C H A N D I G A R H   S T O R I E S


Sukhna suicides: mother fails, 2 daughters succeed
Tribune News Service

Gurdeep Kaur in custody of the Chandigarh police in Chandigarh
Gurdeep Kaur in custody of the Chandigarh police in Chandigarh on Saturday. — A Tribune photograph

Chandigarh, August 27
Less than a week after the Chandigarh police announced the beefing up of security at the Sukhna Lake for preventing suicides, a Sector 30 resident, Gurdeep Kaur, today managed to jump into the murky waters, along with her two daughters. Though she was saved, her daughters could not be. Financial problem, coupled with the attitude of her mother-in-law, was being cited as the reason behind the extreme step.

At the time of the incident, as many as 22 cops were “maintaining vigil” at the lake with the help of binoculars and other devices. Though senior police authorities claimed that the cops were patrolling the entire length of the lake on cycles, they failed to prevent 23-year-old Gurdeep Kaur and her daughters from jumping into the lake at about 3.40 pm about 1 km from the main gate.

The incident has once again brought to the foreground Chandigarh police’s inability to make the lake a secure place. So far this year 10 persons have committed suicides by jumping into the lake, besides 19 attempts to end life.

Though senior officers of the Chandigarh police are tight-lipped about it, the sources in the police headquarters say that increasing the force strength will not prevent suicides at the lake.

Claiming that the need of the hour is to evolve a fool-proof strategy, the sources assert that nothing much can be achieved by the Chandigarh police in the absence of a systematic approach to the problem.

The sources say that the problem can be solved to a large extent by simply posting personnel at the staircases and the regulatory end as attempts to end life are made from these spots.

The sources assert that deploying personnel at these “suicide spots” is not at all a difficult task as there are just seven staircases leading down to the deep waters. Even if someone tries to go down after crossing the embankment, he will be spotted by men deployed at the staircases.

Offering another solution, the sources assert that pickets can be set up at an interval of around 300 metres. As the entire length of the lake is less than 2 kms, heavy infrastructure will not be required for the purpose.

In fact, police personnel did not realise that the incident had taken place till “information about the same was passed on to them by a casual stroller”, said eye-witnesses. Curiously, the Chandigarh police had claimed on August 22 that the patrolling party would look for “depressed” persons, yet the eye-witnesses claimed that the cops did not notice the mother and her daughters roaming on the lake since 11.30 am.

Refuting the claims of the eye-witnesses, a senior officer of the Chandigarh police said Gurdeep Kaur was “made to get up at least thrice by official Anand Singh” from a spot just ahead of the tower near the regulatory end. But Gurdeep Kaur managed to convince the cop by saying that she was feeding the fish.

The officer added that cop posted at the observation tower noticed Gurdeep Kaur just as she was getting ready to jump in the lake. As such, the cops reached the spot immediately and managed to save her.

Giving details of the incident, sources in the police said soon after receiving the information, the cops dived into the lake and managed to pull out Gurdeep Kaur. She regained consciousness after being administered first aid.

They added that four-year-old Jyoti was pulled out at about 4 pm. The victim of circumstances was rushed to a hospital after she failed to regain consciousness, but was declared dead on arrival.

Within minutes of the incident, the visitors to the lake rushed towards the embankment to see the divers making attempts to retrieve the body of two-and-a-half-year-old Manpreet Kaur. Shock and anxiety were writ large on their long drawn faces as they stood there hardly able to believe that a mother could do such a thing to her daughters.

Meanwhile, talking to the media, a physically challenged tailor’s wife, Gurdeep Kaur, booked by the police for murder and attempt to suicide under Section 302 and 309 of the Indian Penal Code, blamed her mother-in-law for the incident.

She said in a steady voice that her mother-in-law was not allowing her to lead life peacefully, that was why she had taken the extreme step. Tears did not roll out of her eyes, only her hands trembled a little bit as she sat face to face with the cops, answering all the questions.



