Y O U R  D A T E  W I T H  S T A R
 July 24 to July 30
[ March 21 to April 20 ]

Your notion that things are in your control and it is you who sets the rules is an exaggeration and needs to be rethought. The stars advise you to adopt a nonchalant approach.

[ April 21 to May 20 ]
You will be full of energy and enthusiasm. You will take charge of things and work to shape your future. A youngster is likely to surprise you.
[ May 21 to June 21 ]
With Mercury on the back track, there is will be some emotional stress around. You are advised to keep your cool. The minute you give in to anger, you will lose the game.
[ June 22 to July 22 ]
It will do you good to repose confidence in a Leo or a Piscean. However, choosing a Taurean or an Aquarian as your collaborator may amount to stirring a beehive.
[ July 23 to Aug 22 ]
Gird up your loins to meet a challenging task ahead. Do not be under the illusion that you can ride on the lucky wave for all times to come.
[ Aug 23 to Sept 22 ]
A rewarding period for career-minded Virgoans. Love, laughter and merriment are on their way. You will sharpen your wits and quicken your pace. Wednesday will bring happiness.
[Sept 23 to Oct 22 ]
Your benefic stars have stolen a march over the malefic ones. The more you are in tune with your needs, the better you will handle destiny’s bounties.
[Oct 23 to Nov 22 ]
Spending too much on frivolous things will give a serious jolt to your economy. It shows that the destiny is not on your side and you could be caught on the wrong foot.

[ Nov 23 to Dec 22]

You should stand up for your rights and not give in to the demands of others. You should be professional and materialistic in your approach, or else your worries will be endless.
[Dec 23 to Jan 20]
Your stars advise you to pull up your socks and get on with your commitments. A modest effort on your part is not enough to deliver the goods. You will need to slog it out.
[ Jan 21 to Feb 19 ]
Your ascendant lord linking up with your natal sign will save you from spending your energy on frivolous issues. Concentrate on matters that are your top priority.
[Feb 20 to March 20 ]
Chances of success through investment and sale and purchase of stocks are high. Quick money-earning pursuits could increase your income. Thursday will be a lustrous day.

Born on

July 24

Adherence to commitments is one of your most valuable qualities. Success lies ahead if you share your ideas with like-minded people and discuss your plans with them. You may take an easy-going approach at work but throw your weight around socially. As December gets underway, you will be rushed off your feet at home. From May onwards, you will put your interests aside and help the needy who are leading a life of misery and hardship.

July 25

Bury the past and concentrate on new opportunities. Partners must allow you to discover your own way. Travel in the direction that suits you. Winds of change are blowing fast. You will have a lot on your plate. If someone has got the better of you, now might be the right time to turn the tables.

July 26

A youthful Mars in the house of valour is a force to reckon with. The indications are that the year carries immense potential for young men and women in career-building pursuits. Your hunt for a job can deliver reasonably good results. Those born on this date will be lucky to have their cake and eat it too. A period that brings you into the limelight will start from December. You will cash in on good opportunities after March. You will come closer to your goal during April. Mixing business with pleasure can prove demanding during the last phase.

July 27

Gossips and rumours will occupy you for a major part of the year. Views of partners and associates will be at variance with your line of thought but you will have to put up with them. Those in the habit of exploiting you will continue to play their nefarious game. You may fight for what you believe is your right during November and December. Children could be a source of discomfort during March and April. Visits of people at odd hours may upset you during May. If you stick to your guns, rivals can be dealt with during the last phase.

July 28

Your solar chart predicts luck at every step. If you are a serious contender for an electoral seat, you are likely to win it with a thumping majority. You will be held in high esteem by your associates.

You will remain alert during the first quarter. No one can prevent you from achieving what you aim at during the second. Don’t take the entire burden on yourself during the third. You will gain more power and influence during the last one.

July 29

The year promises to be a profitable one. There are challenges to be met but the incentives are no less tempting. It is, however, different if you are not fully satisfied with the situation and may remain on the lookout for a change in your job. However, the possibility of any such change is remote. There is no sense in aiming at something that is beyond your reach. It may belittle you in the eyes of your friends and well-wishers. You will realise the worth of simple living and high thinking from March onwards.

July 30

Saturn, your ruling star in a combustive posture, is a big liability. Unruly elements creating hurdles every now and then are not likely to be put down so easily. It will not only hamper your work but may also disturb your peace of mind. Your adversaries will gain importance and try to find faults with your work and behaviour. As September gets underway, your self-confidence will be on trial. Your stars advise you not to put all your eggs in one basket. The chances of success are remote if you are contesting an election.

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