Y O U R  D A T E  W I T H  S T A R
September 25 to October 1
[ March 21 to April 20 ]

Your stars advise you not to depend on your allies and be self-dependent. They should not be taken for granted is what your stars tell.

[ April 21 to May 20 ]
You can be helpful and considerate to the people you know deserve your patronage. You should, however, avoid boasting about the good deed.
[ May 21 to June 21 ]
The week opens with the exalted Mercury exhorting you to take up cudgels against those who are carrying tales against you. It is time to nip the evil in the bud.
[ June 22 to July 22 ]
A delightful week ahead. It is time to take up the jobs you had left on the back burner. Monday is your blissful day.
[ July 23 to Aug 22 ]
Someone possibly at your work is likely to be itching to take on you for no fault of yours. Things will change so rapidly that you will be at a loss to decide on what to do.
[ Aug 23 to Sept 22 ]
Librans are your best friends. You should not belittle or under-rate them. It is, however, not wise to join hands with Cancer or Scorpio as their natal signs.
[Sept 23 to Oct 22 ]
A period of merriment, song and dance. You will be in command of the situation . Your hardwork will bear fruit.
[Oct 23 to Nov 22 ]
Your stars advise you to seriously think about the intricacies in your love life. You may be dreaming of a new life but the old should be good in your case.

[ Nov 23 to Dec 22]

A discreet affair and large-scale socialisation are among the trends you will be looking forward to. A period when you will be more conscientious and work-oriented.
[Dec 23 to Jan 20]
A lucky period ahead. Your energy should now be picking up. Disaster awaits all those who get in your way.
[ Jan 21 to Feb 19 ]
Your planets advise you to be cautious in your spending. Although the chances of extravagance seem high, still you can do something about it.
[Feb 20 to March 20 ]
A boom time for a stupendous success in your earnings. A lucky period for the sale and purchase of stocks, funding and quick money pursuits. Make sure, you don’t waver.

Born on

September 25

A spell of good luck is on its way. Your stars have seldom obliged you to such an extent. Moments of love, laughter and merriment will cheer you up. An increase in your income is a certainty. If in service, there are chances of a senior position falling vacant enabling you to improve your prospects. Your efficiency has improved and the road is clear for an upward march.

September 26

Most of those born on this day will remain in a confused state of mind. Don’t be surprised if people around you demand instant decisions. You don’t have readymade answers to satisfy them instantaneously, so you should be in no hurry. The time is not opportune to shift your residence or career. Listen carefully to what your elders say. Make sure that you are not rigid and uncompromising.

September 27

A Taurean Mars in its new abode may inspire you to act more freely. You will, by all means, justify your reputation as a reasonable and accommodating person. At home, family members expect you to agree with them. If all goes well and according to your estimate, you should now be hitting the social heights. For most of the achievements that mainly concern your intellectual leanings, February and March are the best months.

September 28

A very busy period ahead lies ahead. With your stars supporting you on almost all fronts, you will be on the winning streak. You are passing through a lucky phase. Happy news is on the way from a loved one during the first quarter. You may undertake a risky venture to enhance your finances overnight during the second. You will be romantically inclined during the third. Don’t let friends sway you from your chosen path during the last one.

September 29

With Jupiter in the limelight, you will rush from one engagement to another and tire yourself to the extreme. People you work or live with expect you to do more than your fair share of work. Your professional life calls for more sweat and toil to meet the challenges that come your way. Your solar chart indicates that the tendency to act hastily in important matters would be checked. Your mind should be calm and thoughts concentrated. Lay greater emphasis on ethical, moral and spiritual matters, which you have been neglecting recently.

September 30

An action-oriented phase. You will realise the value of time and money and concentrate on your work with vigour. Wheeling and dealing will be high on your agenda during October and November. Your desire to carve out a place of honour and dignity for yourself will be fulfilled from January onwards. Should you have plans to change your residence, time is not appropriate to give the idea a practical shape. A surprise gain will brighten you during the end part.

October 1

Your everyday expenditure is mounting. You will build castles in the air but there is no hope of your getting anything worthwhile. The scarcity of funds is on the anvil. All matters related to money will pose problems. Even the money you have lent out temporarily to your friends or relatives will be held up. As November gets underway, you will have to spend against your wishes. The galloping expenditure will become a matter of serious concern for you and for the people close to you.

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