C H A N D I G A R H   S T O R I E S


Compulsive speedsters to be challaned twice
Saurabh Malik
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, September 5
Compulsive speedsters, beware. The Chandigarh police could be faster than you think.

It has already worked out a strategy for arresting reckless drivers stepping on the accelerator soon after being challaned for speeding at the traffic check points. In fact, the men-in-white have decided to have two speed-check points on the same road, instead of one, for getting hold of such violators.

Giving details, a police officer says that so many motorists caught for speeding tend to drive fast after they have been issued the challan receipt at the speed-check points. Some others also tend to accelerate after crossing such points.

The logic is not hard to see. “A majority of the motorists are of the view that the traffic wing of the Chandigarh police will not set up more than one speed-check point on a particular road,” says an officer in the police headquarters. “Once they cross the check point, the drivers are convinced about the fact that they will not encounter more cops with additional radar guns. They tend to relax and zip down the road at break-neck speed”.

Some others drive under the misconception that they cannot be challaned for the same offence twice on the same day. “They put pressure on the accelerator pedal with a vengeance”, the officer says.

He adds that at present 5 per cent of the total challans are issued to the motorists for speeding. Their share will go up considerably once the police starts challaning the vehicles under the newly formulated strategy.

Stating that the exercise has been christened “Operation Double Shock”, the officer adds that the “compulsive speedsters” will now be reined in by organising twin nakas on the same road. “The second naka will be set up at some distance from the first one for catching the offenders, speeding after crossing the initial point”.

The officer claims that motorists will not be caught unawares. In fact, all of them will be cautioned at the first naka to drive their vehicles within the prescribed speed limit to avoid being booked for the same offence for a second time.

He adds that the plan was started a month ago on an experimental basis by the Chandigarh police. Encouraged by the results, the cops will now carry out the challaning process on a regular basis.



Powerless villagers block highway
Tribune News Service

Panchkula, September 5
Hundreds of vehicles were stranded on the Panchkula- Naraingarh National Highway for almost three hours today. Irate villagers of Barwala blocked traffic. They were protesting against the erratic power supply in the area.

The villagers said that the power supply in the area was erratic. They said that because of the erratic power supply, the mosquito and fly menace in the area had grown manifold. They said that they had made several complaints to the power authorities, but to no avail.

The SDM, Mr Verender Dahiya, and the DSP, Mr Manbir Singh, rushed to the spot. They listened to the villagers grievances and asked them to lift the blockade. The villagers were assured by the UHBVN authorities that power supply to their villages would be restored soon.

Meanwhile, the Haryana Chamber of Commerce and Industry (HCCI), too, has decried the poor power availability in the township. They said that the industrial production was down by 60 per cent, and the industry had come to a virtual standstill because of long and unscheduled power cuts.

Mr Satish Gupta, chairman, of HCCI and general secretary, Mr Vishnu Goel, said that quality of electricity was erratic, and frequent voltage fluctuations were damaging machinery. They said that they had met the Managing Director of Uttar Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam, Ms Jyoti Arora, today, after a power cut was imposed on them yesterday. “This is a 36-hour- long cut. How do you expect us to compete with other industry in Punjab and Haryana, when we don’t even have proper power supply?” they said.

Mr Rajneesh Garg said that there should be economic freedom for growth in industry. “The civic amenities are poor — there are no street lights, roads have not been repaired and stray cattle roam about the Industrial Area,” he said.

The industrialists also demanded that HUDA should be more liberal in its approach towards industry. They said that change in allotted project should not involve any permission and sheds should be transferred on request as in case of residential houses.



Five UT teachers to be honoured
Tribune News Service

Devinder Kaur Kang
Devinder Kaur Kang

Madhu Kanwar
Madhu Kanwar

Dr Arun Kumar Sharma
Dr Arun Kumar Sharma

Chandigarh, September 5
No official function was organised today by the UT Administration to felicitate the UT teachers. However, the UT Administration did announce the names of five teachers who will be honoured with State Awards-2005 for their outstanding performance in the field of education.

The teachers who will be given State Awards and commendation certificates include Sr Sebastina, Principal, Sacred Heart School, Sector 26, Dr Arun Kumar Sharma, Lecturer in History, Government Model Senior Secondary School, Sector 16, Mrs Devinder Kaur Kang, Punjabi mistress, Government Girls High School, Sector 25, Mrs Suman Sharma, Principal, Government Model Senior Secondary School, Sector 37, and Mrs Madhu Kanwar, music mistress, Government Model Senior Secondary School, Sector 10.

