Sunday, October 9, 2005, Chandigarh, India

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Brides Wanted

SendmailWell-educated, beautiful match for 26/6'-00", handsome, BE software professional MNC Pune, earning 4.5 lacs p.a. vegetarian, teetotaller, non-Manglik, son of Chief of Govt. Deptt. Chandigarh based well-educated, Punjabi Saraswat Brahmin family. email:  Box 12876M Tribune, Chandigarh.

Wanted well qualified Jat Sikh girl, permanent citizen of Australia for well
Sendmail qualified Jat Sikh Gill Gursikh Amritsar based boy 27½/5'-10", doing Master of Accountancy (2nd semester) in Australia, parents govt. employee, only sister married, Rural Urban Property in India (Punjab). Box 12893M Tribune, Chandigarh.

Professional match for Gursikh boy 29/6 ft., MS Engineer in USA/H1-B visa.
Sendmail Parents Govt. job. Email:  Box 13055M Tribune, Chandigarh.

US based Green card holder Punjabi Hindu Khatri Telecom Engineer holdingSendmail prime management position in MNC annual emoluments exceed $150K. Strictly vegetarian teetotaller nonsmoker pious strikingly handsome very fair 6'-2" strong build under 35 boy. Solicits compatible matrimonial alliance. Visiting India shortly. Small respectable family. Father retired very Senior Govt. Officer. Send bio-data, horoscope. Email:  Box 13152M Tribune, Chandigarh.

Beautiful B.Arch./Engg./BDS match for B.Arch/13.06.77/5'-10", very
Sendmail handsome clean shaven Ramgarhia Sikh boy own firm/office at Jalandhar. Caste no bar. 093572-51754.  Box 13213M Tribune, Chandigarh.

Jat Sikh parents well settled in England seek unmarried girl Doctor for their
British born unmarried son 32, Doctor MB, ChB., 5'-8" tall, slim, fair, clean shaven and handsome. E-mail:  with full particulars and photograph. C5-34133-OL

Doctor/MBBS student only for New Zealand educated and settled Khatri
Doctor 24/5'-8", fair/Doctor family/starting specialisation Nov. Girl must be very fair and pretty. Photo essential E- mail:  C5-36988B-OL

Jat Sikh parents are seeking a suitable match for their Canadian born and
raised 29 year old, 5'-11", clean- shaven son. He is a university Graduate holding two Science Degrees and he does not drink or smoke. The girl should be well-educated (B.Sc./M.Sc. degree preferred), sociable and attractive with strong family values. We will be visiting India in December 2005. Please e-mail biodata to:  C5- 39455-OL

Jat Sikh parents invite correspondence for their son, US citizen clean shaven,
27/6"-0", running family business. Early marriage. Contact: Anup Singh 568 Mimosa Drive Rochester NY 14624 USA.  C5-39631B-OL

Medico match for handsome Gursikh MBBS Doctor working in Apollo Hospital,
Sendmail Ludhiana. 5'-6"/30, 12,000/-, well educated family.  Box 11569M Tribune, Chandigarh.

Well-educated UK Jat Sikh parents seek match for their MBBS qualified son.
Sendmail He is 23 year old, slim, fair, very handsome & 5'-8", Doctor or medical student preferred. Email to  Box 11710M Tribune, Chandigarh.

Looking for Doctor girl for a US citizen boy the boy want to settle in India andSendmail want to start his own hospital bought space in Chandigarh already. Age is in late 30s, if the girl want to settle in USA she can do it after getting MD and can settle in India later on. Box 11723M Tribune, Chandigarh.

Well-known and respected Sikh Khatri family, seeking slim, beautiful,
Sendmail educated Khatri girl with strong family values, for their son, handsome, Canadian citizen (Toronto), 29 yrs, 5'-10", professional Accountant. 9872268871, 1762222896.  Box 12111M Tribune, Chandigarh.

Suitable match, preferably Medico for 31, 5'-8", US citizen MD (Medicine
Sendmail Resident) turbaned Sikh Tonk- khatri boy. Well educated family. Boy visiting India in 2 months. Email:  Box 12234M Tribune, Chandigarh.

Jat Sikh parents looking for match for their 30 year old handsome son, 6 ft. 

