Y O U R  D A T E  W I T H  S T A R
October 9 to October 15
[ March 21 to April 20 ]

You are ambitious and in a hurry to get your skills recognised but you need more time to make your mark. Remember Rome was not built in a day.

[ April 21 to May 20 ]
With Venus in the limelight, your creative powers will be at the peak. You will handle serious discussions with gusto. Get ready for a glamorous year.
[ May 21 to June 21 ]
With the Mercury-Venus combine in the house of finance, you can look forward to cash in on any bid you lay your hands upon. The success rate will high.
[ June 22 to July 22 ]
Money, domestic obligations and travel will catch your attention. This week brings in excitement into your life and makes you more ambitious.
[ July 23 to Aug 22 ]
A steep increase in your expenditure will shake you. You will have to exercise extreme restraint over your impulses to check your limping finances.
[ Aug 23 to Sept 22 ]
You need to rely on yourself. A hanging proposition could be resolved or is on the point of being agreed upon. Keep enough cash handy.
[Sept 23 to Oct 22 ]
Tempers will run high. If you fall out with a colleague, you will invite trouble. Learn to be a good listener rather than imposing your ideas on people.
[Oct 23 to Nov 22 ]
Your personal life will face some racy action. A good time to spread your wings at your workplace and to extend your activities to unexplored realms also.

[ Nov 23 to Dec 22]

All eyes are fixed on you. You should not adopt a devil may care attitude. Seeing others calling the shots is no pretext for you to lie low. Take it as a challenge.
[Dec 23 to Jan 20]
The social situation is powerful. You will be pursuing your ambitions while sticking to your guns with dogged determination.
[ Jan 21 to Feb 19 ]
Your urge to spend may incite you to act with less caution. You could overspend your budget. Do not think that you are flawless while operating funds.
[Feb 20 to March 20 ]
Love life and social affairs are due for an upsurge. You could be challenged to prove as to what you can do for your loved ones.

Born on

October 9
The new year will see you marching steadily towards progress. Many of you have put in a lot of effort into your professional life by now. Time has arrived when you can afford to put up your feet and relax. The most important factor is the need for more security and stability. It will be ideal if you adopt a more open, tolerant and flexible attitude towards the people you work with or even live with. It will pave the way for making your professional life a bed of roses.

October 10
You will have no control over your expenditure. You may get yourself involved in a risky venture. Despite hard work, there is little hope of your coming out of the financial mess you are entrapped in. Your social life may prove to be a burden. Work may involve a fair degree of grind but the gains will not be adequate. In love, there will not be much improvement.

October 11
The dignified Mars is likely to change your mood from a pessimist to an optimist. Mixing business with pleasure will pay rich dividends. Time is ripe to go in for a marked change in your life. A benefit you have been waiting for will start pouring in during the first quarter. An upswing in your earnings will keep your spirits high during the second. A rewarding long travel may broaden your vision during the third. Social pleasure may weigh on your mind more intensely during the last one.

October 12
You may feel a little confused as to what other people expect of you. You are not likely to come to any definite conclusion. You should change your outlook and give up what is outdated and obsolete at work, home, and in love too. Your intentions to please others may be genuine but despite your best efforts you may succeed only partially.

October 13
An upbeat year is in the offing. Romance, laughter and merriment will dominate the scene. An old relationship will be revived. There will be a rewarding encounter with a man in authority. Your social stars seem fairly buoyant during the first quarter. You will fight for the best and make no compromise during the second. New ideas will stir your imagination during the third. Journey at odd hours could prove troublesome during the last one.

October 14
An upstanding Venus sighted by the dignified Mars can show a lot of promise. You should be on your way to make a journey towards prosperity. You can turn the tables on those who got the better of you during the past. You have seldom experienced such an excellent phase. Buying, selling, funding and investing may stand you in good stead. The contacts you develop now could prove a shot in your arm later.

October 15
A vital threat to your finances will tell upon your peace of mind. Stars responsible for your financial well-being are in no mood to oblige you. You will face a paucity of funds and may have to give up or postpone some of your requirements. Your impulse to show off could also prove detrimental to your finances. You may feel inclined to indulge in a quick money-earning device and may repent later on. The only way to avert trouble is to opt for austerity measures.

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