Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Hurry, take up the study of hurricanes
A meteorologist's job is to analyse and predict natural phenomenon like winds, cyclones and hurricanes, writes Usha Albuquerque

It is when cyclones strike with their ravaging trail of destruction, or when any other natural phenomenon disrupts our daily routine that we think of the weather man. Never has the importance of this science come home to us more forcefully than in the past couple of months with Mumbai under floods, Hurricane Katrina devastating parts of southern USA, and unseasonal heavy rains causing havoc in northern and western India.

Statistically speaking
Pervin Malhotra
Q I am doing B.Sc Statistics. I searched for jobs on the Internet and found nothing for ‘statistician’. Help! A: Many people with degrees in statistics do not work with the title “statistician.” They are business analysts, professors, economists, mathematicians, statistical software engineers, risk analysts, quality analysts, investigators, environmentalists, pharmaceutical engineers, and researchers who use statistics on a daily basis to perform the functions of their jobs.

Sandeep Joshi

Illustration by Sandeep Joshi
Next lesson ... This modified bat will help avoid any controversy between you and the coach.

Recharge yourself to achieve goals

Amy Joyce

Even if we like our work, sometimes it takes a little extra something to get that oomph during the day—and no, I’m not talking about a double espresso with a side of espresso. (Not that there’s anything wrong with that.) But how do we get reinspired in the midst of a long project? 

Job-hunters, beware! you may be googled
Patricia Kitchen

Most job hunters never even know when they’ve lost out on an interview because of “digital dirt.” That could include a photo of you and your college buddies smoking something that’s not exactly tobacco — stuff a prospective employer finds by googling your name that causes her to scratch you off the “to call in” list. Such ignorance would have been bliss for Hamilton Linn, who, back in 1997, the days before we googled everything, was interviewing with an Internet Explorer manager at Microsoft headquarters. The interviewer called up on his screen Linn’s personal web page, which revealed:

Use the resume to market your skills
Arvind Sharma
Research shows in India that only one interview is granted for every 200 (app) resumes received by the average employer. Research also tells us that your resume will be quickly scanned, rather than read.