Y O U R  D A T E  W I T H  S T A R
 June 12 to June 18
[ March 21 to April 20 ]

There may be some selfish persons who are waiting to get favours from you. You are also likely to be taken in by him. You should be on your guard. Never think whatever you do is faultless.

[ April 21 to May 20 ]
With the Venus on the ascendancy, life should be a bed of roses and romance a child’s play. It is time to enjoy life to your hearts content.
[ May 21 to June 21 ]
The air is thick with gossip. You are likely to be confused with things around you. What seems reasonable at one moment may appear to be pointless at other.
[ June 22 to July 22 ]
You are in the good books of your planets. The obstruction you are afraid of is just a figment of your imagination and could be curtailed head on.
[ July 23 to Aug 22 ]
You have been struggling for some time but thanks to the Sun, good fortune is on its way. It will be no exaggeration to say that you are close to the jackpot.
[ Aug 23 to Sept 22 ]
With the dignified Mercury at the helm, you can outwit rivals with your understanding. There can be a long distance trip to look forward to or a sweet meeting with an old friend.
[Sept 23 to Oct 22 ]
You are likely to be a little overworked. It is a important to take care of your physical well-being. If you suffer because of a heavy dose of work, healthcare should be your top priority.
[Oct 23 to Nov 22 ]
Maintain a reasonable equilibrium between your income and expenditure. You will be making bids, buying and selling stocks and even speculating confidently.

[ Nov 23 to Dec 22]

It would be unwise to be complacent about your economy. The high dose of expenditure could upset you. The demands of your near ones will continue to soar.
[Dec 23 to Jan 20]
Despite alarming demands of your inmates, you should be very much on the go. All that is needed to lift your morale is a bit of praise and a few congratulatory messages.
[ Jan 21 to Feb 19 ]
Monotonous and repetitive jobs could bore you to a limit. With confusion abounding, you could be pulled in two opposite directions Saturday happens to be a trying day.
[Feb 20 to March 20 ]
Gaining close proximity with those born under cancer or Leo will be lucky. Any truck with a Virgoan or Libran should be repulsed forthwith.

Born on

June 12

All the stars being led by a Piscean Mars is an excellent indication. This unique starry conjunction can carry you to new heights. You will attain a series of successes one after another. In love, at work and at home, you will accept nothing less than the very best.

June and July are your lucky months. In September, you will manage your affairs so well that even your worst critics will be taken a back. Opportunities to make an extra buck will be created after December. Aim for long-term investments and keep your hands off from quick profits during the last one.

June 13

A star-favoured year. All the planets are adhering to their normal pace. This is quite rare and is considered most auspicious in astrology. Your life will turn progressive and eventful. Professional, social, travel and money stars are looking pleasant and positive during this year. Each day that rolls by will prove a bed of roses for you. Changes that you are planning will be hailed. You will expose yourself to new challenges freely and unhesitatingly. In love, you will be calling the shots. The latter half is luckier than the earlier one.

June 14

A majority of your planets that have lined up firmly in their choicest signs suggest that once you make up your mind, you will stick to your decisions. You can expect a stimulating work-life devoid of pressure or interference. Travel and socialising will help you to gain popularity and experience on a wide-scale. June-July will see a big upturn in your financial fortunes. You will be stamping your mark on the minds of your friends after October. Public life promises a major break through from November onwards. December is a month of extensive travel accompanied by earning and learning.

June 15

Geminian Mercury embroiled in a combustive mood, indicates your craze for adventure and a strong urge to save a friend from facing misfortune., Despite stress and strain, caused there will be little remorse in your feelings. The present setback is just a temporary phase. Your luck will smile during July onwards. Your energy level will shoot up and you will be able to acquire everything fairly. You may be laying your hands upon a paying bargain after December.

June 16

Since Jupiter has improved its position by stepping out of his slow pace (the sign said to be ignoble and exasperating) this should be a memorable period. Many of you can even feel as if there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Life should be a bed of roses with a series of celebrations taking place now and then. You will opt only for what you are best at. It is an equally good time to strike bargains, sell or purchase stocks and to set up a new arrangement worthy of your expertise.

June 17

Your stars this year suggest you to square up the backlog and to rectify the acts of omission and commission which have been claiming your attention most seriously. The work surrounding you, will remain in a mess and is likely to confuse you and keep you in a low profile. The key time when you will be able to conduct yourself with more efficiency and equip yourself with a better infrastructure will start after December. You should, however, keep facts fresh in your memory and do not mix work with pleasure.

June 18

Your friends and relatives generally expect a lot from you. You are also inclined to do something for them but a majority of them don’t appreciate your problems and blame you on one pretext or the other. If you are forced to say something unpleasant to them, it may hurt them still further. How to avoid such an unpalatable situation is your greatest worry.

Stay on guard against discontented and ambitious persons. This will help you to keep your cool, and remain happy and free from irritation.

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