SOPU secures support of NSUI, HPSU, SOI
Our Correspondent

Chandigarh, August 27
The Students Organisation of Panjab University (SOPU) has managed to secure the support of the National Students Union of India (NSUI), the Himachal Pradesh Students Union (HPSU) and the Students Organisation of India (SOI).

Dalveer Singh Khangura, president, SOPU said, “I have cleared the names of four candidates for the students council elections. The NSUI, HPSU and the SOI will only support, but will not put up their candidates.

The SOI has also appeared on the scene. It has been formed by only two students, Parwinder Brar and Pradeep Singh, who have assured their support to SOPU. This body has the backing of the Akali Dal.

Harpreet Singh, president of the NSUI, said, “Whichever candidate will be there, our consent will be considered”.

Last year also SOPU had the support of the Haryana Students Association (HSA), the NSUI and the HPSU.

Former presidents of SOPU, including D.P. Randhawa, founder of SOPU, visited the campus to lend their support today. At a function, Randhawa delivered a speech, outlining the history of the party.

The Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad and the HSA have also joined hands. But the ABVP is not ready to compromise on the post of president, so Satinder Dhaiya is their candidate for the post. Ravinder Singh Sheokand, president of the HSA, will contest for the post of the secretary. The candidates for the posts of joint secretary and general secretary will be from the ABVP only and they will be declared tomorrow.



Student wings of parties not in reckoning
Sanjeev Singh Bariana
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, August 27
As expected, the student wings associated with major political parties in the country are scurrying about just to make their presence felt on the campus which is nothing more than “a token exercise”. Contesting elections alone still remains a distant dream for all of them.

The National Students Union of India (NSUI), associated with the Congress and the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad, associated with the BJP, have right from the beginning of the election process in 1998 shifted their alliances between the Panjab University Students Union (PUSU) and the Students Organisation of Panjab University (SOPU) — both backed by certain Congress leaders.

PUSU is known to have had the backing of Mr Ashok Goyal and Mr Pawan Valecha, both fellows of the Panjab University Senate. At one time Mr Randeep Surjewala, a Haryana minister, also lent his support with counselling. SOPU is known to be backed by Mr Gopal Krishan Chatrath, a fellow and a former Advocate-General of Punjab. All of them are Congressmen.

The Students Federation of India, largely a leftist organisation, has not been able to make its presence felt on the campus. Certain faces in the poll scenario pop up only during the elections to “mark a token presence of the party”. Newspaper offices in the past have also received press notes of the All-India Sikh Students Federation during elections.

Elections also witness “seasonal activity” in certain groups affiliated with parties in Himachal Pradesh who claim to have a few hundred votes. They sit on the agreement table with PUSU or SOPU to bargain for a seat in the list of the contesting office-bearers. This time they have tied up with SOPU. The Haryana Students Association (HSA) has split into two parties. INSO, a new group, is known to be backed by INLD supremo Om Prakash Chautala. The HSA has a majority of Congress supporters.

Despite a number of small groups of national parties, none of them till date has dared to go in for the elections alone. This is evident from the fact that till this afternoon, the ABVP tent did not have a single supporter. The HSA and the SFI have not even set up their tents. The SOPU tent had more than 50 four-wheelers around 12 noon and a heavy rush was also seen in the PUSU camp. INSO had a sizeable number of supporters in the camp office.

No student body backed by political parties has been able to make its presence felt on the campus also during the ongoing campaign. PUSU and SOPU are known to be largely Congress camps. A number of presidents of other campus councils and senior party workers now hold offices in the party. Both groups are backed by certain fellows of the university Senate who are staunch Congress supporters and yet differences on the campus have led to many uncomfortable situations, including violence between student camps, in the past.

A senior Professor said, “Student politics here is played largely on the basis of personal appeal of the presidential candidate. A majority of the past presidents, including Munish Anand, Dayal Pratap Randhawa and Malwinder Singh Kang, carried out winning campaigns only through their personal appeal. What to talk of commitments, leaders here don’t even comment on the national political or educational scenario. Local politicians have never shown interest in the PU campus student politics. The interested parties are certain senators who have always lent moral and even financial support to both these parties.”