While Sr Sebastina, Mr Arun Kumar and Mrs Devinder Kaur Kang will be honoured with State Awards, Mrs Suman Sharma and Mrs Madhu Kanwar will be given commendation certificates.



Infant dragged by car, killed
Our Correspondent

Chandigarh, September 5
A six-month-old boy, who was lying on a roadside in Mauli Jagran, was killed this afternoon after he was dragged by a speeding car. The car driver reportedly sped away from the spot.

Giving details of the incident, sources in the police said that Raj Kumar was dragged by the car for some distance before he was killed on the spot. Sarswati, mother of the child, was working at a saw mill behind Nirankari Bhavan in Mauli Jagran. She placed Raj Kumar along the road unmindful of the danger. The car driver sped away from after the incident and no one could note down the registration number of the car.

The police further added that Sarswati and her husband, Som Nath, refused to lodge a formal complaint with the police in this regard. They told the police that such was God’s wish and they had no complaint against any one. However, the police has registered a case of causing death due to rash and negligent driving against the unidentified car driver.

The police handed over the body to the parents after they refused get a post-mortem conducted.



Another suicide bid at Sukhna
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, September 5
Failure to land up with the job of his choice today forced a youngster to jump into the Sukhna Lake for ending his life. He was saved by cops on duty after passersby raised alarm.

Eyewitnesses said 21-year-old Manoj Kumar hired a boat for reaching the deep waters. After removing the life jacket, Kumar jumped into the lake for ending his life.

Soon after receiving the information, the cops plunged into the murky waters at about 2.30 pm and managed to pull a struggling Kumar out before it was too late. Even after an hour of the incident, the passersby could be seen pointing towards the spot from where Kumar had dived.

Sources in the local police said Kumar was administered first aid and later booked for attempting to commit suicide under Section 309 of the Indian Penal Code.

Kumar — a resident of Bir Ghaggar village in Chandimandir — reportedly told the police that even though he had passed Class VIII, he was not gainfully employed. His mother added that Kumar had joined an office in Panchkula a few days back, but the work was, perhaps, not of his liking.

The incident has once again brought to the foreground Chandigarh Police’s inability to make the lake a secure place. This year 13 persons have committed suicides by jumping into the lake, besides over 20 attempts to end life.

The sources added that Kumar would have succeeded in ending his life had he not been noticed by the passersby. At the moment the attempt was made, at least 11 cops were maintaining vigil with the help of binoculars and other devices.



Kashmiri Pandits seek judicial panel to probe exodus
Gayatri Rajwade
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, September 5
The two-day global conclave of Kashmiri Pandits on the ‘Self-Reliance’ concluded with a memorandum to develop an economic agenda to take all possible steps to achieve self-reliance, to create institutions of excellence in the fields of education, science and culture and to bring to the notice of the Central Government the need to establish peace in the valley so that the community can go back as soon as possible.

Speaking on the occasion, Mr M.K. Kaw, President, All-India Kashmiri Samaj, said, “The question we ask ourselves is: where do we go from here. Fifty years from today, shall be still we be passing resolutions in conferences or be acclaimed as the shining example of a community that faced adversity with a smile and raised itself to the pinnacle of glory?”

According to the statistics revealed by him, of the seven lakh Kashmiri Pandits all over the world, 6,92,000 persons are living outside with only 8000 in the valley itself.

The conference demanded the setting up of a judicial commission headed by a sitting or retired Supreme Court Judge to fix the responsibility of the mass exodus of the Pandit community. The conference also put forth a plea to appoint special courts to try the cases of the Kashmiri Pandits killed before their ‘migration’ 15 years ago and that the CBI should be brought in, to probe the atrocities and untraced murders committed during that time, which have so far, not been brought to light.

Mr Kaw also used this opportunity to define the “overarching policy initiative” adopted by the Centre, seeking the return of Kashmiri Pandits to their homeland, as “coercive.”

“The physical result of this is we are being forced to go back. Where do we go back? Give us jobs, give our land back and cancel all distress sales of our land and most of all give us the security to come back. Without that how will we survive?”

