Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Nursing a healthy choice
Lucrative options beckon nurses not only to countries like the USA, Ireland, West Asia and Australia, but also to the rising number of corporate-run hospitals in India, writes Usha Albuquerque
EDICAL care is of no value without timely and efficient nursing care. Nursing services are the most important services in the hospital, whether in a general ward or an operation theatre. Nurses are the working arms of the doctors, constantly carrying out a range of duties related to the care of those who are sick, or for the better health of those who are well.

Sandeep Joshi

I told you the company promises bright prospects overseas.

Biotech sector needs more trained hands
HE Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) has estimated that biotechnology sector would reach a turnover of US $ 5billion by 2010 and create more jobs across India. Welcoming the Draft National Biotech Development Strategy, the CII recently said the policy would entail the sector to move from limited successes to being one of the important global players and help attract both domestic and foreign investment.

EPO new buzzword in job mart

After BPO, education process outsourcing (EPO) is emerging as a hot work option
APITALISING on the shortage of teachers in the US, especially in subjects like mathematics, Indian tutors are finding online education a good revenue spinner in this emerging segment in outsourcing.

Difficult workers demystified

Roopa Hegde
VERY one of us is destined to bump into difficult people at some point in our lives. This can happen anywhere, anytime and the workplace is certainly no exception. Dealing with difficult colleagues is probably one of the hardest jobs that you have to put up with each day of your working life. Although it may be inevitable, you can always do something about it.

Career Hotline
Organic farming a productive field
Pervin Malhotra
Q I am interested in organic farming. I believe it is a good business proposition. Please tell me from where I can do a course in organic farming?
A Growing environmental concerns and health awareness has wrought a positive transformation in agricultural practices. Today, consumers are demanding food that is not laced with harmful pesticides and other pollutants. It is in this context that organic agriculture has emerged as a viable and eco-friendly solution that addresses the concerns of both the consumers as well as producers.
  • MBA & teaching
  • Online options
  • Radiography route
  • Applying on Net
  • Going commercial
  • Prospects in poultry
  • Animated interest