Canvassing picks up in a few colleges
Our Correspondent

Chandigarh, August 27
The poll fever has begun to rise in city colleges today. At DAV College, Sector 10, various student unions have put up their tents in front of the college.

For the first time a girl student is contesting for vice president’s post. The Panjab University Students Union has fielded Neha Guleria, MA English IInd year, in this college. Girls went around canvassing in the college.

“Our panel members went to the canteen, Indian Coffee House and various other places for canvassing. We also told the students about our achievements,” Neha said.

At Government College, Sector 11, the student union of the college backed up by the Students Organisation of Panjab University (SOPU) threw a party for the new comers of BBA, B.Sc and Biotechnology courses. They also jigged for a while.

Dharminder Singh Benipal, president of the union said, “The party, which lasted for five hours, cost us Rs 20,000. The girls enjoyed”.

SOPU has also declared its presidential candidate for Government College for Girls, Sector 42. Rachika Chauhan of BA final year is all set to give tough competition to her rival Abhilasha of the NSU.

No election activity was noticed at Government College for Girls, Sector 11, and Guru Gobind Singh College for Women, Sector 26.



ABVP members hold protest
Our Correspondent

Chandigarh, August 27
ABVP activists, led by its president, Satender Singh Dahiya, today held a protest in support of their demands before the beginning of the Syndicate meeting. They demanded that the present system of election to the Panjab University Campus Student Council needed to be changed. They also said the students should be allowed to cast their votes between 9 am and 1 pm.

Members of the Haryana Students Association, led by its president, Ravinder Singh Sheokand, also organised a protest against the university authorities. They sought more hostels for girls.



Two medicos get justice
Our Correspondent

Chandigarh, August 27
Two students — Ravinder Singh and Gurbej Singh — of Dhanwantry Ayurvedic College, Sector 46, will be given marks in internal assessment. This was decided at a meeting of the Syndicate held at Panjab University. The students in a complaint to the Vice-Chancellor said their teachers were not fair while awarding the internal assessment marks. The VC had ordered a probe and the report was reviewed by the Syndicate today. Other decisions taken at the meeting were: Prof S.S. Bari of the Chemistry Department was declared the Registrar. It was also decided that next Dean University Instruction would be Prof V.K. Bansal, a former Chairman of a Department of Law.

The meeting, which lasted for seven hours, decided that a special meeting of the Syndicate would be held on September 4 before the meeting of the Senate. The special meeting will discuss the issue of appointment of teachers in education for the Department for Correspondence Studies.

Mr B.D. Bhudiraja was confirmed as Dean, College Development Council. Mr Ashok Goyal, member of Syndicate raised an objection on this issue. He was of the view that since it was a tenure post the university could not give the confirmation.

On item of granting affiliation to 20 BEd colleges, Mr Goyal recorded a note of dissent. He said BEd colleges were mushrooming and the university did not follow the proper procedure of granting affiliation to these colleges.



Kidnapping is new business for Indians in S. Africa
Ajay Banerjee
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, August 27
It is a new sleazy business for a gang of Punjabi youth living in South Africa. Kidnapping, torturing, demanding ransom and even murdering fellow Indians looking for jobs and work opportunities is gaining ground there.

Within days of the kidnapping of Makhan Singh in South Africa, layers of this sleazy business are opening up in India. Youths, who have been tortured by these gang of Indians in South Africa are cautiously opening up to narrate how they escaped by paying.

The Tribune team while trailing the story today traced two more families, who had a sad tale to narrate. Karanjit Singh and Kulwinder Singh Sandhu had two shops in South Africa. Karanjit was married to the sister of Kulwinder Singh Sandhu, On November 28, 2004, eight to 10 youth, who were part of a gang came and asked for Karanjit Singh. There was some financial dealing between Karanjit and one of the gang members, said Mr Parvinder Singh Sandhu, son of Mr Kulwinder Singh Sandhu while talking to the Tribune. Within minutes the gang shot dead Karanjit Singh.