He further elaborated by saying that in 1990 , there were 28000 Kashmiri Pandits employed by the State Government, today there are less than 3000. “I fear that in the next five years, this number will fall to zero as no new recruitments have taken place in the past 15 years. Only 10 per cent reservation is needed to bring this community back into the service fold.”

After the two-day marathon, nine resolutions were adopted by the conference. These included seeking 10 per cent reservation of jobs, continuance of reservation of seats in education and professional courses for another 15 years, health insurance cover to migrants, soft loans for entrepreneurs and restoration of Devnagri as an additional alternate script to the Kashmiri language.

In addition, they demanded representation to the displaced community in Parliament and state legislature so that their voice may be heard. The All-India Kashmiri Samaj (AIKS) was given a unanimous mandate to hold talks on behalf of the Pandit community.



Passing Thru

Vaishali Sood
Vaishali Sood, Chef and Proprietor, Dolce Vita (catering outfit), and Brand Ambassador for Southern American Cuisine in India

As a Brand Ambassador for Southern American Cuisine what is your role?

When the Southern United States Trade Association (SUSTA) was coming into India, via their representatives, it wanted someone who could create awareness about cuisines from the southern states of America.

What is most exotic or unusual about its cuisine?

It is unique and varied because it has been influenced by seven countries of the world. Native American, French, Spanish, German, English and the Africans have all lent their flavours for a special kind of cuisine — cajun, creole, texmex and barbeque — are some of the popular cooking techniques of the southern states.

After this stint is over, what do you plan to do?

I have a catering outfit providing bakes and desserts to outlets in New Delhi. I hope to start my own restaurant soon. What I hope to serve is lifestyle cuisine which is a healthy food, with greens and vegetables, along with some signature dishes that I have learnt over the years.

— Gayatri Rajwade



Chandigarh Calling

Poll time is party time In the dark

A fine contribution of the Chandigarh Municipal Corporation is the development of parks and gardens in different sectors. These gardens abundant with seasonal flowers and well laid-out tracks are popular with residents of all age groups for morning and evening outings. One such gift is the ‘Garden of Annuals’ in Sector 44-B. Residents were thrilled when their plea for lights in the garden was conceded. However, these lights functioned properly only for a few days and the garden is in the dark once again. Will the concerned authorities take steps to put matters right?

The global mood is one of partying like there would never be a morrow. So how can the very young and happening city of Chandigarh be left behind in the party game? Students made great fun fare of the elections to the Punjab University Students Union with Baccardi Breezers available aplenty to the supporters on either side. Cheerleaders of the rival teams made plenty of noise and slogans of a line of a popular song: ‘We will, we will rock you…’ were chanted like mantra. Tattoos and stickers were literally pasted on the faces and bodies of the campaigners. Tribune photographer Pradeep Tewari captures the fun of the moment in Government College of Girls, Sector 42, with young ladies saying it with stickers on their faces.

Firak Gorakhpuri

With the interest in Urdu poetry, or for that matter any poetry, on wane in the present times, it was heartening to see the Urdu Akademi of Haryana organise a little birthday meet to pay tributes to the poet last week. A noted Urdu poet whose original name was Raghupati Sahay and was a professor of English by profession, had received the Jnanpith Award for his contribution to Urdu poetry. One of the famed verses by this poet still quoted often is : ‘Ik muddat huyi teri yaad bhi na aayi idhar/ Aur tujhe bhool gaye hon aisa bhi nahin.’ Scholars paid tributes to the late poet and most touching was the reading of a memoir by Akademi Chariperson Kashmiri Lal Zakir who had by chance met him in a train from Lucknow and spent time chatting with him through the night.

Marital bliss

Do you wish to meet your soul and find happiness? Prabodh Chander Chouhan can help you meet it on the phone provided you are willing to spread the good word thereafter. His ‘Foundation Oom’ is the key to this unique revelation, discovered after a long search, spanning 45 years. The official ‘guru’ for the Royal family of Nederland, he has created a new system of ‘astro-numerology’, an amalgamation of numerology and astrology, which just requires your date of birth and the question after which, “the answers start coming on their own.” This new- age guru is hoping to spread the ‘happy word’ through a series of 365 books which he is writing and hopes to finish in two to three years. Why 365? “Everyday a person is born and there are 365 days in the year,” comes the succinct reply. And what is the guarantee? One million happily married couples, through this system, can vouch for its success.

