Y O U R  D A T E  W I T H  S T A R
 July 10 to July 16
[ March 21 to April 20 ]

A stimulating period with opportunities that will increase your income. Your past actions and good deeds are likely to get recognition now. Your stars advise you to make he most of it.

[ April 21 to May 20 ]
With the amorous Venus in the limelight, emotional warmth is at its peak. You will handle disagreements with tact. Your stars advise you to indulge yourself.
[ May 21 to June 21 ]
Mounting tension will keep you under the wraps for some time. You will cut down your commitments. The week ends with you losing faith in humanity. Don’t worry as it is a temporary phase.
[ June 22 to July 22 ]
A financially sluggish period. You are likely to waste your resources by your extravagance. Family demands could stretch you still further.
[ July 23 to Aug 22 ]
Wherever you are and whatever you do, you are always a winner. The oft-repeated quote that “The wise persons rule their stars” will hold good in your case.
[ Aug 23 to Sept 22 ]
It will pay you to be sceptical and check the facts carefully. Make sure that the risk you are planning to take does not turn into a flop. If everything is above board, there should be no worry.
[Sept 23 to Oct 22 ]
A dominant Venus incites you to enjoy life. You will be ready to fall in love at the drop of a hat but your starts advise you to be cautious.
[Oct 23 to Nov 22 ]
The Piscean Mars will encourage you to be extravagant. You are likely to squander away your hard earned money as if there is no tomorrow.

[ Nov 23 to Dec 22]

With the Jupiter in a dynamic mood, the loved ones will have to put up with your emotional demands. You could indulge yourself in a candlelight dinner.
[Dec 23 to Jan 20]
A lucky week ahead. With a hand stuffed with trump cards, you cannot lose. If interested in the share market, you will end up with smiles all around.
[ Jan 21 to Feb 19 ]
Your stars will fuel your appetite for adventure. You might be tempted to carry more work than you can handle. Don’t allow near ones to pressurise you for sharing more work.
[Feb 20 to March 20 ]
You firmly believe in your infallibility and feel that you can do no wrong. It would be advisable not to take such an exaggerated view of your calibre and be practical.

Born on

July 10

The coming year is likely to bring a major breakthrough. It will offer you an opportunity to excel in your work and prove your potential. You will come out in the open.

Your planets predict a merry period during the first quarter. A new venture either at work or social set-up may prove rewarding during the second. An upswing in your earnings will keep your spirits high during the third. Excessive travel could prove harmful during the last one.

July 11

One step forward and two backward. The weak moon, associated with the retrograde Pluto, may induce you to opt for a risky venture. If you want to speculate or go in for high stakes, you will falter and suffer a loss.

You will have to do a lot of shuttling as October gets underway. Helping someone by going out of the way may bring discredit to you from January to May. Be sure that you do not transgress your budgetary estimates and lead a simple life during the last quarter.

July 12

The fiery Mars instills energy in you. In many respects, your thinking will remain immature. You must remember the virtues of humility. You have a great deal on your mind but too many hurdles might retard your progress. Seek support from those who are experienced and those who have grown up with you. You will feel much happier if you join them and make use of their expertise.

July 13

A priority period that will induce you to be quick in thought and action. There are a few vigilant aspirants who may be waiting to pounce upon your share like an eagle. The most important point is to keep your house in order.

A close friend may try to keep you in the dark during the first quarter. Your thoughts and feelings will remain unsteady during the second. Your mood will become more adventurous during the third. A little flirtation may ease the tension during the last one.

July 14

With the steaming in of dominant planets into ascendancy, you will be shaking the workload. You may even be waving goodbye to a prolonged battle with somebody. People in authority will be impressed by your success.

A benefit that you have been deprived of will start pouring in during September and October. You will lucky by remaining mobile during November and December. March and April are not so favourable for health. You will need to slow down your activities.

July 15

You are passing through a delightful period. An auspicious time to bring the best in you. A slippery ground for others could prove a cakewalk for you. If you are in the running for an elective position, luck will smile at you during November and December. In the sale and purchase of stocks, you will gain success during January and February. The influence of your stars will make you more concerned with socialising and adding friends to your circle.

July 16

The tendency to spend indiscriminately and getting yourself into a financial mess will be alarming. There is no other redeeming feature than opt for austerity measures. You need to curb your impulse to show off. The Cancerian Saturn seated in the house of finance proclaims that the shortage of funds will be your major problem. If you are in business, you may have to face competition from your rivals. You will find yourself on your toes for most of the time.

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