Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Illustration by Sandeep JoshiCartooning is no joke
A cartoonist’s job is crucial as well as challenging, whether it involves making a visual comment on the socio-political scenario, conveying public interest messages or simply raising the laughs, writes Usha Albuquerque
MAGINE how dull and drab a newspaper or a magazine would look without cartoons and illustrations! What would we do without our daily fix of R.K. Laxman, Sudhir Tailang, Sudhir Dhar and Ajit Ninan! Cartoons are comic drawings used to illustrate a topic of public interest. Cartoons add the right amount of humour or sarcasm to a newspaper headline that would create just the required impact on the readers. The caricatures in cartoons are often exaggerated, comical depictions of real people in the public eye.

Sandeep Joshi

Look, how serious he has to remain to make others laugh
Look, how serious he has to remain to make others laugh.

Course chat
"Sense of humour must for cartoonist’s job"
Vibha Sharma
OU can count the number of political cartoonists in India on your fingertips. In fact, in the words of well-known cartoonist Sudhir Tailang, "Cartoonists, like tigers, are an endangered species in the country. But we are not as ferocious."

Frankness pays in an  interview
I.M. Soni
N interview is not a punching game. Nor is a match between two adversaries. It is a friendly exchange of views between a job-seeker and his prospective employer. It is not a combat, as many nervous candidates suppose it to be. It is an opportunity, like an actor’s screen test.

Work wise
"Career counselling must for choosing domains in IT sector"
THE selection process in the IT sector is becoming more stringent, says Mahalingam C, Senior Vice-President, HR, Symphony Services, an enterprise with core competencies in commercial grade software product development, headquartered in CA (USA), with India locations in Bangalore, Mumbai and Pune. Here, he dwells on the hiring policies:

Career Hotline
Head for hospitality
Q I am a student of Class XII and want to pursue hotel management (HM) after Class XII. Is studying HM abroad a good option? How would you compare HM courses in India and abroad?

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