Words matter

The fascination goes back to 1965 when Shashi Bhushan Sharma was a young boy. He saw how a speech made by then Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri moved his grandfather to tears and he realised how words can affect a person’s emotions; the seeds to his book on pithy sayings was sown then. “Churnings” is Sharma’s way of “expressing thoughts in minimum possible words.” He had collected 247 such phrases when his wife, who name is also Shashi, decided 251 were better, more auspicious number. It took all of a year and a half for the book to reach this propitious number! Some seem convoluted, like ‘Dress and make up speak, till you have not spoken.’ This essentially means that a book cannot be judged by its cover! However, Sharma’s favourite one remains, “Only one is needed for zeros. Be a one in the front.” Heavy words these!

Small wonders

Hair stylist and self-professed ayurved Shakir Ahmed has been granted a special “gift from God”. He has the ability to heal tired, strained, bespectacled eyes through the curative powers of a lemon no less! A passing fakir bestowed this unusual gift as a ‘bakshish’ (special favour). That is not all, Shakir can pass this ‘bakshish’ to you if, he so wishes. Initially there is a burning sensation (indeed there would be!) and then the eyes feel cool. “People did not like a stylist with spectacles, so I tried this on myself first. I do not wear glasses any more,” explains Shakir patiently to the unbelievers amongst us. He also claims to make beauty and therapeutic ayurvedic products, all natural of course, to remove everything from the toughest dark circles to body fat! And to prove the efficacy of his face packs, there are photos of him with Shahrukh Khan, Juhi Chawla and even one of Pakistani cricketer Shahid Afridi with the wonder paste on his face!

— Sentinel



CTU buses back on sub-urban routes
Sanjeev Singh Bariana
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, September 5
As part of an “unsigned bond of understanding between the Punjab Roadways and the Chandigarh Transport Undertaking”, the CTU has recommenced the services of at last nine out of 25 odd buses that were pulled out of services following a weeklong stand-off between the Chandigarh Administration and the Punjab Government in August.

Reliable sources said that the bus service had recommenced on the Mullanpur route (near the PGI), besides on certain others routes. The route witnesses a very rush of daily commuters to various institutions in the city, mainly, the PGI, Panjab University, government hospitals and other institutions. It has been pointed out that services have currently begun largely on the routes that were profit making ventures of the CTU.

A senior official of the CTU “confirmed the unsigned understanding to restart the services partially. We will very soon have a written agreement. All the buses on the routes under contention have not been revived. We have been able to restart about nine out of the 25 odd buses that were kept out of service. Keeping buses out of daily services has led to great public inconvenience and we will try our best to sort out all differences with our Punjab counterparts and ensure public convenience”.

It was also pointed out that the department was facing requests from certain political quarters in Punjab for the revival of bus services to their villages in the adjoining areas of the city. Sources said that majority of the routes for the CTU in this category were loss-making ventures. No final decision to this regard has yet been taken, sources added.

In August, there was a stand-off between the Punjab Government and UT Administration and both had banned the entry of each other’s buses in their territory. The agitation was called off following an agreement between the two “warring parties”. Each party made allegations about not adhering to the kilometer limit in each other’s territory. The CTU also complained about a large number of private vehicles from Punjab coming on its road. One crucial issue was certain contractors of air-conditioned buses were plying long route buses from the area without the requisite permit.

Under the new agreement, it has been provided that Punjab buses will be allowed to ply 15,240 km per day in the Chandigarh territory while the CTU buses will be allowed to ply 23,212 km per day in Punjab. This total does not include 12,500 km on the sub-urban routes. The CTU was said to be running about 16,000 km in the sub-urban areas, including Dera Bassi, Kharar, Kurali and Mullanpur.

A senior official said that there was also an open flouting of the rules by the Haryana depot. A number of local buses were plying on the Madhya Marg route. Buses plying in distances above the fixed ratio will be charged extra both by the Punjab Government and the UT Administration, it was pointed out. More than 12 buses withdrawn from the sub-urban routes, are currently deployed locally.



Dist Courts, Estate Office typists facing tough time
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, September 5
Once favourites with both the advocates and the general public, the typists at the District Courts and the Estate Office are going through tough times.

