Y O U R  D A T E  W I T H  S T A R
 June 19 to June 25
[ March 21 to April 20 ]

Important astrological developments are in your favour. You could even catch the bull by the horns without much effort. Don’t just wait for things to happen.

[ April 21 to May 20 ]
You may not be fully aware of the way the wind blows but the situation is not so helpful as you have envisaged. Be cautious as some vital information is being kept aside from you.
[ May 21 to June 21 ]
A bright phase for career-minded Geminians. Love, laughter and merriment is on its way. They will sharpen their wits and quicken their pace. Wednesday will be their most lustrous day.
[ June 22 to July 22 ]
You will accomplish more by joining a team than taking the entire responsibility on your shoulders. If there are rewards, you are the most deserving case.
[ July 23 to Aug 22 ]
There is no time like the present one for sticking to your commitments. It also the most appropriate occasion to pay back a debt of gratitude incurred earlier.
[ Aug 23 to Sept 22 ]
Mercury, the planet of thought and wisdom, is in a despondent mood. You may have to pass through a rocky patch. Face obstacles head on and do not allow things to drift.
[Sept 23 to Oct 22 ]
Be prepared for a slight downtrend in your economy. Despite making frantic efforts to bring your finances back on the rails, there will be no fruitful change. 
[Oct 23 to Nov 22 ]
Your financial stars are gaining strength. You seem ready to take a plunge to make your dreams turn to reality. Your vision of a better world should be just at hand.

[ Nov 23 to Dec 22]

Reposing confidence on a Cancerian or a Leo will prove to be lucky. It may amount to stirring a beehive, if you identify yourself with an Aquarian or a Libran.
[Dec 23 to Jan 20]
With personal requirements on the upswing, the paucity of funds could put you in a tight spot. You will have to pass through a number of twists and turns. Saturday is your deficient day.
[ Jan 21 to Feb 19 ]
Chances of unexpected gains through the sale and purchase of stocks, or even speculation, could surprise you. A new money-minting scheme could stir your imagination and inflate your bank balance.
[Feb 20 to March 20 ]
You will have to sacrifice your interest to please others. You will insist that your loved ones should be on more cordial terms with you. You can even confide in one of your buddies.

Born on

June 19

There is ample scope for an increase in your earnings. With the Geminian sun followed by Mercury and Venus, the year is bound to be a miraculous one. If in service, you will make your mark as a competent person. Your colleagues will have to bow before your expertise.

You will take life head-on during the first quarter. You will emerge as a star performer during the second. A long but profitable travel awaits you during the third. Expect to meet an old friend during the last phase.

June 20

With a lustrous moon at centrestage, you are entering a period of love, laughter and merriment since your fortune is likely to improve. Nobody will dare to contradict you. What you decide or suggest will be accepted. Your wit and wisdom will charm all those who come in contact with you.

The best period for making headway is between mid-June and mid-September. You have started the year with your best foot forward. You are advised not to entrust your work to someone else during November-December.

June 21

Mars encircled by the malefic Rahu is a liability. Expenditure on home, family and your person is going to escalate by leaps and bounds and you will be left with no dependable source of income to fall back upon. There should be no anxiety on your part to make new friends. It will be better if you concentrate on healing old wounds, especially the emotional ones.

You should accept some blame for not taking care of your finances. Undue generosity is your weak point. If your friends exploit you, you should show them the door.

June 22

Mercury on the ascendancy makes the year an upbeat many of those born on this day. Peace, tranquility and all-round happiness awaits them. A celebration or participation in an event will make their life delightful. It is also time for those interested in politics. It is no time for doubting their skill.

You will win friends and earn their goodwill from July onwards. Your life will remain full of mirth during November-December. You will control events to your best satisfaction during February-March, 2006.

June 23

One of the most pleasant years when you are set to win every game of your life. The chances are ripe that you will be in a much better state of mind to control the events to your heart’s content. What seems a tricky affair for others will ensure speedy improvement for you. It is a lustrous period for sorting out domestic irritants. Your bank balance will also remain as sound as ever.

Due to two major planets Mars and Jupiter surrounded by dragon’s head and dragon’s tail, you can anticipate some health problem during the later part.

June 24

Expenditure on home and family will be on the higher side, much against your wishes. With the demand of your inmates on the rapid increase, you will outstrip your budgetary estimates. All matters concerning finances will pose problems and you will be left with no option other than to wait for a new dawn. Enforcing a strict control on your spending should be your worry.

Let it be borne in your mind that the lady luck is not in a mood to favour you and you will have to wait and watch for a better tomorrow.

June 25

Your priorities revolve around home, family and children. You may have to re-plan your economic structure to cope with the new obligations ahead. Although some urgent family demands will overstress you but it will not allow your presence of mind to lie low.

The lord of your ascendant being in the house of ascendancy is a good move for developing your contacts with high personalities. All that is required is some patience and stamina to make your follow up mission a grand success.

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