Days after seeing his brother-in-law being killed, Kulwinder Singh Sandhu sold off his assets in South Africa and is now settled back in Kamali village in Fatehgarh Sahib district. The family of Makhan Singh is also working to find out more such cases to know the modus operandi of the gang.

The second horror story is of Rajbir Singh, who now lives in Abohar. He was offered a job by one gang member in Johannesburg. Talking to The Tribune he narrated : “I was brutally beaten up every day. These youths are drug addicts and derive some sadistic pleasure out of beating people.” The beating carried on mercilessly for 25 nights. “ They then forced me to call up my family in India and say that I needed Rs 2.50 lakh to start some business in South Africa.” The money was paid through a hawala operator in Delhi.

Yesterday, it was highlighted in these columns how another youth, Balwinder Singh, managed to escape from their clutches.

Thousands of Punjabi youth go to the developing world in search of gainful employment and normally the address and contacts of Punjabis settled abroad are handed out on the trust that the new visitor will be helped. It is this trust between fellow Punjabis that is being exploited by these gangs. Members of these gangs also offer help thus trapping the innocent newcomer.

Meanwhile sources in Punjab police said two relatives of the kidnappers were being questioned in Patiala and Bathinda. Also the link between the travel agents, who procure visas, is being probed.

Officially the police has denied this. Senior police officials confirmed that the first task was to get Makhan Singh released safely. Police sources also confirmed that the mobile numbers of two of the alleged kidnappers are “switched off” since this afternoon. The Tribune also tried contacting one of them. The person did not reply.

All the documents, like telephone numbers and the area of the operation of the gang has been faxed by the Punjab police to the South African police.



No response from Makhan’s kidnappers
Our Correspondent

Mohali, August 27
As anxiety continued among members of the family of Makhan Singh in Kumbra village, his kidnappers in South Africa today maintained silence on his plight and made no fresh demands.

Mr Bhupinder Sharma, a friend of the family, said the kidnappers did not respond to telephone calls from the family. “We can only wait and pray to God,” he said.

Mr Sukhdev Singh, brother of the victim, said he had spoken to Mr Robin Singh, a police officer in Durban (South Africa), on the phone, but he did not give any specific information and only said investigations were in progress.



Chandigarh offers international programme on community-based rehabilitation
Aditi Tandon
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, August 27
Although the number of disabled persons is increasing by the day, there are barely any professionals to cater to their special needs. The Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI) places the shortfall of rehabilitation sector professionals in India at six lakh. Given the scale of disability and learning disorders in India, the shortfall is massive.

Small wonder then that the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India, has directed the Rehabilitation Council of India to start special correspondence programmes in streams relevant to sectors of disability, portage (deals with special education model which looks at development milestones in the life of children up to six years) and inclusive education.

Some such postgraduate diploma courses were successfully started at Bangalore University, with the collaboration of the Community-Based Rehabilitation Network, an NGO.

Consequent upon the ministry’s decision to enlarge the spectrum of such courses, one centre to cater to the region north of Delhi was today opened in Chandigarh. Allotted to Savera, a voluntary organisation involved in several rehabilitation programmes, this first internationally recognised course module (also recognised by the RCI in India) will be run under the affiliation of Bangalore University.

In Chandigarh today to introduce the courses, Mr Ajay Singh, Country Head of the Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR), courses in India, told The Tribune that the courses had been formulated keeping in mind the sensibilities of the disabled, special children and children suffering from learning disorders. Also, these courses are certified by the International Portage Association, USA, and International Centre on Rehabilitation, Lisbon, Portugal.

“At present only 52 universities in the country are running courses in rehabilitation but the popularity of the courses is not very much. Now the NGOs have also been roped in to offer such programmes. We, at Bangalore University, act as facilitators,” said Mr Singh.

Courses to be offered in the northern region, with the campus based at Savera, include two postgraduate diploma courses in — CBR planning and management and CBR administration each. There will be one diploma course in CBR and two certificate courses — each in inclusive education, management of NGOs and portage.

