feb 20 to March 20 ]
Sailing in two boats is likely to take the wind out of your sails. If you decide to solve more than one issue, it will be like committing another blunder.

Born on

October 23

Libran Sun, sighted by a retrograde Mars makes you pass through a restless phase socially. Your nomadic tendencies will stir up as soon as the new year rings in. Those who are on the move are perfectly in tune with their stars. A break from more pressing matters will soon allow them to get back into the social circuit.

October 24

A declining Moon ensures that your income and expenditure will be at the crossroads. Success can be anticipated in routine matters, while nerve-breaking tasks continue to pile up due to some neglect on your part. You will be left with no option than to seek help from those you work with or live with.

There is no room for acting rashly. You will remain over-occupied from November onwards. If you take a decision, try to stick to it during February-March.

October 25

Mars, sighted by an inimical Saturn, is the sign of lethargy and boredom. Don’t let trivia take up your valuable time. The problems, some of them self-made, perplex you and make you lose your poise. Your conviction that you are infallible is likely to tumble down like house of cards.

October 26

A Libran Mercury, your most dominant star, encourages you to stretch yourself to the limit and expand your boundaries. it is supposed to be a period of great trial, if you happen to be locked up in an electoral battle. This is not a period to shoulder the entire burden on your own. It is a time for cooperating even with your arch enemies. Another golden rule for you to follow is to lay greater emphasis on ethical, moral and spiritual matters which stand dropped from your agenda during the recent past.

October 27

Your stars seem poised to make the incoming year a delightfully pleasant one. You will be managing your personal affairs so effectively that the success you will gain thereby will enhance your popularity. In short, be quick to translate your aspirations into action and cast off the fear that is holding you back.

A few generous gestures will add to your stature from November onwards. There will be no let up in your mobility during January-February.

October 28

This is likely to be a very expensive year. Your expenditure is bound to exceed your income. Life can appear as a bed of roses, if you keep a close watch on your wallet. If you happen to adopt ‘a devil may care’ attitude you may be trapped in a serious financial muddle.

You may lose your cool more often during the first quarter. You will find events slipping out of your hands during the second quarter.

October 29

You are a fit case to receive accolades for your efficiency and good work. Not only your friends but even your rivals would like to appreciate your matchless qualities. It is now your turn to prosper and make a mark.

You seem all set to achieve your target during the first quarter. Buying, selling, funding and investing will come into full play during the second. New modes of pleasure and recreation are on their way during the third.

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