2in tall, Ph.D. in electrical and Computer Engineering, working in California. Born and raised in USA. US citizen. The girl should be well educated and at least 5 ft 6in tall. Respond with detailed bio-data to  C5-41943-OL

A professional Jat Sikh family in London seeks a matrimonial correspondence
Sendmail for their son who has turned just 31/6' tall and clean shaven. He has B.Sc. (Hons.), M.Sc. in Banking and International Finance and is working in one of the top International Banks. The girl should be at least 5'-5", slim, fair and with good professional qualifications preferably a Dentist or in any other Medical line. A good standard of spoken English is essential. Applicants from Australia as well will be considered. Email:  Box 12487M Tribune, Chandigarh.

NRI Sikh turbaned boy 27 yrs. old, slim, 6 feet, Optician seeking for a
professional, tall, slim girl. family well settled in England. Caste no bar. Please Contact:  or 00447802366359. C5- 42521-OL

Professional Indian NRI match for Jat Sikh boy 6'/43, younger looks. Convent
Sendmail educated short service Captain, Manager MNC, only son, issueless divorcee status Ludhiana family. Box 12587M Tribune, Chandigarh.

Jatt Sikh clean shaved, 27/5'-10", USA citizen business owner well-settled
boy looking for 22-25 year old, 5'- 5" to 5'-7" tall, well-educated, very beautiful, slim girl. Contact:  or 001-404-610- 7269. C5-42862B-OL

NRI for 74/6', F.H.S. Khatri only son, clean habits, LICG done from Canadian
Business School, IELTS, DHMSc., 6 years ex.  C5-42987-OL

Mangleek Hindu Tonk-Kashtry, 26/5'-8", thin, BPED, doing PG Sports
Sendmail Management correspondence. PTI/Coach Bhawan Vidyalaya, Panchkula. 6500+ coaching fee. Teetotaller, middle status. Adjustable family. Upper caste no bar. Box 12606M Tribune, Chandigarh.

Indian/NRI match for convented Jat-Sikh cleanshaven boy, 5'-10", 26 yrs.,
M.Sc. (IT), govt. service, Malwa origin Chandigarh-settled middle-class family. Sister married England. Send biodata, photo at E-mail:  Phone: 9872221141. C5-43015-OL

Wanted Jat Sikh MBBS (USMLE cleared) beautiful, tall girl with family values
for U.S. born and raised, 6'- 2", handsome Engineer with excellent paying job (education Master of Science in Telecommunications) family well-educated and connected, settled in East Coast (U.S.A.) for 25 years. Please contact at  will be greatly appreciated. C5- 43018-OL

Match for 27/6', B.Tech, MBA (IIM), handsome smart Jat- Sikh turbaned boy.Sendmail Well-placed prestigious MNC. Father Defence Officer. E-mail: . Box 12612M Tribune, Chandigarh.

Status match for handsome 30 yrs/5'-9", Sachdeva boy from a reputed
family doing MD Internal Medicine in USA on H1B visa. Salary five figures. Doctors/Engineers/qualified professionals preferred. Box 12639M Tribune, Chandigarh.

Looking for tall, slim educated Sikh girl preferably USA-based for clean
shaven Sikh high income Engineer, 27 years 178 cm studied and settled in USA. Greencard holder. From well established business family. Send biodata to  or contact: 001-512-695- 8761. Box 12640M Tribune, Chandigarh.

Canada based, highly accomplished affluent cultured Sikh family (Rajput,
Minhas), 26 years, 6'-1", moved to Canada when he was 16, got degree in Bachelors of Computer Science, working for the second largest communication company in Canada as a Manager, very successful in life. Looking for a Rajput or Jatt Sikh beautiful, caring, tall and professionally qualified. Please be open to settle in Canada and upgrade education. Please contact  C5-43103-OL

Suitable match for Jat/Saini Sikh handsome 5'-8"/26 Civil Engineer boy
Sendmail working with MNC in England seeks socially active, English Speaking girl 5'-3" to 5'-6" with cooking skills from status family. Mother Jat Sikh, father Saini Sikh. Contact : 0161-2564173 e-mail :  send complete bio-data. Box 12676M Tribune, Chandigarh.