In fact, they are at the receiving end of technology with computers virtually replacing the typewriters, putting a question mark over their future. Besides, the apathetic attitude of the authorities concerned and the general public has only added to their woes.

“It is a hand-to-mouth existence,” remarks a typist at the Estate Office.There was a time when people used to wait for us to get their applications and affidavits typed, he says recalling the past. However, the situation has changed now forcing us to wait for customers who turn up at irregular intervals, he says with a grim face.

Mr Pradeep Sharma, a typist at the District Courts, agrees with him saying that the typists only got urgent matters like bail and exemption applications now. On the other hand, a large portion of the work of the advocates is typed on computers, he says.

As the computer can store a lot of data, it was preferred by the litigants over typewriters even for routine work, exposing us to “unfair competition,” Mr Sharma added.

Reduced work apart, the outdated typewriting technology is another problem. With most of the typewriter repair shops shutting shop, repairing typewriters poses it own problems, the typists complained.

In the wake of “unfair competition” from computers, a majority of the typists expressed the desire to shift over to the computers. If the government provides us loans on liberal terms, we have no objection to shifting to computers,” says Mr Davinder Vinayak, who has been working at the District Courts since 1982.

Since we have been working for years at the courts, we can give better services to the advocates and the general public if electricity connections are released to us for the installation of the computers, Mr Vinayak added.

Demanding the provision of basic amenities at the shed for typists, Mr Sharma complained that the shed was perhaps the only covered place in the court which did not have an electricity connection. Even the flooring of the shed was got laid by the typists through their own contributions.



Eatery thrives on HUDA largesse
Ruchika M. Khanna
Tribune News Service

Panchkula, September 5
For over two years, the lessee of a HUDA eatery in Sector 5, has been reportedly experiencing Haryana Urban Development Authority’s (HUDA) largesse. Thanks to certain officials in HUDA, the lessee was allegedly allowed to run the food court-cum-restaurant, without having to pay a single paisa as rent.

Giving a complete go by to rules, HUDA allegedly made no efforts to recover its outstanding dues of over Rs 42 lakh from the lessee — Wah Dilli. No notice was issued to them, and the lessee continues to function, even as the top officials in HUDA have now initiated an inquiry.

Highly placed sources in HUDA informed TNS that the Chief Administrator, HUDA, Mr S. S. Dhillon, had been apprised of the matter. He has reportedly initiated an inquiry against officials involved in the case of “wilfully causing losses to HUDA”, and asked the authorities to initiate recovery of dues from the proprietors of Wah Dilli.

The restaurant-cum-food court is located at city centre in Sector 5. The city centre was created by HUDA at the cost of over Rs 1 crore, but it initially failed to take off because of lack of development around the centre. Initially, the city centre, which has a restaurant as well as commercial plaza had not found any takers. The eatery was finally leased out to Wah Dilli in July 2002, at a monthly rent of Rs 1. 50 lakh.

Sources in HUDA say that the monthly rent was paid to HUDA till July 2003, and subsequently, the lessee stopped paying the rent. Till two months ago, senior officials in HUDA say that they were kept in the dark about the recovery to be initiated from Wah Dilli. It was only when the HUDA authorities were clearing accounts for the lessee of its gazebo style eatery at Vatika garden, so as to lease it out again, that they discovered the outstanding dues from Wah Dilli.

The lease period of Wah Dilli, too, ended in July this year. The lessee has not made any request for extension of their lease period, nor has HUDA made any effort to get its premises vacated. Senior HUDA officials, however, said that suitable steps were being taken to ensure effective recovery.



Probe rules out accidental death of cop
Our Correspondent

Chandigarh, September 5
A preliminary inquiry held by the CFSL experts into Chandigarh police constable Manmohan Singh’s fatal fall has reportedly ruled out the possibility of accidental death.

Although CFSL experts say it is too early for them to say anything for certain, the available evidence points towards suicide. Giving details, they say footmarks on the terrace of the police headquarters, besides marks on the parapet, suggest that Manmohan Singh had jumped to his death. They add that in all probability Manmohan Singh hung himself from the parapet before loosening his grip to fall.

They further add that the condition of the body and its distance from the building wall suggest that Manmohan Singh had fallen, not from the fourth floor as reported earlier, but from the terrace.

