Y O U R  D A T E  W I T H  S T A R
 June 26 to July 2
[ March 21 to April 20 ]

With the Piscean Mars sighted by Jupiter, you will try to fulfil your romantic aspirations. You should spare more time for yourself and cancel time-consuming engagements.

[ April 21 to May 20 ]
Venus is all set to boost your social life. Spare no effort to enlarge your circle of friends and loved ones, which may come as a shot in your arms.
[ May 21 to June 21 ]
Important matters, domestic or personal, cannot be kept pending for long. A stitch in time saves nine should be your watchword. Do not blame the stars if you don’t pay heed to their warning signals.
[ June 22 to July 22 ]
You need to mend your economy. Much of your energy will be utilised to meet the unreasonable demands of your near ones. Tighten your purse strings.
[ July 23 to Aug 22 ]
Your insistence that whatever you do is always right is a mere fallacy. Self-praise is no recommendation. The maxim — To err is human — does not need testimony to prove it.
[ Aug 23 to Sept 22 ]
You will be caught in a dilemma while settling a family dispute or a wrangle at workplace. It will pay you to act as a peacemaker and see that the interests of the warring groups.
[Sept 23 to Oct 22 ]
You are in for luck as your benefic stars have stolen a march over your malefic ones. You will sort out pending work, plug loopholes and operate more actively. You will be nearing your target.
[Oct 23 to Nov 22 ]
A little humility and concern to accommodate others is the need of the hour. Time to give a dwindling relationship a new facelift. There will be harmony around you.

[ Nov 23 to Dec 22]

With Jupiter occupying the centrestage, you will be more assertive. You will be practical and not let your fantasies take hold of you. A bright period is around the corner.
[Dec 23 to Jan 20]
Your friends will look up to you as a person who can be relied upon instantly. You will only be off-loading what is stale and worn out. 
[ Jan 21 to Feb 19 ]
Stick to the straight path and don’t bend the rules is what your stars advise. Do your best to get on with the people, make them feel good and see that they like you.
[Feb 20 to March 20 ]
You can work, join, negotiate with those born in Cancer and Leo as their natal signs. It will be like trying to crack a hard nut if you try to seek a favour from a Libran or a Virgoan.

Born on

June 26

Your stars are likely to bring out the best in you. The languid mood you have been overridden with will give way to a more active one. You have utilised only a fraction of the potential you have been blessed with and rarely has there been an occasion to prove your mettle that has kept you as a backbencher so far.

A relationship gone out of reckoning will be revived during the first quarter. Your social life will be extended during the second. Lending or borrowing may not suit you during the third while voicing your thoughts more freely might be possible during the last one.

June 27

With the moon on the fast decline, an abrupt rise in your everyday expenditure could cause annoyance. Despite taking stringent measures to tighten your purse strings, there will be no let up in your expenditure. Striking a balance in your budgetary provisions might not be that easy.

Your confidence will receive a big jolt during September. If you depend more on others, you will be hoodwinked. In November-December, you may succeed in making people follow your line of thought. Spending plans need to be reassessed during the end part.

June 28

The incoming year promises to be a fascinating one. There are challenges but there will be no dearth of incentives to boost your confidence. Despite a good performance on your part, your target will remain below your estimate.

You will have no financial worry during the first quarter and kindness towards a friend will be appreciated during the second. Straight forwardness may annoy a friend during the third. Don’t allow jealous people to surround you during the last one.

June 29

A splendid year. A majority of planets occupying central positions ensure peace, tranquillity and happiness. Each day you will win friends and earn goodwill in your own circle as well as in unfamiliar quarters.

A new system at work will improve your lot during the first quarter. There will be peace and goodwill around during the second while a relationship could be revived during the third. Domestic liabilities could act as a spoke in the wheel during the last one.

June 30

A Virgoan Jupiter, under the shadow of a waning Moon, will induce you to spend lavishly. It will become difficult for you to protect the misuse of funds. Restrict the area of your operation to avoid the wastage of energy and funds.

If you are in service, be cautious while handing secret information. You will be forced to untie your purse strings from July. Circumstances will change fast and you must amend your plans accordingly. You can expect a fruitful social life after December. March and April are jovial months for merry-making and love life.

July 1

Every analysis of your solar chart predicts luck during the incoming year. If you are a game for an electoral battle, you can win hands down. You will be held in an enviable position because there will be ample cooperation and your friends and associates will toe your line blindly.

You will assert and get your point clear at home and outside. Your professional life should be at its peak. You will realise that the sunshine has broken through the clouds and there is scope for progress.

June 2

Your planets advise caution. Expect someone probably within your rank and file to behave indifferently. There is no fun in tinkering with your funds either to show off or live beyond your means. If you are a candidate for some electoral office, chances of success are few and far between.

The work you are associated with professionally or as an apprentice will be a complete mess. If somebody has let you down, it is not the time to settle scores. You have no dearth of wisdom and you should take its full advantage. The sooner you realise this, the better will it be.

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