Professionally qualified match for Mair Rajput Sikh boy, 5'-10"/1980, B.Tech,
Sendmail MIS. Permanent Resident living Australia, Only brother also in Australia. Status family. Box 12723M Tribune, Chandigarh.

Jat Sikh family seeks suitable match for clean shaven, handsome, Doctor boy
Sendmail 31/6'. About to be USA citizen. Divorced after brief marriage. Email-  Box 12744M Tribune, Chandigarh.

Wanted Engineer/Doctor for 28/5'-6", M.Tech Computers. Staying in USASendmail since 7 years, Working in Big Telecom firm. Visiting India, 2nd week October. Contact 0- 98729-87304.  Box 12751M Tribune, Chandigarh.

Match for computer professional, B.Tech from India, Masters from US, 32
Sendmail years 6'-2", handsome, cleanshaven US citizen. Brief marriage annulled Sikh Rajput families from Doaba preferred. Contact:  Box 12788M Tribune, Chandigarh.

Beautiful NRI Australia girl for handsome Kashayap Rajput, B.E. Computer
Sendmail Engineer 24/5'-8", studying M.S. in Australia. Respectable educated family. Parents govt. officers, own kothi, car at Mohali. No bars. Contact with particulars. Box 12883M Tribune, Chandigarh.

Wanted suitable N.R.I. match for fair, slim, 29/5'-7" Nai Sikh boy, B.Sc. (IT)
Sendmail serving in MNC as a Engineer, salary in five figure. From well-educated family willing to settle abroad. Doing MCA. Caste no bar. 9888322410. Box 12912M Tribune, Chandigarh.

Match for Punjabi Khatri boy 28/5'-6'', Fair, Handsome, Engineer, MBA,
Sendmail M.Sc(IT). Working with American MNC. Slim, Beautiful, Professional girl preferred. E-mail details to  Box 12936M Tribune, Chandigarh.

Match for Jatt Sikh, US citizen clean shaven, 36/5'-7", well-educated, affluent
businessman. Prefer slim, smart girl with strong family values, decent education. Girl is sole cosideration. No dowry, simple marriage. No quick marriage. Visiting India end-Oct. Contact 98155- 64557 or email:  C5-43932B-OL

Well-settled Jat Sikh family from USA seek a match for their handsome son.
He is 26 years old, 6'-3", tall, university educated (B.Sc. in Business). Visiting India November 2005. Girl must be tall, beautiful, educated and from Jat Sikh family. Reply in  C5-43941-OL

Wanted beautiful, smart, educated, tall girl for a professionally qualified Jat
Sendmail Sikh clean shaven boy, aged 29, born and raised in the UK. Working for a computer company. Box 13038M Tribune, Chandigarh.

Jat Sikh clean shaven smart hasndsome boy 27/5'-10", B.Sc, MCSE doing
Sendmail export & family well established business Ambala girl should be beautiful & educated from status family. Box 13088M Tribune, Chandigarh.

Sikh/Khatri small family seeks alliance for their handsome (clean shaven)Sendmail broadminded 30 yrs. old son, but looks younger, 5 feet 6 inches graduate, with a perfect blend of modern and traditional outlook and values. He has been recently transferred to Bangalore as operations head of India, after working for 2 years in London with one of the largest Foreign Exchange Company of UK. Seeks sweet charming postgraduate/graduate, and career oriented, cultured girl. No dowry or caste no bar. E-mail:  Box 13210M Tribune, Chandigarh.

NRI/Indian match for clean shaved handsome Jat-Sikh. Only Son 31/5'-9'.
Sendmail B.Sc. Doing MBA (Finance). Working as English teacher . Sister settled in America. Father retierd. Gazzeted officer. Small educated urban family. Contact at . Box 13214M Tribune, Chandigarh.

Suitable match for Adharmi vegetarian boy 31, 5'-6", College Superintendent.
Sendmail Preferred B.A. girl. Box 12684M Tribune, Chandigarh.

Wanted slim, beautiful girl for Hindu Khatri 5'-8", American citizen
Sendmail Computer Engineer doing Motel Business. Father owns three Franchise Motels. Contact with photograph. e-mail:  Box 13098M Tribune, Chandigarh.

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