Y O U R  D A T E  W I T H  S T A R
 July 17 to July 23
[ March 21 to April 20 ]

A lucky period ahead. You will excel in whatever you try your hand at. Someone, who is anxiously waiting for your call, will help you achieve your aim.

[ April 21 to May 20 ]
There is lot of uncertainty around. It will do you good to get away from work for a while. The change of scene is important to avoid unpleasantness.
[ May 21 to June 21 ]
Mercury, your sign-lord, is moving at a snail’s pace. There will be no let up in the enormous task you have been be entrusted with. Your stars advise you to be careful of your health.
[ June 22 to July 22 ]
Your stars advise you to be prudent and cut your coat according to the cloth. It is only then that you can set yourself on the path to a profitable future.
[ July 23 to Aug 22 ]
Those close to you are likely to change their stance often. Your tolerance will be at its height. You will get used to them despite their refusing to budge an inch from their unreliable postures.
[ Aug 23 to Sept 22 ]
Your stars advise you to remain level headed. There is no fun in being hard on yourself. Be thorough about your work and you will be on a winning spree.
[Sept 23 to Oct 22 ]
The dominant Venus shows you passing from one emotional cycle to another. Friday and Saturday are days for fun and entertainment with your family.
[Oct 23 to Nov 22 ]
With the dignified Mars in full bloom, you will concentrate on saving every penny you can. In personal affairs, you will play every single trump card you have.

[ Nov 23 to Dec 22]

You may feel a little weighed down by the jump in expenses. Your financial stars are in no mood to oblige you. Struggle for a better tomorrow will continue unabated.
[Dec 23 to Jan 20]
A period when you will try to streamline your professional acumen with much enthusiasm. A lucky period for many. Saturday is the day to resolve financial bottlenecks.
[ Jan 21 to Feb 19 ]
Delays and setbacks will keep you in a despondent mood. You will find your rivals are doing very well and you are merely a spectator. Affairs of the heart could also suffer.
[Feb 20 to March 20 ]
Everything is up for grabs. It will be an uphill task to isolate what is important and what is not. Trifles will be blown up out of proportion at the cost of something significant.

Born on

July 17

There seems to be little scope for relaxation. Despite the inconvenience, you will continue to shoulder the onerous task assigned to you. You should realise that you should not go beyond a certain limit and face a health-hazard in lieu thereof. Your stars are likely to put stress on your health during September-October. A long travel may tire you during November-December. Don’t allow yourself to be carried away by gossips and rumour during March-April.

July 18

The debilitated Moon, associated with the retrograde Pluto, reveals that an expensive phase will trap you. Your resolve to keep your finances under control may collapse. Despite effort, there will be no increase in your income. If you want to strike a good bargain, the chances of making a reasonably profitable bid are remote. You will be more interested in spending than saving during October-November. All that is needed is a little shift in your attitude, which may prompt you to safeguard your funds cautiously.

July 19

With the dignified Mars in the limelight, it is now your turn to sparkle. A promising financial opportunity will be within your reach. You will face new challenges but would like to act more cautiously. Life can be more thrilling and purposeful during the first quarter. A joyous ceremony may await you during the second. The emphasis will be on love, laughter and relaxation during the third. You will find a much greater scope to extend the area of your influence and authority during the last one.

July 20

Mercury on his way to ascendancy will overwhelm you with engagements one after another. Your commitment to a cause and fulfillment of social obligations are some of the drawbacks that you will hold you back. You will be tempted to change your mind more often. An indecent action on the part of your rival can weigh heavily on your mind. You need to be cautious with the people you work with, especially during the end part.

July 21

Barring a few stray incidents, the overall trend of events goes in your favour. Your main concern is your social life and time has come when you will choose some like-minded people to stand by you. Do whatever is possible to promote your relations with the people around. September-October are the best months for you. November is a tricky month with finances. Your travel stars will remain uncertain during February-March. Avoid undependable friends during the last part of the year.

July 22

There is so much unusual planetary activity around your solar chart that it will become difficult for you to distinguish important items from the insignificant ones. There will be a change in the way you act. The results, although slow, can pick up before the year advances further. The tasks you have finished may need a second look. Fresh choices will come your way from October. October-November are not very promising. You can expect much better results from April.

July 23

A spell of good luck should be on its way. The period is good for socialising and merry making. You stand a much better chance of earning and learning. You can safely set your mind on fresh ideas and ambitions which have remained unexplored so far. The key time to prove your worth may start from August. Excessive work could, however, cause you some discomfort during September-October. Your ability to consolidate your gains will touch new heights from January onwards. Everything that happens now will be in your best interest.

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