Even today, the SHO of the Sector 3 police station maintained that he had not received any written complaint from the family of Manmohan Singh. On the other hand, while talking to the Chandigarh Tribune, Mr Avtar Singh, brother-in-law of Manmohan Singh, contended that they had given a written complaint singed by other family members also. Mr Avtar Singh further added that the complaint was written by the investigation officer, Mr Subash Chander. He further alleged that the police while recording the statements of family members repeatedly tried making them say that the deceased had no differences with anybody, which were they resisted saying.

The family of Manmohan Singh said they would meet the UT Senior Superintendent of Police tomorrow to press their demand for a thorough inquiry into the matter.

The CFSL team was assisted by a hydraulic lift of the Fire Brigade Department, which took the experts to the height of about 90 feet to inspect the parapet from outside on the fifth floor closely. The door at the terrace of the building was found locked today. The SHO of the Sector 3 police station said the CFSL experts had told them to lock the door. When asked whether the door remained locked, he said he would inquire it from the caretaker of the building.



CM moots computer centre for PRC
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, September 5
The Punjab Chief Minister, Capt Amarinder Singh, today suggested that a fully equipped computer centre should be set up at the Paraplegic Rehabilitation Centre (PRC) in Mohali so that inmates get vocational training in areas which are in demand in the industry.

Addressing the inmates and staff members of the PRC during his first-ever visit to the centre today, the Chief Minister said that since Mohali was becoming an Information technology hub, computer skills could be beneficial for the inmates.

Capt Amarinder said that the inmates could also be gainfully employed in the government and the private sector through the Punjab Ex-servicemen’s Corporation. He also announced a grant of Rs 5 lakh for the centre and promised regular financial assistance from the state government.

The General Officer, Commanding-in-Chief, Western Command, Lieut-Gen S Pattabhiraman and senior officer from the command headquarters were also present on the occasion.

The PRC Director, Col Jaswant Marwah (Retd), briefed the Chief Minister about the centre’s role and activities. Capt Amarinder was shown around various workshops, physiotherapy wing, wards and training sections at the PRC. He also interacted with the inmates and gave them presents.

At present, there are 34 inmates at the centre, including nine from Punjab. It caters to soldiers whose lower limbs or all four limbs have become paralysed due to spinal cord injuries suffered while on active service.



PFC staff hold rally
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, September 5
Members of the PFC Employees’ Welfare Association held a massive rally and strongly condemned the arrogant attitude of the Managing Director in the wake of the recent decision taken by the Board of Directors at its meeting held on August 24. They had decided to withdraw the pay scale of Rs 2000-Rs 3500 ( unrevised) already granted with effect from January 1, 1996, to 62 employees of category “B”, setting aside the Punjab and Haryana High Court judgement delivered earlier.

In a press note issued here, they have alleged that the decision was a biased one as the increments due under the assured career progression scheme (ACP) of these employees has been adjusted against the increments given 10 years ago which is a violation of the ACP scheme.

The President of the association, Mr Dharam Deepak, has alleged that the decision was discriminatory and indicative of step-motherly treatment towards category “B” employees as the scheme had been imposed on category B employees with effect from January 1, 1996, leaving the officers of the Class A who have been enjoying 4-6 incremental benefit under time sale promotions since January 1, 1996. “The decision of the management is a clear cut violation of the staff regulations which has resulted into division of team work amongst the corporation employees,’’ he added.

The association has further urged that the MD was not taking action on an official letter wherein directions from the state government for the reversion of out of way promoted DGMs and other officers since January 1, 1996, had been sent to the PFC management.

As a mark of protest, the agitating members wore black badges today and chalked out the further course of action.



PUDA to construct three bhavans
Tribune News Service

Mohali, September 5
The Punjab Urban Development Authority (PUDA) would be constructing three bhavans in the state in order to provide administrative facilities to the residents under one roof. These would be constructed in Ferozepore, Bathinda and Amritsar districts.

Stating this here today, an official spokesman said PUDA already had three bhavans one each in Mohali, Patiala and Ludhiana districts. He said the construction work for all the three bhavans would start by the end of the year. The project will be completed in one and a half years. The PUDA authorities have decided to give all the bhavans the status of zonal offices. The estimated budget for each bhavan is between Rs 2 and Rs 3 crore.

