Y O U R  D A T E  W I T H  S T A R
May 15  to May 21
[ March 21 to April 20 ]

The increase in your social obligations is likely to tired. Take sometime off and allow yourself to relax. The weekend could promise you a nice time with friends.

[ April 21 to May 20 ]
The financial upward trend is in full swing. You can afford to deal with tasks like shopping, investments and sale-purchase of stocks by using your skill more effectively.
[ May 21 to June 21 ]
Good news is on its way. Your desire to spend life at some other place or with some other people could also receive solid support from the source you have been least aware of.
[ June 22 to July 22 ]
You must let other people pour their heart out as it will also put your secret fears to rest. In love too, you will capture the heart of your lover without much effort.
[ July 23 to Aug 22 ]
Everything looks bright and sunny, if you strengthen your ties with a Cancerian or Piscean. It amounts to playing with the fire, if you are like hand in glove with Aquarians or even Librans.
[ Aug 23 to Sept 22 ]
Mercury, your sign-lord, is a liability at the moment. If you travel, it will be a sheer waste of time. Be confident so that you are not left high and dry especially in emotional matters.
[Sept 23 to Oct 22 ]
With the dignified Venus in the house of finance, moments of love, laughter and merriment should be on their way. A stimulating leisure activity will add splendour to your life.
[Oct 23 to Nov 22 ]
Mars, the star of your aspirations, is in a despondent mood. You may have to pass through a rocky patch. Tuesday is a lucky day for negotiations.

[ Nov 23 to Dec 22]

You will move from confusion to confidence so that the prevailing situation fits in with the movement of your stars. Face obstacles head on and be a hero in the strife.
[Dec 23 to Jan 20]
Your stars are boosting your nomadic instincts. A tempting moment to travel. It is a miracle to see you indoors. Be on your toes and you will be having a lot to smile about.
[ Jan 21 to Feb 19 ]
A lucky phase for career-minded Aquarians. They will sharpen their wits and quicken their pace. Saturday may see them earning name and fame.
[Feb 20 to March 20 ]
Do not expect any good turn from an evildoer. At times, you may see a hidden agenda in the actions of your rivals. Be on your guard, lest you should be trapped.

Born on

May 15

Your resolve to play safe and keep your finances on a sound footing is the key to your success. The good news is that a personal achievement stalled in the recent past should be underway soon. Someone in higher echelons of power who has been averse to appreciating your point of view could change his opinion. You can construe it as a period of grand success.

While tackling some essential problems, you will like to be guided by your head rather than your heart. Your faultless grasp of facts will be amazing. That is why, it is important that you keep your spirits high.

May 16

A declining moon sighted by Rahu increases mobility and accelerates the work already in progress. Less comfort and more fatigue seems to be in store for you. There is a dire need to pay more attention to your health and general fitness.

It is wrong to expect smooth-sailing during the first quarter. It is unwise to remain complacent about health during the second. Make it a point not to tire yourself beyond a limit during the third. You will, however, be more careful about your health, religious and social life during the last one.

May 17

Mars, in the company of Uranus, is a sign of lethargy and boredom on your part. The work you have been entrusted with may suffer due to the lack of supervision. It may also demand more sweat and toil. However, if you push yourself too hard, you will harm your health and invite trouble.

You will remain off-colour during the first quarter. Expect someone in your rank and file to behave erratically during the second. Cash will pour in but evaporate soon after during the third. If interested, change of residence should be on the cards during the last one.

May 18

Family welfare must occupy centrestage if you want to avail of the full benefit of your stars. You are not one to sit around, while the world possess you by. You will earn more and be able to save a big chunk of it. At work, an initial setback could soon be followed by a massive success, so keep your fingers crossed.

Your hopes are high but if you repose full faith in self-help, anything can be achieved. If in business, you may have to act as a hard taskmaster as there is no room for sloppiness.

May 19

A modest effort on your part will help you get what you have been aiming at. Since your stars foretell a bustling and eventful time ahead, there is no doubt that all repressive developments should be on the decline. There is no fun in being shy and hesitant.

Expect a thumping jump in your emoluments during the first quarter. A new thrust to your working life may highlight your talents during the second. Social pressures will be stronger than ever during the third. There will be a lot to do during the last one.

May 20

At work, at home, while selling or purchasing and looking for new ways of making money, you will not be behind times. Although your busy schedule threatens to tire you, you will make no more effort to lighten the burden on you. You will see to it that every task placed on your agenda is dealt with meticulously.

You will push a little harder during the first quarter. You could face some irritation with the people around during the second. A tiring journey is on the anvil during the third. Avoid doing anything beyond your limits during the last one.

May 21

The financial sectors of your solar chart are showing a declining trend. Many of you will be changing your ambitions more often. You will also remain in search of an escape route to by-pass a commitment that has been weighing on your mind. There is a danger that you could get involved in an underhand deal.

The first and foremost task before you is to keep your impulses under control. Your mind should be calm and thoughts concentrated. Lay greater emphasis on moral, ethical and spiritual matters.

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