It is significant to note that these courses are also recognised by the Ministry of Socal Justice and Empowerment and can lead to professional placements in various sectors related to social welfare. In the northern region, the CBR courses are being offered for the first time.

Said Mr Singh, “Bangalore University has managed to hone these courses in a short period of time. They can be pursued along with normal studies because of their nature.”

Applications for this year’s courses will be accepted till September 30.



Passing Thru

Y. Gopala Rao
Mr Y. Gopala Rao, Chairman and Managing Director, Bharat Electronics Limited.

What brings you to the city?

As part of Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) golden jubilee celebrations, we had promised to construct a new building block for students of Government Senior Secondary School, Sector 6, Panchkula. The building has been completed within a year and is being dedicated to the students today.

What are the other social initiatives undertaken by BEL?

Since we are in the process of manufacturing specialised medical equipment, we often donate this equipment to charitable medical institutions. We have invested Rs 10 crore in social initiatives during the past one year, wherein we have donated ECG machines and X-ray machines to hospitals and constructed a building for the blind.

What are the projects being undertaken by BEL?

BEL has manufactured solar battery traffic lights, which are being used in Karnataka and Delhi. All police headquarters in Andhra Pradesh have been linked by POLNET. We are now starting EDUSAT (education through satellite) for 100 colleges in Karnataka.

— Ruchika M. Khanna



Manhole lies uncovered in Sector 19-C
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, August 27
Scores of manholes in the city continue to remain uncovered despite a hue and cry by local residents and a sustained coverage by the print and the electronic media.

A number of manholes are located on critical road corners, which are witness to heavy vehicular traffic and passersby each day. One such manhole remains uncovered in Sector 19-C here.

The area near the manhole witnesses heavy traffic, particularly during the evenings and religious functions. It is located right opposite a temple. Despite repeated reminders to the municipal corporation authorities, the manhole lies unattended.

Mr Rajeev Gupta, a local resident, said the manhole was located in a corner, so a passerby could be cautious still. The problem arose when it rained heavily. The hole was covered with gushing water. A commuter who was not well-conversed with the geography of the area could slip accidentally. I saw a scooterist slipping during the last week of July. Luckily, he did not sustain any injuries. However, I am sure prevention is better, just in case someone slipped into the hole”.



JEs demands accepted
Our Correspondent

Mohali, August 27
The Punjab Urban Planning and Development Authority (PUDA) has cleared the grant of enhanced fixed travelling allowance to junior engineer (JEs) from September 1,1997.

Besides, the administration has agreed in principle to implement the pension scheme after completing the necessary formalities. Further, the PUDA Chief Administrator has agreed to frame a policy on the promotion of JEs and AEs by upgrading posts of subdivisional engineer in PUDA.

In a press note issued here the Diploma Engineers Association, PUDA, said decisions to this effect were taken at a meeting held on August 25 between representatives of the association and PUDA under the chairmanship of the Housing and Urban Development Minister, Mr Raghunath Sahai Puri. The fixed travelling allowance, which had been enhanced by the state government, was earlier being given to PUDA JEs from February 20, 2003.

The association president, Mr A.S. Randhawa, also claimed that the PUDA authorities had agreed to give propulsion charges relating to the use of vehicles to the SDEs keeping in view the recommendations of the Chief Engineer. The administration also agreed to bear the expenditure, to a certain limit, incurred by the field engineers while using their personal phones while discharging their official duties.

Further, the association said the Minister gave an assurance to it at the meeting that he would take up the issue of withheld allowances like the HRA, the conveyance maintenance allowance and the medical allowance with the state Finance Minister.

The association said the Minister also gave an assurance to it that those employees who had not got plots earlier due to financial or other problems would be allotted these. Mr Puri directed the Chief Administrator to send the case to him for consideration.



Residents protest against UHBVN
Tribune News Service

Panchkula, August 27
Residents of Sector 15 today came out against the Uttar Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam (UHBVN), alleging that high tension power transmission lines were very near to their houses.