The spokesman added that the building plans for both Ferozepore and Amritsar had been completed. PUDA is also planning to construct a community centre and a swimming pool in urban estate Bathinda with an estimated cost of Rs 1.5 crore. Another project of constructing 26 HIG flats in Bathinda is also in the pipeline. These would be duplex flats, he added.



Unsafe pole removed
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, September 5
Following a news item published in Chandigarh Tribune on September 5 under the heading ‘Unsafe post in Sector 34’ the department concerned uprooted the hazardous pole from the cycle-rickshaw track along the road separating Sectors 34 and 44.

The work has been finished on the track and people started using it. Hazard of stay wires (the wires, which support the poles) still exists on the path. The wires dangling overhead, pose a serious threat to passers-by. The chance of an accident is greater during the night as it becomes difficult to see these wires.

The vent shaft, located on the track, has been painted white to increase its visibility during the night. It could not be removed due to technical reasons. It is learnt that due to the obstacles, the project of Engineering Department to prepare the track on this line, has been delayed by almost four months.



Fauji Beat
Brigade of Guards enjoys high patronage

Founding father and first Colonel of the Brigade of the Guards Field Marshal K.M. Cariappa
Founding father and first Colonel of the Brigade of the Guards Field Marshal K.M. Cariappa.

The news that the Army Chief General J.J. Singh received the banner of the Honorary Colonel of the Brigade of the Guards from Lieut-Gen R.B. Singh on August 30, takes one back in history.

Having been impressed by the Cold-stream and Welsh Guards in the British Army, the late Field Marshal (then General) K.M. Cariappa, Commander-in-Chief of the Indian Army, reformed the four oldest infantry battalions into the Brigade of the Guards from 1949 to 1952. These battalions were 1 Guards (2 Punjab), 2 Guards (1 Grenadiers), 3 Guards (1 Raj Rif) and 4 Guards (1 Rajput).

Taking a cue from the British Army, the Field Marshal requested the then President of India, Dr Rajendra Prasad, to accept the appointment of the Colonel-in-Chief of Brigade of the Guards. Dr Prasad, in his capacity as the Supreme Commander of the armed forces, acceded to his request and took over the appointment on January 26, 1950. And this tradition continues with every President becoming the Colonel-in-Chief of the Brigade of the Guards.

It was also decided in 1951 that every Army Chief would become the Colonel of the Brigade of the Guards. Thus, General Cariappa became the Colonel of the Regiment. But when Gen J.N. Chaudhuri became the Army Chief, he suggested that the Brigade of the Guards should have its own officer as Colonel of the regiment. As a result, the late Lieut-Gen (then Brig) N.C. Rawlley was appointed Colonel of the regiment on January 1, 1964. Since then, the serving Army Chief during his tenure becomes the Honorary Colonel of Brigade of the Guards.

A General’s regret

Lieut-Gen Hari Prasad, who retired as the Northern Army Commander on August 31, said with regret the other day that his desire to wipe out terrorism in J&K would remain unfulfilled. He is not the first General to have been baffled by the game of militancy; many Generals have retired with this regret in the past.

Almost all countries of the world have been affected by terrorism at one time or the other. Some of them are the USA, Canada, Britain, Ireland, France, Germany, Italy, Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia. Nowhere has the solution been found without positive political inputs.

In our country, Nagaland and Mizoram are similar examples. In Sri Lanka, the Indian Army had gone for peace keeping in 1987. And when it left Sri Lanka after suffering heavy casualties, the island was more disturbed than what it was in 1987. Now compare Sri Lanka with Mizoram and Malaysia, which have seen the worst of insurgency but are peaceful today.

The virus of terrorism should be prevented from taking roots by adopting an even-headed and rational approach. Removing the cause of this malady, when it is in the process of spreading, is the best solution to the problem. Once it becomes chronic, it will frustrate even the most powerful country. This disease cannot be cured by military action alone, which can at best be a short-term measure. A political solution is the only remedy to terrorism.

Jai Jawan Awas Yojna

A low-cost housing project called Jai Jawan Awas Yojna under the aegis of the Army Welfare Housing Organisation has been planned for the JCOs and other ranks in this region. Efforts are being made by the Army authorities to get land for this project in or around Chandigarh.

Each dwelling unit in the two-storey project will consist of two bedrooms, a multi-purpose loo, kitchen and verandah. The cost of each unit will be worked out depending on the price of land.

