Y O U R  D A T E  W I T H  S T A R
 August 7 to August 13
[ March 21 to April 20 ]

The dignified Mars is comfortably placed in the house of career. Fortune is favouring you. You need to delve deep and work on your skills and things will turn your way.

[ April 21 to May 20 ]
Venus, the planet of love and romance, is making a positive impact in your natal sign. The pressure at home is easing. You can expect happy encounter at home as well as at work.
[ May 21 to June 21 ]
With Mercury on the back track, this could be an argumentative period. You could fall out with a friend over a trifle. You will have to accept a minor role in a crucial matter.
[ June 22 to July 22 ]
An excellent time to take decisions, formulate proposals and sell your ideas. You will be prepared to push yourself to the front of the queue and cash in the rewards.
[ July 23 to Aug 22 ]
With sky-high hopes at your command, you are likely to be on a success spree. Your stars, however, advise you to be content with what you have and not waste your energy in idle pursuits.
[ Aug 23 to Sept 22 ]
Everything hinges around Mercury, the intellectual wizard of the week. You could hit plum bargains and earn profits. You could also enjoy someone’s generosity.
[Sept 23 to Oct 22 ]
You carry the reputation of being a sincere lover. You might be tempted to revive an old courtship. You cannot be sure of the outcome but it is worth trying.
[Oct 23 to Nov 22 ]
You might be good at whatever you do but you should not look down on the people around you. Each of us has his shortcomings and you should remember that.

[ Nov 23 to Dec 22]

Your stars don’t favour hectic activity. You should take care of your health. Be on your guard lest you should be taken ill any moment.
[Dec 23 to Jan 20]
With a hand stuffed with trump cards, there is no possibility of your losing the game. Even if you commit a mistake, you could cover it up. The rewards will come soon.
[ Jan 21 to Feb 19 ]
You are likely to add to your bank balance. Monetary luck is more likely during the end part than in the beginning. Saturday is luminous for financial luck.
[Feb 20 to March 20 ]
It is a good time to invest, make bids and participate in the sale-purchase of stocks. No more financial worries for you. Expect a pleasant surprise on Thursday.

Born on

August 7

A spate of hectic activity lies ahead. You are under the impression that you are unstoppable and with the vast reserves of energy at your disposal. You can pursue your goals with zest. The pot of gold you are sincerely after cannot remain far behind.

Hospitality can exhaust you during September and October. You will enrich your social life during November and December. Efforts to overstress yourself should be abandoned during January. You will win praise from the opposite sex during the end part.

August 8

An action-packed year lies ahead. Your planets inspire you to welcome hard work with a smile. Buying, selling and investing will stand you in good stead. Some leftover issues may attract your attention and you will feel more optimistic about future.

As October gets underway, your stamina will make headway on a grand scale. You will invent a new strategy to outwit your competitors from December. Expect good luck during March and April. Those of you in the higher echelons of power could be vested with greater potential from May.

August 9

A slow-moving Mars governing your economy is in a frivolous mood. With the lord of the house of expenditure in a combust mood, you will remain in a tight corner financially for a major part of the year. The demands of your near ones will be so unreasonable that you will lose your peace of mind. The efforts to avail of help through the good offices of a friend could also end in a fiasco.

Your stars warn you to remain more vigilant about finances. Expensive travel may be thrust on you during September and October. You will be able to plug loopholes and mend your economy during the last quarter.

August 10

The combust Mercury could cause a challenge at work. Your qualities of the head and the heart are often under-estimated and it is likely to happen with greater stress. You must realise that nobody has deliberately let you down, don’t allow your confidence to be dented.

Ponder hard on family matters during the first quarter. Don’t be taken in by false promises during the second. Fun and pleasure may dominate during the third. Your reputation should be given more attention than money during the last phase.

August 11

With a dominant Jupiter taking huge strides, you will remain far ahead of others. It may hurt you to know that some undeserving people have benefited but you will have to bear with the situation and wait for the day when you will be at the final stage of receiving rich tributes for your achievements.As November gets underway, your self-confidence will be supreme. You will become an object of envy for your associates during November and December. A surprise will brighten your mood during the later half.

August 12

Despite being thrifty, cautious and painstaking, your expenditure may exceed its limits. Domestic liabilities will be the main cause of your shattered finances. You must learn to say "no" to those who have no faith in simple living and high thinking.

Good many demands will be waiting to puzzle you during the first quarter. The sale and purchase of stocks could be another pitfall during the second, while it is safer to wait and watch during the third one. You will manage to juggle your resources to keep the show moving during the last one.

August 13

Saturn, in direct visual confrontation with Mars, may force you to spend more. You may be tempted to make rash commitments. Your endeavour to improve your income may fail to cut any ice.

Should you choose to speculate or bargain, chances of success are not so bright. You will remain fickle-minded on most occasions and may fail to arrive at any suitable decision. Take care not to swim against the tide. If you are not wise enough, you will need warning signals to keep your fingers crossed.

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