These residents raised the issue with the Sub Divisional Magistrate, Mr Verender Dahiya, during an open darbar organised by the administration at Sector 15 community centre today. He assured the residents that the UHBVN authorities had already started shifting the transmission lines, and all these caables would be shifted soon.

Mr Dahiya also directed Public Health officials to ensure that schools get proper water supply during working hours. He also asked the cops to be vigilant when the school opened and closed to ensure road safety.

The Market Association of Sector 15 said that there was no provision of public toilets in the market nor was there any proper parking place. The SDM directed HUDA officials to identify a site for construction of toilets and for a parking place.

Complaints regarding the poor condition of roads, defunct street lights, congress grass menace on roadsides and in parks and insanitary conditions were also received by the SDM. The local Municipal Councillor, Mr Naresh Rawal, and officers from all departments of district administration were present on the occasion.



Defence witness refused to produce statement
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, August 27
The general court martial trying Brig Iqbal Singh for professional impropriety in the Tehelka case today did not allow the defence witness, Brig S.S. Gill, to produce the statement made by the accused during recording of the Summary of Evidence (SOE).

The defence sought to produce the said statement through the witness, but prosecution counsel, Mr Arvind Moudgil, objected that it was contrary to provisions of the Army Act. The court sustained the objection and did not allow the statement to be produced by the witness.

Brigadier Gill is the first defence witness to be examined in the case. Earlier on being questioned by the defence counsel, Maj R.S. Randhawa (retd), he testified that he had recorded the SOE and identified his signatures on the document.

The defence also sought permission to present a “doctored” video tape in court, which purported to show former tehelka.com staffer Mathews Samuel accepting Rs 50,000 from him. He contended that he wanted to show the court that video tapes could be doctored or morphed to show events which had not taken place.

The court, however, declined permission.



Police camps in district
Tribune News Service

Panchkula, August 27
The police today organised special camps at all police stations in the district.

The initiative for organising these camps was taken by the Superintendent of Police, Mr Balbir Singh. The police had publicized the scheme, and applications were invited from persons, whose cases had been pending for a long time.

Police officials say that 15 to 20 complaints were received from all police stations- Sector 5, Sector 20, Chandimandir, Pinjore, Kalka and Raipur Rani. Deputy Superintendents of Police, Mr Hemant Kalson, Mr Manbir Singh and Mr Rajinder Singh presided over the police camps. Complaints regarding property disputes, criminal cases and release of maalkhana property were received.



PGI docs get threats
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, August 27
The Chandigarh police is inquiring the authenticity of an anonymous letter received by the PGI Director, Prof K.K.Talwar, in which certain faculty member of the PGI, who were scheduled to participate in the selection process of faculty members at the Sher-e-Kashmir Institute of Medicine Sciences, Srinagar, had been threatened with dire consequences. The matter has also been referred to the Jammu and Kashmir police.

Sources in the police said the anonymous letter could be a ploy to delay the selection process or keep the faculty members away from the meeting.

It has been reported that four doctors — Dr Anil Bhansali, Dr Kusum Joshi, Dr R.K.Sharma and Dr Anil Narang — were scheduled to participate in the selection process.



619 vehicles challaned
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, August 27
The local police today carried out a checking drive till late in the evening.

Sources in the police said 619 drivers were challaned and 65 vehicles were impounded. For the drive, 33 nakas were set up. The violators included students travelling in open jeeps and those on two-wheelers not wearing ISI certified helmets.



‘Yog Sadhana Shivir’ today
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, August 27
The Bhartiya Yog Sansthan will organise its annual “Yog Sadhana Shivir” on August 28 at Fragrance Garden, Sector 36, from 5.30 am to 7 am. Over 700 persons drawn from around 55 branches in Chandigarh, Panchkula, Mohali and region will participate in the camp.