The number of dwelling units to be allotted on voluntary basis in priority I and priority II will be 953 and 196, respectively. And the units, which remain un-allotted, will be rented out as separated family accommodation.

— Pritam Bhullar



Plea to commute death penalty of Bhullar
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, September 5
Urging the Union Government to commute the death penalty of Davinder Pal Singh Bhullar, Khalistan Liberation force (KLF) militant, the Punjab Rights Forum today decided to approach the Chief Minister, Capt Amarinder Singh, in this regard.

Addressing a press conference here today, the chief coordinator, Mr D.S. Gill, urged Capt Amarinder Singh to prevail upon the Centre to commute the death penalty of the militant.

The Chief Minister had recently taken up the case of Sarbjit Singh, the Indian spy, sentenced to death by the Pakistan Government, with the Centre.

Like the Sarbjit case, witnesses had not deposed against Bhullar and the Supreme Court had delivered a fractured verdict against him, Mr Gill added.

Bhullar has been awarded death penalty by the Supreme Court for his alleged involvement in a bomb blast outside the office of the Indian Youth Congress on September 11, 1993.



Nominations for award invited
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, September 5
Yashwantrao Chavan Pratishthan, Mumbai, has invited recommendations for Yashwantrao Chavan National Award — 2005.

The recommendations for the award, which carries an amount of Rs 2 lakh in cash and a citation, will be received by September 30, according to a press note. The award will be granted for outstanding contribution made by any individual or institution to strengthen national integration, democratic values or social and economic development in the country.

The award is open to all Indian citizens and an association, institution or organisation registered under the Indian Act will also be eligible. Self-application by individuals or institutions for the award will not be considered.



Demolition in Kajheri
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, September 5
The Enforcement Wing of the Estate Office today demolished 35 illegal structures in Kajheri village. Most of the encroached land was occupied by the ‘kabarias’ and junk dealers.
An official of the Estate Office said “there were mild protests, as was expected, however, the drive was carried out successfully.”

A girl collecting her household items from her demolished house at Kajehri village on Monday. — Tribune photo Pradeep Tewari

A girl collecting her household items from her demolished house at Kajehri village



Jaidev Singh cremated
Tribune News Service

Jaidev Singh
Jaidev Singh

Chandigarh, September 5
Mr Jaidev Singh, founder member and immediate past Chairman of the Consumers Forum was cremated today. He served as Secretary General for 20 years and was elevated as the Chairman later.

During his tenure, he was the governing council member and treasurer of the Consumer Coordination Committee, New Delhi.He was recently adopted as an honorary patron of the forum.

He had retired as a reporter and research officer from the Punjab Vidhan Sabha. He was associated with Gandhi ji during the freedom struggle.



Two arrested for theft
Our Correspondent

Chandigarh, September 5
The police has arrested two persons on charges of theft. Elsewhere, a house was burgled and a car was stolen from the city.

Uma, a resident of Kumhar Colony in Sector 25, was arrested on the charges of theft. A resident of Sector 15-D, Ms Charan Kaur, in her complaint to the police alleged that Uma had stolen two gold bangles from her residence on Sunday. Acting on her complaint, the police arrested the accused and registered a case against her.

In another incident, Sunil, a resident of Mani Majra, was arrested after he was caught red-handed while stealing a mobile phone on Sunday. Mr Rajbir Singh, a resident of Pipliwala Town, in his complaint to the police alleged that Sunil was arrested while stealing the phone from his residence. The police recovered the mobile from the accused and registered a case.

House burgled

Mr Anil Suri, a resident of Sector 46, lodged a complaint that household items and cash were stolen from his residence between September 2 and 4. A case has been registered.


Punit Bhatia (19) of Sector 38-A sustained injuries after a car hit his motor cycle near Prajapati Bhavan, Sector 38, this morning. He was admitted to the General Hospital, Sector 16, and his condition is stated to be out of danger. The police has arrested Suresh Kumar, the driver of the car, and booked him for rash and negligent driving. The accused was later released on bail.

Car stolen

Mr Ajay Gupta of Sector 22-B reported to the police that his Maruti car (CH-01-K-6804) was stolen from his residence on Sunday. A case of theft under Section 379 of the IPC has been registered.


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