Y O U R  D A T E  W I T H  S T A R
 August 28 to September 3
[ March 21 to April 20 ]

There will be no escape from the lethargy and boredom that the period holds. The tasks on your agenda will continue to hang fire. Your stars advise you not to worry about it.

[ April 21 to May 20 ]
You are likely to make a rash promise or a commitment. Try to keep your cool as you will be at the receiving end.
[ May 21 to June 21 ]
You will gain at work as well as socially by reposing confidence in a Taurean or Libran. A collaboration with a Cancerian or Piscean will not bear any fruit.
[ June 22 to July 22 ]
One of the best times to tackle domestic issues. Shopping sprees and investment plans will gain momentum. You should join a community programme.
[ July 23 to Aug 22 ]
You are on the lookout to improve your income but you need to know how to handle an opportunity. Face life’s hurdles head on and you will be a winner.
[ Aug 23 to Sept 22 ]
Your wisdom and foresight notwithstanding, you will be encouraged to commit a mistake by an evil person. Beware of sweet-tongued strangers.
[Sept 23 to Oct 22 ]
With Venus in her dominant role, this is no time to sit back and rest on your laurels. Your love life is about to receive a big boost. 
[Oct 23 to Nov 22 ]
You are likely to feel little frustrated and confused. It is annoying, when people close to you change their mind more often and take you for granted.

[ Nov 23 to Dec 22]

A hectic week ahead. You will tire yourself to the extreme even at the cost of your health. Make health care your first priority.
[Dec 23 to Jan 20]
You must try to check the mounting expenditure. Be careful with your hard earned money. You are likely to spend a lot on Saturday.
[ Jan 21 to Feb 19 ]
You could earn accolades for skilfully handling your investments. You should play your cards in the stock market more efficiently.
[Feb 20 to March 20 ]
Your stars are superb at the moment. You will spare no effort when it comes to achieving your target. In matters of heart too, a pleasant surprise awaits.

Born on

Lucky days

Friendship, love and romance: 

Sports and outdoor life: Wednesday

Commercial pursuits: Tuesday

Official matters: Friday

Investment: Monday

Monday: 12.30 pm onwards
Thursday: up to 7.30 pm.

August 28

A star-favoured period is around the corner. An appropriate time to fix your goals and strive to achieve them. You will be at your best in raising your finances. You could even hold more than one assignment at a time without much difficulty. Love and laughter will cheer you up during the first quarter. A delightful and sincere understanding with your lover will be on cards during the second. Be cautious while travelling during the third. Try to bring down the professional strain during the last one.

August 29

You are being urged to tread carefully. The Geminian Moon sighted by an inimical Pluto will compel you to adopt an adventurous posture. It is essential to put down your impulsive tendencies with an iron hand. If you are in a joint venture or a part of a joint family, there will be no end to your problems. Don’t feel demoralised if your social life proves a drain on your purse. Try to decrease professional strain to keep yourself healthy.

August 30

The planetary picture is slowly and steadily changing for better. Even though what is currently on offer may not be satisfactory, it would be worth your while to give it a fair trial. Your stars advise you not to hang on the past. Efforts to stretch yourself beyond a point is your weakness. It is time to be choosy and concentrate on the main issue. The areas that are sure to stand you in good stead are education, legal matters, welfare of children and social interaction.

August 31

The dominant Mercury will encourage you to make your mark as a person of intellectual learning. You will mean business and should be at a major turning point. Your income could increase by leaps and bounds during the first quarter. Your capacity to consolidate gains will increase during the second. Mixing business with pleasure could pose no problem during the third. Undue generosity on your part is, however, your weak point and it needs to be taken care of during the last phase.

September 1

Excessive work and sky-rocketing prices are the two major irritants that you will have to put up with. All work and no relief may wear you out and a paucity of funds may also depress you. You are advised to put down your tendency to overspend and show off. Some fresh developments and aspirations will, however, become discernible from November.

September 2

A debility-prone Venus is out to immerse you in domestic intricacies. Too much interest in family matters may tire you. It is time for you to pack your bags and take a short break. Your feeling that all good things lie in the past is erroneous. There is plenty of scope still and the direction you take now can prove to be fruitful. You can emerge wiser, stronger and much more confident after November. Legal matters could also be settled with a minimum of fuss. 

September 3

A powerful combination of planets, both good and bad, is urging you to play your cards with utmost care. If you learn to handle opposition effectively, it means half the battle is won. People close to you may cause trouble to you. If you follow the rules of the game strictly, the clouds of gloom and dismay will disappear. If you put many irons in the fire, you will be at the receiving end. At work, extreme caution is required to handle secret information. The time is ripe to follow the path of care and wisdom.

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