Teenager escapes from Juvenile Justice home
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, August 27
A 15-year-old boy escaped from the Juvenile Justice Home in Sector 15 here while Amarjeet Kaur of Raipur Khurd was crushed under the wheels of a truck near the airport chowk. A pedestrian, Krishna Devi of Sector 22, was admitted to the Sector 32 Government Medical College and Hospital with injuries after being hit by a motorcycle near the Sectors 22 and 35 crossing.

Elsewhere in the city, a minor girl was allegedly abducted and a scooter was stolen. As many as 96 bottles of liquor were also reportedly seized from two persons during the past 24 hours.

The detainee in the Juvenile Home was facing the allegations of being involved in a theft case. He escaped at about 4 am after breaking grills. An inquiry into the incident has been ordered by the authorities concerned and the nigh watchman has been placed under suspension. The Engineering Department has been asked to carry out the repairs.

Sources in the local police said that Amarjeet Kaur was going with her nephew on a bike when their vehicle was hit by a truck late last night. The nephew fell on the other side, while Amarjeet Kaur fell in the path of the truck. The driver was, subsequently, arrested.

Pedestrian Krishna Devi was crossing the road when the mishap occurred. The motorcyclist fled from the spot. A case of endangering human life due to rash and negligent driving has been registered by the police under Sections 279 and 337 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC).

They added that a case of abduction had been registered at the Industrial Area police station against Partap Singh of Sector 42 under Sections 366 and 363 of the IPC on the complaint of the alleged detainee’s mother.

Regarding the theft case, the sources said that Sector 15 resident Maninder Kaur’s scooter (CH-01-U-1355) was stolen from near a shop-cum-office in Sector 38. Acting on her complaint, a case of theft under Section 379 of the IPC has been registered and further investigations are on into the matter.

The sources added that 96 bottles of liquor were seized after Bhoore and Sanjay Kumar — both residents of Kumhar Colony — were arrested under the provisions of the Excise Act. Further investigations were on.



One killed in road accident
Our Correspondent

Mohali, August 27
A resident of Chandigarh was killed in a road accident near Dehri village, near here, today.

According to the police, Neelam, who was riding pillion on a scooter driven by her husband, allegedly fell off the vehicle. The husband claimed that when he overtook a rehra laden with fodder, he heard a scream and saw that his wife had fallen down.

The police said the body was partly crushed. The scooter was not damaged and her husband was unhurt.

In another accident, one person was injured when an autorickshaw and a scooter collided here today.

According to reports, the autorickshaw driver allegedly jumped the red signal at the traffic lights in Phase VII and the vehicle overturned after it collided with the scooter.



Prime suspect in farmer’s murder held
Our Correspondent

Mohali, August 27
The prime suspect in the murder of a farmer at Saneta village, near here, has been arrested.

Swaran Singh was arrested on a charge of murdering Koora Singh, whose body was found on a cot on Thursday.

The SP, Mr Pavan Kumar Rai, said the suspect had used a wooden post from the nearby fields to kill Koora Ram. Initially, the police had been working on the theory that a firearm had been used in the crime. The eyes and the forehead of the victim were found crushed.

The SP said investigations had revealed that Koora Ram was having liquor on the night of August 24. Swaran Singh, who had a dispute over a PSEB power connection with Koora Ram, happened to pass that way.

He was invited by Koora Ram to have drinks but the former refused. There were heated exchanges between the two followed by a scuffle.

Mr Rai said Swaran Singh allegedly returned later in the night and murdered Koora Ram.



Sector 17 to have multiplex
Pradeep Sharma
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, August 27
Years after the proposal to have a multiplex in the commercial hub of the city, Sector 17, was first mooted, the sector is all set to emerge as the happening place with Jagat Cinema being developed as a multiplex and shopping mall.

To be developed by the Delhi-based Taneja Developers and Infrastructure Limited, the state-of-the-art, TDI multiplex and shopping mall, will be completed by early 2007. The Estate Office has already given its approval for the conversion of the cinema hall into a multiplex.

