Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Build a future in town planning
With our towns and cities expanding at breakneck speed, this is the right time to home in on a career in urban and regional planning, writes Neeraj Bagga
HE rising population and rapid expansion of cities and towns has created a need for more and more architects, sociologists, and economists with expertise in, or at least basic knowledge of, town planning. The construction boom and constant urbanisation taking place in the country have thus opened more doors for those trained in urban and regional planning.

Sandeep Joshi

If we can’t have a career in IT, we can at least prepare to get work in the proposed film city

Ways to weed out WORK STRESS
Jyoti Uplenchwar
AVE you found that decisions are getting delayed? Do you find people nervous and twitchy, prone to anger at the slightest provocation? Are there frequent inter-departmental hold-ups and delays? Do you find that the performance of your organisation is not up to the mark?

Smart Skills
PET project
Usha Albuquerque
For those with a love for animals, a career in veterinary science can be the purr-fect choice.
FROM grooming parlours and fancy coats to special diets and special classes, no cost is too much. We’re talking of pets here. More and more people today are keeping pets than ever before, both for companionship and for protection — and are willing to spend large sums on their furry companions.

Fair way to explore opportunities
Vibha Sharma
ducation and career fairs — a trend that has gained ground in the past two years or so — provide a good opportunity to students and professionals for exploring different education and career options, all under one roof. They  get first-hand information in traditional career options in India and abroad.

Career Hotline
So much to do in software sector
Pervin Malhotra
Q I am a student of Class XII and extremely fond of computers. I can spend hours browsing the Internet, playing computer games etc. I want to make my career in the field of computers. Please advise.
Amit Chawla
All computer-users have a general idea of how to use the various software installed on their computer. However, most professions in computers require specific aptitudes and skills that a computer-user may not necessarily possess.