Since the cinema building was quite old, the complex is being demolished to make way for the multiplex. Besides four movie theatres, the shopping mall would have 70 shops and commercial establishments.

The leisure area would have food courts and games for the entertainment of the visitors. With a view to make the building user-friendly, a special ramp for the physically-challenged persons has been planned.

The permission for the setting up of the multiplex is seen in the context of Chandigarh Administration’s plan to develop Sector 17 as a major tourist attraction. The multiplex will be the second multiplex in the city after Fun Republic at Mani Majra.

Besides bringing the multiplex culture to the heart of the city, the multiplex will boost economic activities in the area falling in Sector 17 (A and B). Earlier, there were allegations that the Administration was focussing all attention on the Plaza area and Sector 17 (A and B) was being neglected.

“The multiplex would go a long way in developing the area, which had been at the receiving end of the Administration for a long time. The shopping mall will give a boost to the economic activity in the area as leading brands would set up shops here,” said Mr Kamaljit Panchhi, president of the Traders Association, Sector 17 (A and B).

Mr Panchhi appealed to the Administration to provide various civic amenities, such as the streetlights, parking lots and toilets facilities for visitors.



World class milk plant near Maloya soon

Chandigarh, August 27
Chandigarh will soon have a world class milk plant, near Maloya village, which will provide economic empowerment to milk producers besides helping in making the dairy profession a profitable venture.

Announced by Gen S.F. Rodrigues (retd), Governor of Punjab and UT Administrator, today, the state-of-the-art dairy processing unit will have a processing capacity of 1.5 lakh litres of milk per day besides producing allied products, including ghee, butter, cheese, lassi and flavoured milk, to meet the requirements of the people of the area.

The project will also be a source of employment for small and marginal farmers of the Union Territory besides providing remunerative prices to milk producers by value addition and marketing of produce.

General Rodrigues said a Chandigarh-based firm, Arjun Dairy Private Limited, had offered to set up this plant by a team of highly qualified and experienced technical specialists in the field of Dairy processing industry from its own resources. TNS



‘Yangtse’ serves 41 Bal Niketan children
Gayatri Rajwade
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, August 27
For, 41 children from Bal Niketan being at the re-opening of the Chinese speciality restaurant, Yangtse, at Hotel Shivalikview today, was a dream come true.

The Managing Director, CITCO, Mr Jasbir Singh Bir, had ensured that the children were at the forefront of the lamp lighting and the ribbon-cutting ceremonies.

The excitement for these girls was tangible. Along with cutting a ‘Mickey Mouse’ cake, each child was gifted a special parcel containing colours, a drawing book, chocolates and chips. Dressed in their Sunday best, the children mingled around captivated, digging into the exotic spread laid out. Eleven-years-old Shashikala loved the noodles while Parveen said every single thing had made her feel good. Fifteen-year-old Kaushalya whispered conspiratorially, “I have never been in a hotel”!

The oldest employee of the hotel, K.N. Nair, a waiter at the ‘Bazm’, the Indian restaurant, formally inaugurated Yangtse.

Nair was beside himself. “The love and respect, I have got here is tremendous. There is no other place I would like to work in.” This congenial man, who came to Chandigarh 35 years ago has been with the hotel since October 17, 1988. “The biggest thing this hotel has to offer is loving service.”

The restaurant on the sixth floor has a spiffy, airy feel about it. The floor has been christened, “The Purple Floor”.



SBI e-Tax launched
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, August 27
The State Bank of India has started SBI e-Tax for persons, desirous of paying taxes through Internet.

This was informed at a meeting held here today by the Chief General Manager of the SBI, Mr Hemant Contractor. SBI e-Tax will be available to individuals, firms and corporates through www.onlinesbi.com and was being offered free as part of convenience banking.

During the meeting a presentation about the e-payment of direct and indirect taxes was made by Mr S.K. Mishra, General Manager, Government Business Unit. He hoped that the corporate and other tax payers would use the facility extensively as it offered great convenience to them.

Over 60 corporate customers of the bank from Chandigarh, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal participated.


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